Yoongi sighed and unconsciously smile crept on his  lips .....while remembering his last quick farewell with the younger ...

How he was continuously reminding him to eat food and drink water on time ....and take enough rest while working and don't feel sad .... And so on. ..

He shook his head lightly... And sat comfortably on his most comfortable chair ..... Which he kind of abandoned for almost a year ....

Yah...  He hadn't been to his work since the day jimin left him ....

He was so broken at that time that he didn't think of anything else .....

He just stayed in his room and drank and smoked....

That gave him relief.... But temporarily....

He was shocked... That , How a boy out of nowhere came into his life and gave him hope ... A ray of hope to live ....

He smiled as he thought about the boy .... How bright his personality was.... How he lightens up anyone's mood ... And make everybody smile... And god .... How can he forget that irresistible hug .... Who inflamed his soul .....   How he manages to take care of anyone and everyone but still doesn't get tired ....

Come to think of that ... Yoongi frowned and straightened up ... How can it be possible....???!! How can someone feel happy 24 hours.????.. It's really impossible....

Then who holds the younger when he feels gloomy... When he feels sad???!!!

Yoongi was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice his phone that was continuously ringing....he quickly came back in his senses and looked at the caller id..

"Fu*k ... Jin hyung.... He's surely gonna kill me !!!!!" He cleared his throat and picked up the call.    

"So .. where the hell were you ???!!!"

"Sorry hyung.... I was just .... leave it ....say ... How come you call me ..at this time ???!!!"

" Just to ask ... how's my hobi ????!!!!!"

"Perfect , i guess ..."

"Umhm .. so someone liked him that much!!!!???"

" Wait !!! What!!! Hyung how can you.... NO.!!!! i never saw him in that sense ...okay !!! And after all his is still young ...!!!"  Yoongi said with wide eyes.

Seokjin laughed his heart out before answering

"Oh my God!!!! Just look at you !!! I can presume your look !!! Well.... I know... And even if you liked him you won't have any chance "

"And why so .  .???!!"

"Cause i won't approve .... this relationship "

They both laughed again ..

"Wow... You both seem too close .."

"Yah ... We are yoongi-aah .."

"Yah ... He told me about you two a little "

"He did!!! Wow you both seem close.. i know hobi.... He is an extrovert but you !!!  it seems his magic works on a stone like you too !!! "

"Oh come on hyung ....well yah his magic works on me too "

He laughs a little .....
And there was a comfortable silence between them

"You know yoongs ...he wasn't always a happy boy ...he was too gloomy when he came.... You know when I first talked with him alone he held me and cried for almost an hour ..... He really missed his brother"

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