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Yoongi felt a very calming aroma around himself .... Following a beautiful aroma of fresh ........home made food ...!!!! ???

Yes home made food !!!!

But ... How ???

He slowly opened his sleepy eyes....
But soon enough he felt a weight on his chest .... He looked and found that cute little fluff .... Holly sitting comfortably on him....

The dog was curled up and was looking so cute...
Yoongi cooed at this and slowly touched the dog ....

The little puppy jolt up by the slight touch ... He barked a little and jump off from his chest ....

Yoongi sighed and smiled ... And looked around himself.....

His eyes opened wide as he saw his house .. it was different!!???

Yes definitely different from the hell he made ..... !!!

All the empty bottles were nowhere to be seen .... Neither the ashes of the cigarette....
The floor was cleaned and now the wooden flooring of his floor was shining more from earlier.... He looked and found all the curtains changed ...

His black curtains which he didn't changed since how long he don't know... Was now replaced by a royal blue silk curtain with a elegant white floral design....

He looked at his so called sofa... Which he don't know how long used as bed ...  Was looking different because of the sofa covers ...  He frowned and looked again at his surroundings

His surroundings was decorated with elegant lights..... And a amazing smell coming from the candles ... It was a French smell as far as he remember....

He looked at everything that was neatly placed on his place not like how he use to do ....

And soon enough he recognised the room which wasn't even been opened...

Like he warned .......the boy didn't touched his room ...he cleaned everything beside that room. .. that made yoongi frown more...

He snapped himself from his thoughts and started searching for the younger ....

He found him in the kitchen...

Yoongi slowly put his legs down ... He rubbed his face by his hands...and that's when he realised he had a bandage around his hand ... 

Well  not bandage actually... But a piece of cloth wrapped around his hand ... He frowned and checked the cloth ...  It was pink in colour... And it didn't take him much  to realise that he might have harmed himself  in drunken state ...

And this piece of cloth Is surely of that boy ....he might have wrapped this when didn't found the first aid kit...

He sighed and looked at the boy in kitchen...

He had headphones around his ears ... He must have been listening any music.....

He had an oversized pink soft sweater coming around his mid thigh...and neatly hiding his white shorts...which was surely too short by yoongi's point of view ...

The sweaters was hanging slightly from his shoulders ...  Showing his collar bones ..

And the boy was indeed unaware that he was literally looking like a sin in those clothes...

He was swinging on the beat ...

Yoongi snapped his head to come back in his usual self ...

He moved towards the kitchen....

And stood at the entrance...

This seen in front of him was so domastic .... Like a dream

The dream he saw .. to fulfill with the love of his life ....
How badly he wanted those things to happen what he thought back then....

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now