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A loud sound of thunder lightning echoed in the whole room... making the laying body growl in pain and cry out a little

Yoongi opened his eyes, And yowled at the sudden pain of his head. He felt like his world was spinning. It was so hard to simply open his eyes. He screamed a painful cry , and held his head .

After a great while , he finally managed to open his eyes. He was gasping for air, And felt his chest tighten but soon managed to breathe properly .

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves which truly helped.

He opened his red watery eyes and looked around. He found himself on his bed but a frown formed on his forehead when he saw an IV attached to his pale and thin hand.

He looked at it all frustrated and  harshly removed it , which resulted ... him to groan in the sudden stinging pain .

He took his time to examine the surroundings. Everything was damn changed !!

Nothing was like how he left last night .

It surely was his room but nothing was like how he used to set his room.

He looked around and found so many things that were different from his taste.

His frown deepen and he slowly put his feet down on the cold marble floor .

He hissed at the sudden contact but still stood.

As soon as he stood on his legs he felt so strange. Like he lost some weight.

But how's it possible for a person to lose weight in one damn  night!!

He somehow managed to walk with stumbles.

And when he reached towards the window, and looked out , he found it was heavily raining outside !!! The sky was all covered with dark clouds.

His eyes widened, this was strange.. he remembered very well , it was mid summer last time when he checked , how's it possible!!!!

He panicked and averted his eyes away from outside to look inside properly.

His room was oddly so bright. Everything around him was
Oddly calming , cute and oddly strange!!

He knew , It isn't even possible for Hoseok to enter his room without his consent and do all this, because he properly closed the door last night.

And the most strange and shocking thing he saw until now was himself, when he stood in front of the mirror.

His eyes widened in a panic!!!

He was changed!!!

His face was paler , he had dark circles around his eyes . And his hair was long .

For a while it can all be a prank, for a thought it can be someone just messing with him ...and changed his surroundings.

But it still didn't justify the sudden weather change !!

Okay ... If for a second he believes weather changed somehow!!!

How can he grow this long hair in just one night .

He was beyond shocked when he looked at his bed again. He found a photo of his own .. on the backside wall of the bed

That he couldn't remember when he clicked

That he couldn't remember when he clicked

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Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now