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Yoongi looked at Hoseok... who was visibly in a lot of pain ....

His eyes watered by seeing this sight .... He surely wanted to see the younger again ....but not in this state....
His heart broke when he saw Hoseok struggle to live ....

Jungkook looked at Hoseok...his heart sank down... and his eyes widened at their limit ...

He quickly went towards him and crouched down with him ..
"Hope!??? Y...you...o..o....okay ...w.. what's happening..??!" He was in a panic state and his eyes were shedding tears ... 

"Please... please t...talk t....to me !!" He tried to touch his cheeks ...but to his utter surprise... His hands go through him ...

He was surprised..when he realised...he can't touch his Hope anymore!!!

"Hoba!!" Yoongi's voice was so weak ..but it was strong enough to make Hoseok smile in answer....

He looked at him with half lidded eyes...and nodded before gulping.... He stretched his hands towards Yoongi ...

Spreading his arms for the elder ....at which Yoongi didn't waste any time crouching down ...

He came near Younger and tried to touch him ...but to his disappointment... He couldn't touch him ....

"H...hobaa .." he whined..and broke into tears ...

Not just Yoongi ....all of them present there were in extreme tears ... They all were shaken badly by Hoseok's death ...all of them wanted to see him again ...but not like this ...

They didn't  want to see him suffering like this ... This was much worse ...

If Hoseok's death was painful??!! Then this was killing them ...

"H...hyung!!" Hoseok said weakly...
Yoongi closed his eyes... Listening to his voice after this long was so heavenly for him ....

But he knew the younger was in a lot of pain ...and that realisation was much more painful than anything...

He let the trail of tears fall from his eyes... Hoseok chuckled sadly..and touched Yoongi's cheeks ...

He felt it !! Yoongi felt that touch..and he quickly opened his eyes to see him ..who had a cute pout on his lips

"Are you planning to bid farewell to me like this??!! L....like a crybaby??!!" And Yoongi choked on a wet laugh ...

He shook his head and wiped the tears....but a new trail of tears fell down ....and Yoongi cried...and whined to younger

"I can't....i..it it's hard ...H.. Hoba!!"   Yoongi leaned into his touch ...

Hoseok nodded and hissed "I. .it's....Okay .. it's okay to cry Hyung!! Let it all out ... And promise me ...not to hold back any... anything.. it will trap you hyung and destroy you ..!!"

"Then let it be ... let it destroy me ...after all what's the point to leave without you anyway ??!!" Yoongi shouted in anger and pain ...

Hoseok put his finger on Yoongi's lips to stop him from talking further... 

"Don't say that ..!! You have to live ... You have so many things c.. coming ahead... You have to live for our Kookie ..!!" And Yoongi looked at Jungkook...
Who was crying...but looking at them with confusion....

Yoongi sniffed and nodded .."you're right!! Any one of us need to be with him....b.. but why you ...?!! Why not me ??!! Let me die at your place....and Jungkook needs you more than me !!" He again whimpered like a weak leaf ... Which seemed strange on him ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now