Working Together

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Third POV

"Maya..." Ziggy whispered still in shock to see Maya standing in front of her.

"Yeah, it's me... bet I was the last person you expected to show up, huh?" Maya nervously said.

Ziggy nods, finding it hard to let words come out of her mouth.

Maya embraces Ziggy sighing in relief that she's alive.

"I was so worried that Will hurt you." Maya whispered.

Ziggy hugged Maya back and in that moment all the anger and betrayal that Ziggy felt towards Maya disappeared now that she knows Maya is innocent.

"You saved me." Ziggy whispers.

"You sound surprised like I never saved you before." Maya said a small smile on her face.

"Sorry to cut short your reunion but we have a problem we need to deal with." Josh reminds the two.

Maya pulls away muttering 'sorry' if Ziggy wasn't in a life-threatening situation she would've laughed at Maya.

"Okay, we need a plan B." Martin tells them fearfully looking at the Shadyside killers.

"No... we just need more plan A." Josh said looking at the three adults.

Josh tells them the plan and they pull up the gate and quickly grab the water guns and spray each of the killers on the chest before closing and locking the gate.

Ziggy kneels beside Maya who reaches for Ziggy's hand. Ziggy looks down and sees Maya intertwined their hands. She squeezes Maya's hand and the four watch in suspense if Josh's plan works.

"I got that creepy perv motherfucker in the bullseye." Martin whispers to them as they wait to see if their plan worked.

The Milkman is lifted by the Grifter and thrown to the floor he approaches the Milkman unaware of NightWing running from behind and surprising him by slashing his knee with his axe and then slashing his back, SkullMask joins the fight and stabs NightWing.

The group watches as the killer's brawl continuing to attacking one of another.

"Guys... we lost Sam." Josh worriedly says seeing Sam escape.

The killers laid dead surrounded by black blood; the sight made Maya and Ziggy sick.

"They may look dead but that won't last long." Maya tells them Josh nods, "Your right, right now they're dead but that's not gonna last. We don't have a lot of time. We have to get ready to fight." Josh says as he lifts the gate open.

"Wait." Ziggy says grabbing his arm stopping him from leaving the store.

"What the hell is that?" Martin asked as they see a small boy hitting the candy machine with a baseball bat and then hear singing.

"You always hurt the one you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all"


"Okay, okay you know what we still have magic blood." Martin said reminding them and picks up the water guns filled with Deena's blood and shoots only for nothing to come out.

"I'm tapped." He tells them as Maya and Ziggy pick up their water guns and shoot only for nothing to come out.

"It's empty." Maya said throwing the water gun to the floor, "Same here." Ziggy says panicking throwing the water gun to the floor.

"I have my gun, but I don't have enough bullets." Maya tells them pulling out her gun and pointing the gun at Skull Mask as she stands protectively in front of Ziggy.

"Or we can wait it out." Martin suggests Josh shook his head in disagreement.

"What? No, no we're too close. Too many people have died and I'm not letting them take my sister too." Josh says trying to change their minds. Ziggy remembered the horror felt when she was told her sister was in a coma that there is a possibility she would not wake up while Maya clenched her gun hearing Josh say those words triggered the guilt, she felt for not being able to stop Will from continuing the curse if only she knew that Will overheard her conversation with Nick she would've been able to stop him or think of a plan on how to stop him.

"Josh is right." Maya says.

Josh nods at her and picks up Tommy axe that was laid on the floor.

Nick POV

"WILL!" I yelled flashing the light around trying to spot Will.

I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around pointing my gun only to see it's Deena wearing a headlight carrying a knife.

"Stay close to me." I whispered Deena nods, and we continue walking together her staying close to me.

"Solomon forged this place with nothing but words and stone. Awakening this power from the depths of the heart. He extended his hand to the darkness, for our family, for me." Will shouted unaware that Deena was here.

"Will you didn't have to do this you could've just stopped sixteen years ago but you didn't instead you continued the curse. If Aunt Allison was alive, she would've been disappointed to see how far you fallen I know it hurt losing her. She was important to all of us... but she wouldn't have approved of you cursing teenagers and that robber. She wouldn't want innocent kids dead just as she would've wanted justice served against that robber not cold-blooded murder that you forced Maya to do." I tell him as we continue walking trying to find Will.

"Shut up, Nick! You and Maya didn't care about justice so I took matters into my own hands. I been protecting this town, not you two. 300 years it's lived and grown, we've cultivated it. We've sacrificed for it. Only for Maya to ruin everything by falling in love with a Shadysider. Are family legacy would've come to a stop and it all be because Maya feelings towards a Shadysider she was willing to ruin everything just to be with her, so I stepped in." Will shouts.

Deena and I spot a large black flesh that was beating.

I hear grunting and turn around to see Sam appear and tackle Deena to the ground she gets on top of Deena and chokes her. Just as am about to pull Sam off of Deena. I'm grabbed by the shoulder and turned around to see Will he punches me in the face making me stumble back from the hit and then tackled me to the floor by Will he gets on top of me and raises his knife to stab me, but I managed to grab his arm preventing him from succeeding. I hear Deena pleading to Sam to snap out it but so far was unsuccessful.

I feel my grip slipping making Will evilly smirked in satisfaction.

"Once I'm finished with you then it be Maya's turn." Will said pushing the knife a little further to my neck that I could feel the cod metal, "I can already see the headlines Shadyside's newest piece of shit makes the front page. Local dyke slays girlfriend, friends, brother, and the Goode officers. And once that's done, I'll take care of my nephew and send that orphan off somewhere. Who know maybe I'll let Henry be the one to continue on the legacy." Will added.


2 or 3 chapters left till the book comes to a end and then onto Fear Hawkins.

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