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Yoongi scoffed before heading towards the door to open it ...

He again looked at his house ....

And sighed ...

He hold the door knob and opened it ... And with his biggest surprise something just jumped on him...

"Oh...no..no. holly... No baby... That's not the way ... Don't do this .... I..i am really sorry.... She is always like this ... Always so excited..."

And soon enough someone grabbed that small creature from yoongi .... Yoongi leave the breath ... And looked the Little creature.....

It was a small and a cute puppy.... He for a while looked at the puppy ... And a very little smile crept on his lips ... As the puppy barked...

"Hi.... Min yoongi...??? "

Yoongi looked at boy ... Who was holding the puppy ...

And for a while his eyes just hooked up at the boy standing in front of him ... He was a very cute boy with a beautiful smile ....he was helding his hand for a hand shake ... And yoongi noticed how soft his hands were... He was in a very casual outfit ....
A Jens with a loose hoodie.... The hoodie was quite big for him ... As that was revealing his collarbone .. and yoongi can't stop but gulped at the sight ...

He looked at the face of the boy ...and in a very little time he noticed every single details of his face ...
His brown eyes , his jawlines ... Heart shape lips having a beautiful smile ... And his messy hair ... That was light brown in colour...

Yoongi came back in his senses as the dog barked again.... perhaps snapping him back from his thoughts ....

He for a second flinched ...

And quickly said ...

"O..oh . Y...yah .M.Min yoongi ... Hi ... You..??!! "

"Jung hoseok .. hi i am Jung hoseok.. 20 years old ... jin hyung's younger cousin.... "

"Oh...okay ..."

"Well. I hope hyung told you about me ...??!! "

"Yah .. y..yah he told me about you.... P.. please come inside ..."

Yoongi backed away a little from the entrance so that hoseok can entre ...

Hoseok scrunched his nose as soon as he entered... The strong smell of alcohol and smoke hit his nostrils.... He looked at the sight ... And saw the living room... He glanced at the kitchen... And his expression worsen when he saw the mess there ...

' seriously hyung !!!! You know I'm a neat freak but still you want me to stay here !!! Oh god .... How am i gonna survive Here!!! '

"This is terrible!!! " Unintentionally he spoke. ...

"Yah.. i know ..."yoongi rolled his eyes

"No ..!! I mean ... I am not telling it's b..bad .. atleast it can be worse... You know ...... You must be busy !! T...to do. The households... It's .... Ok... It's normal.. "

"Normal ....." Yoongi scoffed ... And opened a room wide .... He turned to the boy ...

"Listen boy .... This is your room.... You'll gonna stay here ... And please mind your own business... I don't need anybody's help or anything....so stay until your hyung arrives ...."

He was about to go when hoseok said

"But.. i can use the kitchen right ??!!! "

Yoongi raised his brow and looked at the boy ....

"No... I mean... I can't eat outside... And i don't like to order... I like homemade food... I know how to cook..so ..if you don't mind..can..."

Yoongi cut him off "yah ... You can use the kitchen... You can roam anywhere in this house.... instead of that room... Don't you ever dare to put your foot in that room..." Yoongi pointed at a closed room in front of them

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now