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"so hyung .... Let's play 20 Questions!!!! "
Hoseok exclaimed in joy ....

It's been a while since they both had dinner and ..yoongi was currently sitting in the hall watching nothing special on his Netflix

Whereas hoseok just completed his paperwork of his research ..

"Didn't you told you have some work .." yoongi growled and pointed at the papers in the hand of the younger...

"Yah .. but I completed my work ... So we can play..a little" hoseok giggled

"And what made you think ... I'm gonna say yes to your silly offer ...." Yoongi said with literally no intrest...

"Come on hyung .... It's gonna help us to know each other .... Please.... Pretty please " hoseok whined and pouted ...

And yoongi didn't knew since when... But he started becoming weak ... Whenever the younger pouts ... His pout was really something that made yoongi do weird things that his mind rejects ....

He growled...but switched off the television... And sat properly....
Hoseok jumped on his place with excitement...and smiled widely....

And yoongi somehow found himself smiling at the scene.... The younger grabbed a mini pillow

"So... Do you know the rules ???"

"Ofcourse... I am not an old age grandpa .." yoongi scoffed

Hoseok tried hard to control his giggles.."great .. not so old grandpa ... Here ... I'm adding one more rule ...that no one will back out from any question.."

"And on what basis you're adding rules on your own .." yoongi asked with a raised brow ....

"Ummm.... You can also add any rule if your want... Or else just shut up .."

"Then I'll add this rule ... Only 20 Questions... No extra one.."

Hoseok clicked his tongue ...

"Fine...so go ahead...ask ... First you.."

"Umm.... Okay.....well..... So ... My first question is........ what is your name ???"
Yoongi asked while trying hard to hide his embaressment

Hoseok gasped and hitted the elder with the pillow .." like seriously!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME ...!!!???" ..

"so what .. you can't back of the question"

"Humph... It's JUNG HOSEOK .. and better get that in your fuc*ing mind ..."

"Hey ... Words ..you brat!!!! "

"Whatever..." Hoseok scoffed....

"Don't you have any nick name ..??! It's too long for my precious time "

"Precious time ..." Hoseok mocked ... And scoffed."you can call me hobi ... that's what everyone calls me ..."

"Hobi....hobi ... Hobi ....hobi-ah .... HOBA ...!! gotcha ....I'll call you hoba.... "
They both giggled at how yoongi was testing the name of the younger.....

"Okay ..so it's your turn .."

"What your favourite colour..??"

"Black .."

"Seriously...who likes black colour...try more colours hyung ... There are 7 natural colours for god's sake.."

"Yah .. whatever... it's not like i care ..... What is your age ???"

"20 years.... "

"So young..."

"Umm... That's why I'm in my college you know .." hoseok said in a matter-of-fact way

"Yup ...good reason.."

They both moved on to the next question

"So what do you do to live ???"

"What do you mean ??!"

"Umm...you know ... What's your profession"

"I'm a music producer.... I product music for bighit company.."


Yoongi closed his ears" hey!!! Why the hell are you shouting???!"

"Do you even understand??!?!! You are a music producer??!!!! You produce damm MUSIC .... And music is my Life.."

"Stop it .. don't shout ..."

"Hey .. wait ....WAIT!!! ....d..do you by any chance.. know .... August - D ???!!"

"Um.... Short of .."yoongi hold back his smirk and raised his brow ..
"Why ??!!"

"Oh god ....how lucky you are.... You know AUGUST - D !!!!! " Hoseok sighed and fall back on the couch.... And looked at the ceiling

"Do you like his songs .."  yoongi asked a little excited...

"LIKE ..." hoseok screamed at the top of his lungs ..and yoongi had to close his ears once again....

"I Fuc.... I mean ... Hell man ... I love him .. " he said

Yoongi felt a strange feeling raising inside him .... He knew something is wrong.... But his heart felt too much happy and strangely excited.... He deep inside knew he must tell the truth or he had to tell the truth ...... But at that very moment , he felt right to hide it from the other .... He didn't wanted to repeat his mistake again.....

"O..oh... That's g.. good..... "

"You know hyung... I was 16 .. when I first heard his song.... His first song... And i felt too connected to that song .... His song encouraged me ....

I don't know anything about my parents... I was an orphan ...  But jin hyung's Uncle adopted me  when I was 14 because he won't get his dad's money until he had  a child.. ... But still it was hard for me to open up ... At that time only jin hyung was my companion....

But soon he also moved away.... So i was alone....and that's when he came in my life ... And became my everything ....

His songs encouraged me ... Give me hope ....to live ... And too help
.... that's when I realised... I need to spread the  positiveness ... Like him .... He inspired me a lot .... "

Yoongi was beyond surprise.... He never knew ... ....his song can have such impact on someone's life.... That his song can change someone's way of living..... He looked at the younger with wide eyes ...

"I love him from the core of my heart ... I know he won't be able to return that love ... But still .. " hoseok smiled warmly...

Yoongi passed him a gentle smile ...

"Hyung. . "

"Hmm ??? "

"Who's fault was then ???"

Yoongi looked at the boy with a confused look ...

"What do you mean???"

"Who's fault was then ....that cause your break up???"

Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes ...

"W...what ..are...y..you ... talking about???!!!!"

"Hyung... You need to talk about this ...."

There was complete silence.... neither one of them dared to break the silence...
Until yoongi decide to speak up ..

He sighed and closed his eyes" I don't know... Maybe it was me ... "

He said ... And sadness was clear in his voice.....

"Did you tried to talk to him???"


"Try ... Maybe you both can get together again...."

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now