Michael "Curly Goth" - I Don't Wanna Fall in Love

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You're a metalhead in this, sorry if you don't like metal music. But why should I be sorry because it's like the BEST music! Anyways, sorry about writing a oneshot about a south park character, in general, I just couldn't help myself. Also sorry there's so much beginning filler. I'm kinda tired but whatever, I'll pull through. Love you guys! Hope you like it :D It's like super long

It was moving time. I didn't mind that I was moving, honestly. What bothered me most about it, though, was that I was moving with one less parent. My parents had just gotten a divorce and at this point, they hated each other so much that they couldn't stand being in the same state as each other. I understand why they got divorced. It was young love; I was conceived when they weren't ready. Technically, at the time they weren't even together. Just two sixteen-year-olds at a party that was way too out of hand. When my mother found out she was pregnant, she told my father, and he decided he was going to be there for us. They tried for me, and it worked for 16 years until my mother realized how much of her life she wasted with me. So they divorced and now I'm moving to Colorado with my father to start a new life.

"(Y/N)! Are you finished packing?" My dad's voice rung throughout the halls, breaking me out of my train of thought.

"Of course! I told you I packed up everything yesterday!" I yelled loudly at him. I was currently sat on the floor of my now empty bedroom. It wouldn't be empty if I was actually going to come visit my mother again, but she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. She realized how much of her life I've actually taken away and so now she wants to live her life to the fullest, without me, of course. Needless to say, it's kind of devastating when you hear that your mother doesn't love you anymore. When your own mother only thinks of you as a waste of time, but at least I have my dad. He and I were always much closer, anyway.

"Well, if you're finished packing then come help me load up everything in the U-Haul Truck!" My dad yelled back at me.

"Okay, coming!" I said, getting up and running down the steps to meet my father in the house doorway. "What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Look at the lawn." He said, and I obeyed. There were boxes everywhere, both big and small.

I remembered that we were taking most everything from the house since that's how the divorce was sorted out, but my mother got the house itself. I sighed to myself and got to work, loading one box after the other. After we loaded everything, I got in the passenger seat of the truck and put in my headphones, trying to blast out the memories of the events of these past two years. "One" by Metallica started playing and not too soon after I fell asleep.

I woke up to my dad shaking my arm. I groaned and pulled out my headphones, trying to blink away the sleep from my eyes. "Hey, sweetie. How's your ten-hour nap been?" he said with a chuckle.

I groaned again and sat up. "Where are we?"

"We're here! Welcome to South Park, babycakes." my dad smiled at me. "Come on let's start unpacking our stuff."

I looked around and cautiously got out of the truck, taking in the scenery. There sure were a lot of trees, and the mountains were huge! I was more used to seeing tall buildings and busy streets, but I could definitely get used to the peace and quiet around here. I looked down at my phone and paused the still-playing music before wrapping up my headphones and shoving it into my jacket pocket. Time to start unpacking.


Luckily we were able to get all of the boxes inside before nightfall. We didn't know what kind of neighborhood this was, so we didn't want to risk having our stuff inside of the truck in case someone decided to steal it. We were going to unpack and set up our beds, but since that took a couple hours we knew we weren't going to be able to. At least we brought the couch and my huge bean bag with us because otherwise, we'd be sleeping on the floor. So my dad took the couch and I took the bean bag. The problem was though, this was a very uncomfortable bean bag to sleep in and, because of my long nap in the car, I wasn't the least bit tired.

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