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Hoseok knew .. it's necessary for Yoongi to cry .... Cry until he's out of tear ... Until his out of pain ...

Only crying can help him at this point ... So he let him cry ... Until he's out of his guilt .... Out of his sorrow ...out of his love ....

He wanted Yoongi to cry last time ... And to be free from his love ... Yoongi was badly trapped in his love ...

And it was suffocating him ...just like how he had been after his brake up with Jimin...

He knew it will slowly either push him into that darkness again or it will kill him ....

And that was one of the reason why Hoseok stayed even after his death....so that he can make them free from his memory...

And right now ... Yoongi was fighting with himself ..... And he needed to be alone at this time ... And fight with his self and win....

Hoseok sighed and smiled sadly

"It's okay to cry Hyung... I'm here .... Even if you don't know ..even if you don't feel my presence... I'm still here ..!" And he ghosted his hand over his hair ...and stood up ..

He come out of the room and left Yoongi alone for a while ..
With his sorrow...

He couldn't stayed there...cause it was painful for him to see Yoongi crying...

His tears ... were tearing apart Hoseok's heart ....

He wiped off the fallen tears and turned around ... And startled when Found Jungkook standing behind him ..with raised brow and stern face ...

"You startled me!!! What ??!" Hoseok sighed and said

"What are you doing here?? As far as I remember this room belongs to my dad !!" He said sternly...

"what. were. you. doing. in. my. dad's .room??!!"  Jungkook said sternly... His eyes were piercing holes in Hoseok's brain...

"What do you mean??!" Hoseok looked at him ... He was slightly nervous... Even though he was in his husband's room ...but suddenly it felt wrong .... It was like he wasn't supposed to be in that room ...

He gulped... suddenly feeling all nervous because of Jungkook's questioning gaze...

Jungkook ignored him and held the door knob ...he was about to open the door but Hoseok stopped him

"WAIT!!! stop right there ... !!! D .... don't go inside...." His eyes were wide...and he stood in between Jungkook and the door ...

Which startled Jungkook who backed away .."What the Hell??!! Have you lost???!! Why can't I go inside that room??! " He shouted with anger ...

"C... cause...h.. he's bus...y .." Hoseok shuttered  ... Jungkook gritted his teeth... clearly not pleased with his act ...

"Look .. Hope... I'm not in a good mood ... I thought he promised to take me somewhere...and it's been HOURS since his promise.... And I don't think he even remembers his promise.... So let me talk to him straight " he stated ...

'No ... Hyung is already upset... He's already in pain ... He won't like Jungkook seeing him like that....it will break him more... And Jungkook isn't in his good state ... It's better to stop this encounter..'   Hoseok thought and held Jungkook's arm ...in order to stop him ...

Jungkook frowned and looked at him and his their hand

"LEAVE ME!!" He shouted...and jerked his hand away from his grip ...

Hoseok felt a sudden pain in his heart ... But he decided to ignore that pain ...

"Listen to me ....he... he's re.. really busy..y..you must not go in that room ..." Hoseok practically whined ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now