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Muffled sounds can be heard all around ... Nothing special.. just the usual scenario of a hostel...

Every student was busy in their own mess ... But one specific classroom says a different story...

Few students were gathered around a specific classroom, but no one of them dared to step inside the classroom.

They were just peeking inside ..

There was a boy of the age 13 , alone in that class , sitting on the corner side bench near window.. having his head hanged down and was scrubbing something on his notebook ...

All the other students were muttering something about the boy ....

But for the boy , this wasn't something new . This was so usual.. he has always been alone...

No one ever become his friend... They says he was an omnious person....who brings bad luck in life ..

First, he killed his appa who gave him birth...!!

Then second, his father got into an accident. !! And is in coma now .

However, the boy knows it's not his fault. But still .. words are always like a dagger .... No matter how hard he try to avoid them , it still hurts somewhere.

And after all , he was just a boy of age 13 years.

Min Jungkook , Only son of the king of the music industry Min Yoongi and the legend of the dancing World Jung Hoseok who established his territory in just a year .

Jungkook was meant to be the most lucky person in this damn world!! The most happy person,The boy with lots of love , the boy with lots of care .

But nothing was like this . He wasn't the lucky person at all ..

His uncle who was a dad figure in his life Kim Namjoon,  used to give him everything he deserves.

But he can't replace the place of his father in his heart .

He knew he was unlucky that his Appa died during his birth .

But he never felt to cry for his parents. Neither for his Appa nor for his dad .

After all.. why would he cry over someone that he isn't familiar with ..

He didn't knew anything about his Appa not even how he looks like ... But about his dad ??!! He never felt anything too ...

Cause he never talked to him.... At all ..

So frankly, he had no feelings left in his life at all

Jungkook's p.o.v :

I was sitting in the classroom once again...all alone ... And quiet ...

It's so usual for me ... Other students staring out at me from the outside of the class ... Passing strange and bad comments on me .

They never cared to talk to me or to help me .

Yah I was the topper of the school, as well as the best sports player. I've won so many awards.

But what's the use of that .. I didn't had parents to share my happiness with . My Appa died...they says I killed them , but how can a just born baby kill someone??!!

Am I a murderer??!!

However, I'm used to their behaviour. So it's nothing special.

And I'm thankfully not stupid enough to lock myself in my hostel room or washroom to cry... It's not like me ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now