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Hoseok stood still and looked at Yoongi who was crying his heart out ... Yoongi screamed his name multiple times and hugged the photo frame so tightly..

He fell on his knees and Hoseok smiled a little in sympathy...

He came towards the weeping man and sat beside him ...

Yoongi's cry died down into sobs ... He had his eyes closed and heart heavy...

Suddenly he opened his eyes in one shot when felt a weight on his back .. like someone leaned his back with Yoongi's..

Yoongi relaxed a bit and a few quiet sobs left his lips ...

"I'm... sorry hoba !!!! I've hurt you a lot right??!! Was that why you left me ??!! Was that why you're not talking to me ??!! Hyungie's sorry!!" He mumbled and closed his eyes once again...

He felt someone back hugging him ... And burying his face in his neck ... Inhaling his cologne smell ...

He instantly relaxed and a sad smile crept on his lips ...

Smooth air was flowing and going in and out through Yoongi's breath ...

He looked towards the cupboard and his eyes hooked on the upper shelf of it , which had a maroon coloured box on it...

Decorated very well .... And a note pasted on it ... Yoongi frowned and stood up and went towards the box ..

It was like he wasn't in his control... Someone else  was controlling his heart...which was continuously telling him to go and open the box ...

And this time he chose not to fight against that urge...

He fetches the box and reads the note that says

' it's not just photos and videos of the moment ....
It's about capturing your love in my heart
Love you Jagi ~

- Yours Min August '

Yoongi Frowned and looked at the box again ...

"This is where you've protected my love hyung!!! Open it ...and all your problems will go away !!" Hoseok said while a chocked sob left his lips. ..

He quickly wiped off the fallen tears off his face and held the ribbon of the box smoothly and stretched it so that he could open the box ...

Yoongi froze at his place when he saw someone untied the ribbon of the box ...

His breath hitched but he soon relaxed and opened the box ..

His eyes watered when he saw what was inside the box ....

Yoongi closed his eyes and let those tears slide away ..

There were so many pictures of him with hoseok ..and few notes following with few video drives ...

He picked up a picture and looked at it for a brief while...

He picked up a picture and looked at it for a brief while

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Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now