Color War

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Third POV

Nick and Maya watched as Nurse Lane was put in the ambulance. The two shared a quick glance at each other and then watched as the ambulance drove away.

Maya walked away when she saw her dad work friend Officer Kapinski coming their way. She didn't want too discuss what happened to Nurse Lane, talking about her dad, and Nick and her joining the force. As she walked off she spotted Sheila and her goons approaching Ziggy.

"Fuck." Maya muttered and made her way towards the girls confronting Ziggy.

"Hey witch. So sorry, I know you and Nurse Psycho were close. I guess you can visit her in jail." Sheila said making fun of Ziggy and Nurse Lane, "Fuck off, Sheila." Ziggy exclaimed glaring at Sheila.

"By the way you might want to check on you're stuff. I think there was an accident in cabin five." Sheila said and Ziggy looked at the three girls before she took off running towards her cabin

"Hurry witch." Sheila yelled teasing Ziggy.

Maya arrived hearing what Sheila said to Ziggy that made her run.


Sheila turned around and was greeted by a pissed off Maya.

"You think it's funny harassing Ziggy?" Maya asked angrily and continued talking before Sheila could reply, "Then getting a strike is even funnier. All of you get a strike for harassing Ziggy." Maya told them and walked away ignoring Sheila and her friends complaining.

Maya was unaware that Will watched what happened.

"Why does she keep defending that Shadysider?" Will wondered curious why his cousin is so protective when it comes to the Berman Shadysider.

Ziggy was in the arts and craft cabin getting the things she needed for the prank she plans to pull on Sheila.

Cindy walks inside the cabin, "What are you doing?" Cindy asked looking at Ziggy trying to open a bucket of paint.

Ziggy looked up, "Art project." She replied rolling her eyes at Cindy, "I need to talk to you." Cindy said as she walked towards Ziggy.

"I'm not in the mood." Ziggy replied as she focused on opening the paint bucket, "Earlier, you said Mary was upset." Cindy said ignoring what Ziggy said.

"Oh so now you care!" Ziggy said scoffing at Cindy change of behavior that she now cares about Nurse Lane, "Ziggy this is is serious." Cindy tells her.

"Yeah well it was serious earlier, and you didn't give a shit." Ziggy exclaimed as she grabs the bucket of paint and leaves the cabin. Cindy following her, "Come on, you were the last person to see her before she snapped. What about drugs? Did you see any around?" Cindy asked.

"She's a nurse, so yep." Ziggy said in a obvious tone.

"Well, did she mention anything or-"

"Nope." Ziggy said interrupting Cindy.

"Ziggy, I'm just... I'm trying to understand what happened today." Cindy explains, "Who cares? It's over." Ziggy replied wanting to drop the topic of what Nurse Lane.

"Not for Tommy. He's still freaked out and acting weird and... it's just a big joke to everyone. 'Mary was possessed by the witch'." Cindy said quoting what campers have said.

"Maybe it was the witch." Ziggy said.


"What? That doesn't fit you're carefully constructed bullshit view of the world?" Ziggy asked a hint of anger in her voice, "Why are you being like this?" Cindy asked.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because Nurse Lane was the only person who was nice to me, and now her life is over because bad things always happen to Shadysiders." Ziggy remarked, "Nothing just happens. There's always a reason." Cindy replied disagreeing what Ziggy said.

Ziggy turns around to face Cindy as she arrived to her cabin, "Not always a rational one. Deep down, you feel it don't you? Shadyside, there's something here. It's just holding us down, cursing us."

"Ziggy, that's enough." Cindy said growing tired of Ziggy attitude.

"You're too scared to admit it." Ziggy continued talking, "So when things go bad, you wanna explain it away."

"I'm sorry. I'm not going to blame everything on some fairy tale. Life sucks sometimes. I get that. I mean, God knows it's been hard since..." Cindy stopped mid-sentence not wanting to finish what she was going to say.

"Since what? See, you can't even say it! Since dad left. Since mom started drinking. Since we're going to lose the house. And it's not gonna magically get better. And saving up all summer to buy a super cute polo shirt can't hide that. Trying to explain why nice old Nurse Lane almost lost it today can't either. We're all cursed. For Mary, it was today. But someday it be you. And this whole fake bullshit life of yours, it's gonna come crashing down." Ziggy ranted.

"That's a horrible thing to say." Cindy said tears in her eyes. Ziggy shook her head in disagreement, "It's not terrible if it's true." Ziggy replied.

"I don't know who you are anymore, but... but you're not my sister." Cindy tells her.

"Then who am I?" Ziggy asked, "A monster." Cindy replied.

Ziggy nodded before opening the door, "That's what they say." Ziggy tells Cindy what she's been called.

Cindy looked inside Ziggy cabin to see a bunch of writing above her bed. One of the writings called Ziggy a monster. The exact word what Cindy just called her sister making Cindy feel extremely guilty. Before she could apologize to Ziggy. Ziggy walks inside the cabin and slams the door in front of Cindy face.

Maya spots Nick with Kurt who is encouraging the Sunnyvale kids before Color War started.

Maya approaches Nick, "I'm going to Ziggy cabin to check on her. Can you cover for me." Maya asked.

"Yeah sure." Nick agreed Maya smiled and patted Nick back before she took off to Ziggy cabin.

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