Twenty-two // game

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"You look good." Michael smiled as he led me upstairs so I could change my clothes.
"Are you flirting with me?" I giggled and turned to him.
"You know how I flirt." He smirked causing me to roll my eyes and shut the bathroom door behind me. "When you're done, I'll be in my bedroom." He muttered through the door. I pulled my clothes from my body and rummaged through my bag, pulling out some cotton shorts and a sweater to sleep in. I pulled them on and made my way to Michael's room where he was playing video games.

I smiled and plopped onto the bed next to him.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked in a sing song voice.
"Playing Destiny." He said back in the same tone.
"Can I play?" I asked, moving closer to him with a smile.
"You play Destiny?" I shook my head no and he laughed. I giggled and put my face in my hands.
"I don't play video games but I don't wanna sit here bored. How about we play a game that I like playing?" I asked. He thought over the idea and paused his game, turning to me.
"Fine." I smiled and stood up, grabbing a bandana that was sitting on his desk.

"Okay, ready?" I asked him. He nodded slowly and I smiled as I tied the bandana around his eyes. "Okay, I'm gonna put something in or on your mouth and you have to guess what it is, but you can only use your lips, teeth or tongue." I explained.
"Sounds kinky, lets do this."
"Ready for the first item." He nodded and I grabbed his game controller, placing it on his lips. He moved his mouth around it and pulled away.
"That's easy, it's my controller."
"Okay, that was just a warm up."

I grabbed the next item and quietly unwrapped it from its wrapper. "Open." I stated and he did as told. I placed it on his tongue and held in my laugh as he moved it around in his mouth.
"What the hell?" He asked, spitting it out. "What was that?" He raised the bandana up and gasped, making me erupt with laughter.
"It was a condom." I laughed harder.

"I'm not playing anymore." He said and I grabbed his arm.
"No, no I'm sorry. I wont do that anymore." He sighed and pulled it back down.
"Ready?" He nodded and I grabbed something else, putting it between his teeth. He smirked and took them out.
"Your panties." Was all he said.
"They're clean I swear."
"I know that feeling all to well." He said which caused me to blush.

"Okay, last one." I said taking a deep breath before pressing my lips to his.
"Your lips taste like cotton candy." He mumbled against my lips.
"I know." I said, pushing my lips harder against his.

A/n: Sorry that I've been M.I.A the last few weeks. My dad didn't have wifi at his house and I was off most social media for so long. So I'll be posting multiple updates throughout the week to make up for it. So comment, vote, all that good stuff. I'll see you lovies later. Oh add me on snapchat as well if you guys want to talk. I love talking to you guys so feel free to not be strangers with me. My name is KayKayNicoleee so add me and send me a snap or something.


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