The Plan

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Third POV

"As the mall's lead custodial engineer, I ensure that all retail establishments come equipped with the StoreSafe 250. This is the Cadillac of store gates. Now, the 250 prevents your standard smash-and-grab, graffiti, all while complying with the 70% visibility ordinance. Best part easy to operate." He explains as he bends down and unlocks the gate.

"And we can rig them for quick release?" Josh asked, "Little grease and these things go down faster than a Sunnyvale cheerleader." He replied receiving a glare from Deena and Ziggy rolls her eyes.

Josh faces Deena and Ziggy, "So Deena is the target now, so the killers will go after Deena's blood just like they with Sam. And then we use that to lure them into the stores and then..." Josh faces Martin.

"Welcome to the clink, motherfucker." Martin says, closing the gates loudly.

"The killers will be locked up, then it's just us versus Goode." Josh said, "Okay, sure, awesome, but then what? Like how do we take out Goode?" Deena asked.

"Are-are y'all serious about this?" Martin asked.

An idea formed in Ziggy head, "Once they're down, how quickly can we get the gates back open?" Ziggy asked.

"That depends but- "

Deena cuts Martin off, "Why would we wanna do that?" Deena asked curious what Ziggy plan is.

"We'll Carrie her." Ziggy replied.

Deena, Josh, and Martin get the supplies they need for the plan, Ziggy walks towards the Hanging Tree and looks at the tree. Ziggy is reminded of that awful night 16 years ago. Ziggy and Cindy thought they'd end the curse that night, but instead it ended with them dying only to be brought back to life by Maya Goode, the person responsible for all this. For Tommy being possessed, Alice, Gary, Jeremy, Joan, Arnie, and innocent kids dead.

Deena walks towards Ziggy and places her hand on Ziggy shoulder startling her. The two stared at the tree.

"I should've put the pieces together." Ziggy said breaking the silence, "You didn't know Ziggy. " Deena replied trying to make Ziggy not blame herself for something she's not responsible for.

"I'm completely utterly in love with you, Ziggy Berman. I cannot picture a life without you." Maya whispers to her as the two laid in Ziggy's bed cuddling, "I love you too, Maya. Thank you for being here for me throughout the difficult times."

Maya kisses Ziggy's forehead, "You're welcome. I bet you never thought you'll fall in love with me." Maya smiled happy that she didn't give up on Ziggy falling in love with her, "Shut up." She mumbles blushing thankfully it was dark, and Maya couldn't see because she would've teased her.

Maya looks at Ziggy and leans in to kiss her Ziggy reciprocate the kiss Maya can't help but smile as Ziggy kissed her.

Ziggy pushed that memory aside,

"Allison once told me and Cindy something about hers and Rick relationship." Ziggy said and Deena looks at her in curiosity at the mention of Maya's parents, "She told me that hers and Rick relationship crumbled when Rick told her a family secret." Ziggy reveals realizing that the secret she was told was of the Goode's deal with the Devil.

"She was told of the Goode family deal with the Devil." Deena said Ziggy nods, "She didn't tell me and Cindy what the secret was, only that it changed her whole perspective of Rick, and she ended the relationship." Ziggy told her.

Deena looked at Ziggy confused, "But the two got married? Why did she marry him then?" Deena asked confused why Allison would marry a killer.

Ziggy sighed, "She never stopped loving Rick even when Rick told her the secret but just because she still loved him didn't mean she wanted to be with him again. It's only when she found out she was pregnant with Maya that the two got back together again and that's only because of Allison's parents. Once Rick became Sheriff the two got married. I asked her if she regrets marrying Rick despite learning what the secret was, and she said yes, she wished her parents never told Rick that she was pregnant. Because if they hadn't then she wouldn't have married Rick and would've raised Maya by herself like she intended to do"

"Do you think if Allison's parents never told Rick that she was pregnant then none of this would've happened? The Camp NightWing Massacre, Heather, Ryan, Simon, and Kate dying?" Deena curiously asked imaging a future where none of them died. Ziggy stayed silent as she continued staring at the tree and then looked at Deena, "Rick would've just chosen another Shadysider."

Deena nodded and walked away leaving Ziggy lost in thought. Ziggy felt guilty that she never told Maya about Allie existing especially having Allison keep it a secret from Maya. Having Maya miss the day Allie was born, her first crawl, first steps, first words, birthdays, and her first day of school. But now that she knows the truth, she is glad that she never told Maya because if she did tell Maya then the tradition would've continued with Maya passing it on to Allie and forcing her to continue.

"Everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shitty people, that bad things happen here because we're bad, that we deserve what we have coming, that's how it was for Sarah and that's how it's been for us. But it's all bullshit. Just because we're weird, smart, and different doesn't mean they can feed us through the next meat grinder, not anymore. It's been three centuries, no one else has gotten this far, it stops here, tonight. It stops with us. We're gonna kill this motherfucker. For Sarah, for Kate, Simon, and Alice, for all of us. For Shadyside. Now let's do this." Deena said encouraging them.

She grabbed the knife slicing her palm and squeezed her blood into the bucket.

The group split across the mall and set everything into place to trap the killers, they spray painted the walls and floors, and filled blood into water guns.

"Okay cut it!"

"Cut it!" Ziggy yelled.

Martin pulled down all the levers and the mall went dark, the only light that appeared was from the places that the group spray painted.

Once they're done, they go to their assigned spots and hear the bell rang signaling someone is here.

"Police, hands up now!" A policeman shouts pointing his gun at Ziggy and Martin the two put their hands up in surrender.

Ziggy tries to tell the officer that they're going to die while Martin tries to calm down Ziggy, but the officer won't listen to her. The officer orders Ziggy and Martin to slide their weapons over and they listen and slide their guns over Deena and Josh following suit.

"We got the 5150-" The officer is cut off by getting stabbed in the back of his neck he collapses on the floor revealing the Milkman.

"AHHHH!" Martin screams loudly.

"I need you to focus because the plan is still on, alright?" Ziggy orders and Martin nods, feeling terrified.

Everyone gets into position and follows the plan trapping the killers in each separate entrance of a store. Once they finished, they hide behind a counter.

"How many is that?" Deena asked, "I got one, Martin got the Milkman." Josh told her.

"Four. We have four. Skull Mask, NightWing." Ziggy told them, "No Ruby yet?" Deena asked.

"I don't know. We need to keep an eye on-"

Josh is cut off by Martin, "Y-y-yo! Why'd it get so quiet?" Martin asked. Ziggy, Deena, and Josh stop talking and peek over the counter hearing how quiet the mall is.

"She's here." Ziggy mumbled.

"You don't have to do this." Deena tells her knowing that Ziggy confronting Maya is going to be difficult for her.

"Yes, I do." Ziggy said and stood up and leaves the counter to go stand in in front of the hanging tree that is centered in the mall.

Ziggy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. She opens her eyes and gasps at the person approaching her.

"Hello Ziggy."

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