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Third POV

Ever since Ziggy told Maya about her nightmares, Maya would sneak out of her house once her mom went to sleep and drive to Ziggy house to keep her company at night and then get up early to go back home before her mom wakes up. Unfortunately Ziggy and Maya haven't been able to see each other every day for the past five weeks during the day. Because Maya's mom was getting suspicious of were Maya would go after school. At first she wasn't suspicious because they'll use Nick as a excuse but now Nick couldn't always cover for them thanks to his dad who occasionally wants Nick over at the police station to shadow him to show him what's in store once he becomes a police officer. Maya was going to join Nick but Maya's mom was against the idea. Now that Nick is no longer shadowing his dad he can cover for Maya giving her the opportunity to be with Ziggy after school especially during the weekends were she doesn't have to get up early in the morning to leave.

Ziggy ran to Maya's arms straight away. "You're here, finally!" She mumbled into Maya's chest, her hands wrapped around Maya's back. "I missed you."

Maya's hand went up to Ziggy hair, stroking her lightly. "I missed you too... I was just waiting for the weekend so badly."

Maya was downstairs in the kitchen getting a drink of water. When she suddenly heard the sound of Ziggy screaming loudly. Maya quickly goes to Ziggy room and opened the door and runs to Ziggy bed. She grabs Ziggy by the shoulder, pulling Ziggy down to her chest as she sits on the bed, Maya wraps her arms around Ziggy flailing body, trying to pin her down as she battles Ziggy grip, her legs kicking at the air trying to run away from Tommy whose chasing her with the axe.

The nightmares would be of either Tommy chasing her in the Mess Hall with his axe and succeeding in killing her before Cindy could save her or she and Cindy being repeatedly slashed by the killers.

"Ziggy, it's okay, it's okay." Maya said in a soothing tone as she grips tighter pulling Ziggy close to her body as she can, gently rocking her side to side while rubbing her forearms as a harsh screams filled the room.

"I've got you, it's okay, I've got you, you're safe." Maya kisses Ziggy head, rocking her a little bit stronger now as the screams die down to choked sobs.

"I've got you Ziggy."

A sob escaped her lips as she gripped Maya's arms tight, that she almost left small red marks from her harsh grip. She stops kicking and flailing as she falls back into Maya's chest, tears streaming down her face as she desperately tries to suck in air.

"Breathe Ziggy breathe." Maya says rubbing circles in Ziggy back, slowly sitting her up so she's still against Maya's chest but now at a better angle to breathe.

"Come on, that's it, breathe with me."

They repeat this process a few times before all that can be heard are the sounds of breathing, one a little shaky.

"Maya?" Ziggy said, "Hey Ziggy. You're okay now." Maya assured her. Once Ziggy realizes she's with Maya and not in Camp NightWing. She dives into Maya's arms.

"Wanna talk about it?" Maya asked as she brushed her hand through Ziggy hair. It was rare when Ziggy did talk about her nightmares once she wakes up from them usually she won't talk to Maya about her nightmares she'll wait a few days then tell Maya about the nightmares.

If only Ziggy knew how much it hurt Maya hearing Ziggy scream loudly at night and her tell Maya about the nightmares it made the guilt Maya felt grow more and more. That she's the reason that Ziggy is traumatized and Cindy being in a coma with the possibility of not waking up.

"Tommy was chasing me in the Mess Hall and I fell on the floor he was approaching me and then-"

"You're safe, Ziggy. It's okay. I'm not going anywhere I promise I'll be here to protect you." Maya promises holding Ziggy tight as she sobbed. Maya kissed Ziggy forehead.

"Stay with me." Ziggy pleads, "Always." Maya assures her as she looks up at Maya with tears falling down on her face Maya wipes the tears away with her thumb. Ziggy quickly pressed a kiss to Maya's lips before she buries her head in Maya's neck. The two spend the night talking till they finally fall asleep. Ziggy slept without fear or uncertainty, comfortable in Maya's warm arms.

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