This Is The End

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Chris POV

Sam falls off Deena from me hitting her with the pistol Deen checks on Sam who is now unconscious. I point the gun at my dad and Uncle Nick.

"Dad get away from Uncle Nick." I ordered he slowly gets off my Uncle Nick, "Drop the knife."

He drops the knife.

"Chris what are you doing here? Maya and I told you to wait in the car." Uncle Nick says as he stands up from the ground and glances at Will and then at Deena checking on Sam.

I ignore Uncle Nick and focus my attention on my dad.

"Is it true?" I asked only to receive silence from him confirming what Uncle Nick and Aunt Maya told me.

"You're a monster." I whispered but he must've heard me for he glared at me with hatred in his eyes.

"Monster? How am I a monster when I did was continue on our fam- "

SHUT UP!" I yelled; dad was taken back by yelling as Uncle Nick stared at me in shock.

"How can you not see you're a monster? You're selling innocent people's souls to the Devil and all for what? Greed, power, and for Sunnyvale to be the perfect town." I said in disgust as my dad stared at me with no emotion, "I shouldn't be surprised that this is your reaction you may act like you hate Shadyside, but I know it's all an act Chris."

I nod, "Your right dad, I hated Shadyside, nor did I believe in Sunnyvale being superior to Shadyside, instead I believed both to be equal. The only reason I acted like an asshole to Jimmy, Henry, and treated Shadysiders like trash was because I thought it will finally make you proud of me and show me love since that's how you viewed Shadysiders. All I wanted was your love dad I wanted to hear you say you are proud that I'm your son just like Uncle Nick says to Henry. But no matter how many A's I gotten, being a apart of the football team it did nothing to satisfy you whatsoever... I wanted to have that father-son relationship like Uncle Nick and Henry have so I changed my behavior which I regret because it led to Jimmy and Henry not wanting to anything to do with me... no matter what I did you never showed love to me or mom. Because all you care about is yourself nobody else." I yelled, letting out all the anger I held inside towards my dad.

"Your right, Chris... I never showed you and mom and that's because I felt no love towards any of you. All that matters to me is continuing our family legacy. That was the only reason I was glad when your mother told me she was pregnant with you because it meant I would have a child to continue on our legacy but all I got was a disappointment when I realized you were just like Maya with the way you defended Shadysiders." My dad said in a cold tone, not bothered by me sobbing as Uncle Nick looks at him in disgust.

"That's enough. It's time to end this." Uncle Nick says and faces me, "Chris give me my gun back." He asks, holding his hand out.

"Go on Chris do it hand Nick his gun back because once you do, he'll kill me, and it all be your fault because you handed him the gun." My dad says making me feel guilty that I'll be responsible for him dying despite him admitting he never loved me. I don't want him to die.

"I wonder how your mom will react when you tell her that you are responsible for my murder." My dad asks me as he stared at me with no fear in his eyes, and I knew it was because he knew deep down, I didn't want him dead.

"Chris don't listen to a word he says, okay. Your mom wont blame you she'll understand why we had to do this." Uncle Nick assures me as he looked at me with reassurance that everything will be okay.

I nod and just as about to hand him the gun.

"CHRIS MOVE!" Deena yells.

I feel an intense pain in my stomach shoulder making me drop the gun.

The last thing I see before I collapse is Uncle Nick face filled with shock.

Nick POV

I watched in shock as Chris falls to the floor on his back as a knife is plunged into his stomach.

I looked behind me to see Will wearing a wicked grin on his face at the sight of his child injured.

I run towards Will and tackle him hard to the floor and get on top of him start repeatedly punch him over and over in a fit of rage.

I pull back and see Will's face bruised, bloody, and his nose looked broken.

Will coughs out blood as he glares at me with hatred in his eyes.

"Do it, Nick. Kill your own brother."

I shook my head, "I don't have a brother. He died sixteen years ago."

I get up and grab the gun that Chris dropped and point it at Will.

"Goodbye Will."



I turn around and see Deena checking on Chris.

"Hang on Chris. Deena go back and tell Maya what happened." I tell her as I hand Deena my gun and bend down to gently carry Chris and run out of the tunnels leaving Deena and Sam behind.

"Keep your eyes open Chris."

Kinda didn't like how I wrote this chapter but oh well. I was planning on writing more but decided to end it here.

Two more chapters till the book is over.

Next chapter will be my favorite to write for Maya will finally know and meet her daughter. So excited to write them meeting each other.

The original plan was for Chris to never show up it was supposed to end with Nick killing Will but I decided to change it up and give Chris a redemption arc. He was a lost kid who just wanted his dad's love but unfortunately all Will cared about was power.

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