"I know Jin .. I know .... What happened to you wasn't good at all.. but at least consider his health for now. . Please" Namjoon fumbled with the key to open the house, while talking to his husband Seokjin.

He opened the house with the help of the spare key and stepped inside .

The room was oddly quiet, but nothing special. It's been quite ever since Yoongi started having health issues.

Ever since his last talk with Jimin .

Ever since Hoseok left the house .

Ever since Hoseok left , Not only the house , their lives also go all quiet. Especially Seokjin's . He was the one that was disturbed the most .

Namjoon looked at Seokjin who took the small packets of food items and went inside the kitchen.

Namjoon sighed and placed the other things on the table and drank a glass of water .

He was too tired. This was all too much.
And since a  while  , he was sensing he's been parting from his husband.

They are distancing apart , From each other .

And that surely scared him . He loved Seokjin. And can't live without him . But he knew Seokjin needed time to heal himself. This wound was so big and painful after all .

And he was ready to wait . ... Even if this wait of him lasts for life long , he was willing to wait .

That's how much he loves the elder. And he knew Seokjin was well aware of this .. but still he needed time .

"Go check on him , if he's okay . I'm making food for you .. " Seokjin said with almost no emotion. And that hurt Namjoon.

He wanted the elder to heal himself. At least to try . But his give up , always Scares him.

But .. nevertheless he nodded and went inside Yoongi's room to check on him .

As soon as he opened the door he was supposed to see a calmly sleeping Yoongi having his medicine through the Saline drip . But to his utter surprise,

Yoongi wasn't on his place. He was missing!! And the IV drip was detached and fallen on a side , all the medicine was dripping out from that .

Namjoon panicked and searched the elder in the washroom and elsewhere in the room . But when he didn't find him he quickly went outside..

Seokjin looked at him all surprised. Namjoon was looking like someone sucked his life out of his body

"What happened...??!! You okay??!!" He asked in worry

Namjoon gulped and shook his head in no .. he was having tears in his eyes

"J... Jin...Y..Yoongi isn't in his room ... he's... he's nowhere... Where d.. did he go ??!!" He said almost whining...

Seokjin's eyes widened and he placed the food on the dining table and frowned

"Have you LOSTED !!! How can he even move !!! Namjoon !! HE'S IN COMA !!! HOW CAN HE MOVE !!! " He shouted in disbelief

"I don't know !!! I DON'T KNOW!!! BUT ... He's missing hyung!!! He's missing!!" He said and fell back on the chair.

Seokjin looked at him with wide eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm himself...

"Y..You don't think..... He's going to do the s...same ... W ...What he did back then !!??" Namjoon asked with a shaky voice

"He.dare.this.time!!" Seokjin said while gritting his teeth ..."Now stand up and search for him in the house... He must be somewhat here .." he completed and began to search for him in the house ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now