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Jungkook entered the principal cabin after asking for permission. As soon as he stepped inside he found Namjoon sitting on the chair. With another figure that Jungkook maybe was familiar with.

He looked around and found V standing there as well with an annoying face .

Jungkook frowned but passed a smile when he saw Namjoon looking at him .

"Hey young man .... How're you... son..??!!" Namjoon said and stood up .. he went to Jungkook and patted his shoulder who smiled and nodded

"I'm fine .. Sir you called me ??!" He asked to the principal who smiled at him and nodded

"Yes Jungkook... I called you... I'm giving you leave for few days... With some home projects ... Complete it and don't worry about your grades.. you deserve a break dear .." the principal said with a warm smile ..

Jungkook's frown deepen and he bowed a little" thank you Sir ...b..but may I ask why am I getting this sudden leave??!"

"Your Dad is here ...and he requested for your leave... I know you were away from him for so long... So it's okay... Enjoy your life with him for a little.."

Jungkook's eyes widened...and he snapped his head towards the other man .. who was turned to him .. with wet eyes...

Jungkook felt his heartbeat getting heavier... And felt a strange pain in his stomach....

He froze at the place...

He always used to think of the moment when his dad will woke up from the coma ...
How would he react ... ??! What will be his first word ??! Will he hug his dad or shake hands or just pass a smile ..

These were his all time questions.. since his very childhood..

But now when he saw his dad .. live in front of him ... !! He didn't knew how to react .. his breath quicken ... He felt his palm getting sweaty .. .. and cold sweat slid through his forehead..

He was shaking and panting... suddenly he dashed out of the cabin running. ..

Yoongi looked at him with shock ... But he was about to go when V stopped him ..

"Wait .. uncle I'll go after him ... You stay ... I'll get him here ..."

And with that he left ... Yoongi looked at Namjoon who put a concern full hand on his shoulder ...

"It's okay .. he must be Overwhelmed"

Jungkook stopped running and hid behind a wall ... He leaned his back to the wall and slid down..

Hot tears were falling from his eyes... But he was still in that shocked expression...

"What was that??! Why'd you run away??!" Said Hope while sitting beside him ..

Jungkook leaned his head to the wall and said...

"I'm afraid Hope .. I'm afraid... he'll hate me ??!" He said in a shaky voice

"And why would he do that??! You're his son... And no father hate his son!! " Hope said in a calm tone..

"NO!!! HE'LL HATE ME !!! " Jungkook shouted while tears in his eyes..

V had arrived when Jungkook was talking to Hope ... He was shocked when he saw Jungkook blabbering something to himself...

Then he suddenly shouted... V flinched and was shocked when saw Jungkook crying..

This was For the first time he saw him showing off any emotion...

"And why'd you think that ??!!" Hope asked in a calm and sweet voice ...

Healing | sope | yoonseok / j.hs × m.yg Where stories live. Discover now