The sound of clicking and tapping were so clear in that silent room ... Yoongi was so focused in his work , but a voice broke his focus ... The sudden sound of Alarm beeping made him realize , it was quite late .... He looked at the Clock which showed it was 11:30 of the night .... 

Yoongi cursed under his breath and closed all the displayed file ... after switching off his computer he sighed and closed his eyes with a groan.. .. 

He was tired as hell ...after all it ha been quite a lot since he stepped inside his studio . All of his works were pending ...and now he needed to complete those works as soon as he can , Also he needed to write a whole new song for his solid comeback .

Now when his Jimin was coming back to him ... he needed to work hard . He knew Jimin is working as a model even though he wanted to be a dancer , now Yoongi was so determine to fulfil his wish . He wanted the latter to enjoy his life and to become a great dancer , what he always dreamt of . 

And Yoongi was so ready to handle all the expense .. The only thing he wanted was the Younger to be with him and to love him . 

The thoughts of Jimin and His love made a smile crept on his dry lips . He closed his eyes and relaxed . And soon enough He felt his mind easing , when he felt  a pair of soft smooth hands massaging his forehead and scalps . The touch was so light , just like a feather and the feeling was so heavenly . 

It was like someone is snatching all of his pain away from his tired body and tired soul and giving him a life . And deep inside Yoongi was so sure that this touch belongs to his Jiminie , After all who'll love him like this?? There's no way this touch belongs to someone else rather then his jimin. 

Yoongi's smile only grew and he sighed in relaxation 

" I love you Jiminie .!!!" He said with all the love he had in his heart . but as soon as said these words ,  the touch , it stopped and Yoongi quickly opened his eyes . He looked around himself . Nothing to be found instead of his Lifeless like body and His dark studio ... 

' But who's touch was that , if no one's here ??!!' the only thought that was in his mind 

He looked  Around , to see if someone's playing a prank on him . But still found nothing . He groaned in frustration and picked up his coat and bag . He stepped outside of his studio and went towards his car , not forgetting to lock the studio properly . 

So many thoughts were running in his mind , He was well aware that nobody was there instead of him , then again he felt the touch and that was so real . 

How can it be possible ?? he started driving towards his home reasoning his mind that it may be one of his memory with Jimin . but still he had a questing haunting him ... he never bring Jimin to his studio !! then How can it be jimin ...

but his heart that was full of his love towards Jimin , won against his mind that was thinking rationally . 

and the last thing he said to himself was 

' Maybe Jimin came there to Surprise me back then in past .. it can be one of my suppressed memory .!'  

 That's it , No more questions to be asked and he internally felt proud that his heart won against his mind . But  during  all this mess he forgot that mind always knows the best decision for you . and you need to think rationally rather then being emotional sometimes . 

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now