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Yoongi was feeling so bright inside....that he didn't cared about the rain outside .. as well as the cold Breeze .

Now he has his son to warm his heart. And that was enough for him ...

He felt so relieved and happy.. that he can't even explain...

He looked towards Jungkook who looked at the house while stepping inside....

Namjoon had an urgent work so he had to leave them, Yoongi ensured him that he'll take care from here .

So he left ...and here was Yoongi arrived at his home with Jungkook and V ...

He looked at both of them and patted Jungkook's head..

"So ... Did you liked it???!" Yoongi asked at which both of them nodded .

"This house is amazing... And the rooms are quite big and comfortable... I liked it .. thank you uncle " V said with his boxy smile ...

Yoongi giggled and caressed his cheeks...

" Go get changed into comfortable clothes and then we'll enjoy snacks with a movie"

"Sure..!!" V squeaked in exitement .. and went in the room Yoongi showed him ...

Jungkook held his bag and made his way towards Hoseok's room ....

"Where're you going?!!" Yoongi asked with a frown ..

"Umm..this is the room I used to stay at when uncle Joon brought me here . it's quite comfortable for me .. ." he said hasitetly ...

"Oh ... Okay ... The house is all yours . You can stay where ever you want .."
He said with a warm smile ...

Jungkook smiled and nodded ..he went to change and Yoongi sighed ... He was so happy.. but still one thing that was continuously causing a stinging pain in his heart was ...

His fiance..

He wanted to know about him ... He wanted to know him ...but then again...

How?!! Who'll tell him ??!

He made his way in his room ... As soon as he step inside...

He was welcomed by that usual jingling sound....he smiled and nodded

"So you're welcoming me !! I get it ."

Hope smiled and touched the bells once again making them jingle ..

He came near Yoongi and touched his cheeks ...

"I missed you hyung!!" He said while caressing his cheeks with his thumb.. ..

Yoongi leaned in the touch while having his eyes close ..

"Yah .. I missed you too " he said and smiled ..

"I know you're here... With me ... Just like how you promised... Cause your touch is so real .. I can feel it . ... You're here right?!!" He asked with tears in his eyes... He had his eyes still closed ..

Hoseok smiled and nodded .. "yes ..hyung ... I'm here ...with you ... I always was .." he said with heavy heart...

And kissed Yoongi's cheeks ..

Yoongi felt a sense of shiver run down his spine ...he felt that kiss ..he surely did ..

But still he didn't open his eyes .... afraid to loose him once again..

"Why can't I see you??!! Do you hate me ??!" He asked in a choked voice ...

But suddenly the cold Breeze started flowing and he felt someone embracing him ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now