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"Yes your son "  Namjoon said skeptically.. 

"You're a father Hyung ... !!! Jin and I were the ones that raised him until now .. but since his father is all good now ... You need to take his responsibility... "

Yoongi was so Astonished ...

It was hard for him to handle so many things at once. Not just he, it would be hard for anyone to digest all this .

Already he couldn't stand the thing where he got to know he was in Coma of 14 years...!!

Then there was Jimin's marriage. And now , his son???!!

"Y....you aren't kidding m..me right...cause i...if you're.... then I'll kill you without second thought .." he said sternly

Namjoon frowned and scoffed, " Which part of my word you didn't get when I told you What would I get from lying??!! Come on hyung... Can't you think rationally for once ??!!"

Yoongi looked at the ground ..  for him right now his feets were the most interesting thing to stare in the world..

Damn!! How did his life take this turn??!!! He was so fine back then with his loneliness...

He didn't looked at Namjoon but weakly nodded , who was giving him questioning gaze .

"D..does h..he know about me ??!!" He weakly asked ..and then held his head up to look into Namjoon's eyes...with his  red teary ones ...

Namjoon gave him a warm smile and nodded

"Yah ...he know ...and we used to bring him here every now and then .... He's so cute and talented as well... You know you'll be proud on him "

Yoongi was looking at him with shining eyes ..he felt a strange feeling of proudness and tickling in his heart.

Just the thought that he's a father now tickles him ... Technically he should be shouting on Namjoon for this shit !! Even though he knew he isn't guilty. Right now he should be running to Jimin no matter what ... he can't lose him , well , that's what typical Yoongi would do .

But he didn't felt like it. Right now he was feeling so light . Suddenly the idea  where the only thought of staying away from Jimin for a day used to scare him ... Didn't scare him at all ...when he totally lost him .

When the Jimin he used to love from the bottom of his heart was married to someone else. He should be shouting , creating a scene or burning the whole damn world !!!!

But now he didn't felt like it.

A burden fell off his mind.. he was feeling so light ..  and the news of his son .. made him fly on the cloud nine.  ...

He smiled and closed his eyes and let the tear flow from his eyes , the tear that  somehow was Helding him tightly. He let that go ..

And made himself free from that shackles.

"I ....wann..wanna meet him..... "

He looked at Namjoon and opened his eyes and gave him a warm smile ..

"I wanna meet my son "

Namjoon smiled and nodded excitedly..
"Sure ... I'll bring him here tomorrow.... But for now you need to finish this soup and have your medicine"

He took the tray and handed it again to Yoongi ...who took the tray and placed it on his lap ..

"So ... where's Jin hyung?!!" Yoongi asked while putting a spoon full of lukewarm soup in his mouth.

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