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Ziggy POV

Maya and I ran to where the screaming was coming from. We arrive and see campers standing around the Shadyside jail for Color War. Maya and I pushed our way through the kids to see what caused the screaming.

Maya and I gasped at Jeremy body laying on the floor it's hard to even recognize that it was him with his body being mutilated.

I felt Maya grab my hand.

"Okay everyone out go to the mess hall! Color War is over!" Maya shouted.

Mess Hall

I sat down in the bench watching as Maya counted the kids that came running in. Maya stops when she spots Nick coming in and runs towards him the two hug each other. I can't make out what the two are saying to each other with all the noise happening around me.

The lights went out and kids started screaming again. I got up and walked towards Maya and Nick. Maya grabs my hand comforting me.

"Calm down, everything's okay!" Nick yelled.

Gary appears, "How many?" He asks.

"Twenty three." Maya replied.

"That's at least thirty missing!" Gary replied panicky.

"And where's Cindy, Kurt, Joan, and the rest of the counselors?" Nick asked in a low voice not wanting the rest of the kids to hear.

"I don't know I haven't seen them, I saw Tommy but that was before Color War." Gary replied as Nick walks away to use the phone once the lights came back on.

"It's dead." Nick says, "Maybe they're looking for us?" Gary said.

"We have to go we have to warn them." I exclaimed letting go of Maya's hand.

"I'm sure they heard the bell." Nick said but I ignored him and walked to the door but I'm stopped when Maya grabs my arm.

"My sister she's still out there!" I exclaimed Nick scoffs, "Oh the same sister that you constantly argue with." He remarked earning a glare from Maya.

"Look me, Nick, and Gary will go out looking for her." She said in a calm voice not breaking eye contact with me.

"But she's MY sister." I tell her Maya let's go of my arm and rests her hands on my cheeks, "I know but I don't want you to get hurt I can't let that happen to you." She said worriedly.

"Just please let Nick, Gary, and I handle this while you stay here safe." Maya pleaded.

Maya POV

"I'll look for Cindy and bring her to you safe and sound, I promise." I kissed Ziggy forehead and followed Nick and Gary.

"You know that's a camper right? And a girl?" Gary said once we left the Mess Hall, "Shut up, Gary and go to cabin one, Maya and I will go to cabin five and nine." Nick said.

"Congrats on finally getting the girl, Maya. See I told you that Ziggy likes you." Nick said patting me on the back making me blush, "Shut up." I tell him shoving him with my shoulder making him laugh.

"Hey I'm just congratulating my favorite cousin on finally getting the girl who she has been crushing on since the first day of camp." He says, "First of all, I'm you're only cousin." I remind him, "And secondly, thanks for giving me hope that Ziggy likes me."

Nick high-fives me, "I'll always be here for you, Maya." He said I nod, "I'll always be here for you too, Nick."

We smile and my eyes widened when I realized something.

"Maya what's wrong?" Nick asked concerned.


"What about Sheila?" Nick asked confused, "Go check if Cindy in cabin five or nine." I tell him and turn around and run towards the outhouse ignoring Nick telling me to come back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I cursed as I continued running to the outhouse hoping Sheila is safe and that the killer didn't get her.

I hear screaming and run even faster to see Ziggy and Sheila fighting. Before I could interfere Sheila slaps Ziggy on the face and Ziggy responds back by punching her in the face which knocked out Sheila.

"Damn you can throw a punch." I commented causing Ziggy to jump frightened by hearing me behind her she turns around, "Shit Maya you scared me." Ziggy exclaimed.

"You knocked out Sheila." I said deciding it was best to ignore that Ziggy didn't listen to me when I told her to stay in the Mess Hall but then again it's Ziggy and when does she ever listen to what she's told.

"Yeah I did." Ziggy replied smugly but winced.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently cupped Ziggy face carefully stroked her cheek were Sheila slapped her.

"I'm okay." She replied slightly blushing.

I hear footsteps and turn around to see it's Gary.

"Are you guys okay? I heard shouting. What's going on-" He stops mid sentence when he sees Sheila laid out cold on the floor.

"Is she okay? What the hell is going on here?" He panicky asked, "Where's everyone else?" Ziggy asked ignoring Gary's questions.

"In the Mess Hall." He answered and looks at me, "Where's Nick? Why isn't he with you?" He asked.

"He went to cabin five and nine but I don't know if he's still there." I tell him.

"Shhh." Ziggy said covering my mouth and I hear muffling shouting.

"Do you two hear that?" Gary asked. Ziggy uncovers my mouth Gary and I watch as she goes to the bathroom stall that the screaming is coming from.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I hear her talking to someone.

"What's going on?" I asked watching as Ziggy grabs the bucket that was used to contain the bugs that we dropped on Sheila.

"My sister in the toilet!" Ziggy replied.

"What?" Gary and I asked in unison confused.

"Just help me." She shouted and pulls the bucket down. Gary and I helped her lower the bucket. The two of held onto the rope that was attached to the bucket waiting on Ziggy to tell us to pull the rope.


The three of us began pulling hard on the rope to bring Alice up.

"Keep pulling!"

I hear the door open and Gary and I turned to see Tommy staring at us with no emotion in his eyes he carried a axe in his hands his face and clothes covered in blood stains.

"Tommy what are you doi-"

Tommy swings his axe cutting Gary head off.

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