Nine // bullshit

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I usually didn't dress up for dinners but I wanted to look nice so I grabbed a pretty summery dress, laid it out on my bed and walked to my bathroom, stripping from my clothing. I turned the water on and let it heat up before stepping inside, the water cascading over my body. I washed my hair and body; standing there and taking as much time as I needed.

I turned the faucet off and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my body. I walked into my bedroom, making sure the curtains were open this time; I noticed Michael sitting in his room, on his computer. He noticed me and focused his gaze on my room, which was open for his viewing.

I pretended to not see him and let the towel slide down my body slowly as I bent over to pick up my light pink panties. I pulled them on, along with the matching bra as my wet hair fell down my back.

I peeked over my shoulder and Michael was practically drooling at the sight of me, causing me to smirk to myself. I grabbed the dress and shuffled into it, adjusting it to look right. I stepped away from the window and I could hear Michael groan loudly, me laughing to myself. I plugged my curling wand in and proceeded to do my make up then my hair.

Dinners ready for whenever you want to come over.

I smiled and stepped into my flats as I made my way to the Clifford residence, ready and willing to give Michael every bit of teasing coming his way.

"Good evening Mrs. Clifford, thank you so much for inviting me over to your lovely home for dinner." I complimented as I stepped inside.
"Awe, thank you Dakota. You're such a sweet young lady. Michael get down here." She called upstairs. Michael groaned as he walked down and I straightened my posture, smiling at him.

"You left your curtains open again." He commented as me and him walked to the couch.
"You were watching porn to loud this morning." I fired back at him. He rolled his eyes at me.
"I get a better show just looking through your window." He murmed.
"You could've had the real thing if you weren't such an idiot." I whispered back to him as his mother placed plates of food down infront of us.

"Thank you again Mrs. Clifford. Dinner was amazing." I beamed as she hugged me.
"Oh you really must come over again. Michael be a dear and walk her to her door. It's late." We both fixated our gaze on Michael, who was stuffing his face with cake.
"She lives next door, she can walk home herself." He sassed. His mother gave him a stern look and he groaned, walking over to me. "lets go princess. Your palace awaits you." I pursed my lips, surpresing a sassy comment and stepped outside with him.

"Don't come back over. It was one of the most annoying dinners we've had yet." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't plan too." I retorted.
We stepped up to my door and I pulled out my keys, turning to Michael to thank him. As I opened my mouth his lips crashed on my mine and I was taken back by his actions.
"And don't ever think about pulling any of that bullshit again." he pointed his finger at me before he turned to walk away, leaving me there speechless.

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