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Tinghao: would you like to talk or not??

Baicao (frustrated): senior Tinghao... Wait a second!! I m going to say...

Tinghao (smiling): actually it's too late so if you take more time then it will be morning so...

Baicao (worried): umm.. what about we talk tomorrow?? I mean you need to sleep as tomorrow you have to go enterprises too..

Tinghao: don't worry!! For you,I had alot of time so say it... Why you are here??

Baicao (calmly): I just can't able to sleep... So I thought to take a round...

Tinghao (smirking): really!?? In the midst of night,you are walking... Umm,why did you knock?? Ohh,you were not able to sleep so you decide to wake me up so that I can accompany you, right!??

Tinghao was sitting in the couch while baicao was standing against him...
Baicao settle beside him,hug him from side....

Tinghao (confused): what happens!??

Baicao: senior tinghao, how can you think I wanna disturb your sleep... !?? I just wanna to have a heart to heart conversation with you, that's why I was checking that did you fell asleep or not... I didn't know that if i knock once ,you will get up....

Tinghao (smiling): heart to heart conversation!?? What do you wanna talk to me??

Baicao (hesitating) : I... just wanna say.... (Calmly) first of all a big sorry for disturbing your sleep...

Tinghao held her palm and give a gentle peck on her fingers...

Tinghao (blissfully): you don't know how I feel to be with you... I will choose to talk to you rather than sleeping.... And one more thing,I was not sleeping... I was also up...

Baicao: what!?? Why didn't you slept!? Do you even saw the time!? Do you care about your health or not!?? And,you were asking me again and again that why I am roaming,now you tell me why were you awake!??

Tinghao greeted his teeth....

Tinghao (mischievously) : do you want another kiss from me??

Baicao looks at him and cover her mouth... Moves her head left and right...

Tinghao: aren't you nagging again!?? I have a way to shut you...so instead of asking me questions it's better to answer my questions first... So something is bothering you that's why you can't able to sleep, right!??what do wanna talk to me!?? Say...

Baicao (removing her hands from her mouth): (calmly) I just wanna talk to you about alot of things .. senior tinghao,if I say the truth,we didn't have an actual conversation after our patch up.. I mean we were London,busy in enjoying...  We also didn't stay in the same room except the last days....

Tinghao: yea... Then mum slapped me so we diverted there,you are right... We didn't talked fully, didn't clear out old misunderstanding... Say,I m ready to hear you out... But promise me ,you will not cry and say sorry for anything...

Baicao: okay.... I don't want to complain, just wanted to share few things...

Tinghao: okay say...

Baicao: firstly,sorry... A very big sorry... ( She held her ears with her fingers)

Tinghao: for what?!

Baicao: for lying to you.. actually I heard your conversation with senior tingyi and mom... And I pretended that...

Tinghao (smiling): so that's what bothering you.. are you mad at me??

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