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Third POV

"I want to see my sister! Her name is Cindy Berman. I need to see that's she's fine." Ziggy tells the doctor for the tenth time as the doctor checks her stitches. It's been four days since she woke up Ziggy has been asking to see Cindy. After, Maya told her the news of Cindy being in a coma she has been asking the doctor repeatedly that she wants to see Cindy. Unfortunately she still has not been allowed to see Cindy. Maya has visited Cindy and talks to her telling her how Ziggy is doing and that Ziggy misses her.

"You'll see her soon. I checked on her before I came to check on you and she's well and recovering." The doctor tells her.

Ziggy opens her mouth to protest.

"How does Ziggy look?" Maya asked interrupting Ziggy who huffs in annoyance.

"It's a miracle that she and her sister are alive based on the amount of slashes the two received." The doctor said making Maya feel guilty and the guilt increases when she sees Ziggy shift uncomfortably twiddling her thumbs. Maya grabs Ziggy hand and squeeze her hand. Ziggy squeezes Maya's hand back.

"Ziggy will have to stay here for 12 days just to make sure she's fine and the stitches won't open." The doctor tells the Ziggy and Maya making Ziggy groans hating that she has to stay at the hospital longer.

"I'll come by later to check on you again." The doctor says and leaves the room closing the door before Ziggy could ask again to see Cindy, "I'll be right back, I'm going too try to convince the doctor to let you see Cindy, okay." Maya tell Ziggy in a soft tone.

"Thank you." Ziggy says and pecks Maya's lips making both girls smile widely. Maya kisses Ziggy hand and leaves the room leaving Ziggy alone lost in her thoughts thinking about Maya and what the two are.

Ziggy realized why she never wanted Maya close with her it was because she refused to accept she has romantic feelings for Maya. Ziggy never thought she'll ever fall for a Sunnyvaler especially a Goode and for Maya to reciprocate her feelings. The two haven't discussed what they are but Ziggy knew Maya is planning on asking her to be her girlfriend. She only knew that because she pretended to be asleep when Nick came to visit and overheard Nick and Maya's conversation. She wanted the same but she couldn't help but be afraid.

"She's a Goode and I'm a Shadysider, how would our relationship even work?" Ziggy thought.

Ziggy is knocked out of her thoughts when she hears someone knocking on the door.

"Come in." Ziggy said thinking it was Maya coming to tell her she can see Cindy. The door opens and Ziggy glares angrily at the person walking into her room carrying flowers. The person closes the door.

"What do you want?" Ziggy asked making Nick wince at the death glare Ziggy gave him, Nick knew Ziggy didn't want to see him. Because of what he said to Officer Kapinski of Tommy going crazy and not believing her that it was the witch. But he had no choice he couldn't tell the truth. His family would be shunned and Ziggy will blame Maya for everything leaving her heartbroken.

Nick clears his throat and sets the flowers on the table and faces Ziggy who looks away, "I visited Cindy. She seems well. Nick says gaining Ziggy attention she snaps her head and looks at Nick. "I'm so sorry that Cindy is in a coma. But she's strong person I'm sure she'll- "

Ziggy cuts Nick off, "I don't want you here, Goode!"

Nick sighs, "Ziggy-"

"Leave, Nick! I don't want you to ever come visit me and I especially don't want you visiting my sister. Stay far away from my sister and I! Just because you're Maya's cousin doesn't mean I have to be or want to be friends with you." Ziggy exclaimed, "Well that's going to be hard because like you said I'm Maya cousin, and that means we're going to see each other since I'm going to be covering for you and Maya once she asks you to be her girlfriend." Nick replied and his eyes widened at the last part.

"Crap you weren't supposed to know about that last part." Nick said running his hands through his hair a trait he does whenever he's nervous, "It was supposed to be a surprise. Ugh Maya going to be mad."

The room was now silent neither saying a word to each other both avoiding eye contact from each other.

Finally Ziggy was the one to break the silence.

"You don't have to panic, Goode. I already know Maya plans on asking me to be her girlfriend." Ziggy said shocking Nick, "Did May-"

"I overheard you're conversation with Maya when you came to visit." Ziggy told him, "But you were sleeping when I came to visit." Nick said confused.

"It's called fake sleeping." Ziggy remarked.

"I'm actually surprised that The Nick Goode approves of his cousin liking me, the weird Shadysider girl?" Ziggy asked she thought that Nick just pretended to be supportive of Maya liking her.

"Well I'm different." Nick said and Ziggy scoffed but Nick ignored her reaction and continued talking, "I been supportive of Maya when she came out to me and her parents and when I figured out she has feelings for you. I would encourage her not to give up even when you pushed her aside not wanting her near you." Nick tells her and sits down in the chair beside Ziggy bed, "Why did you encourage her? You saw the way I treated her." Ziggy asked bewildered.

"Because you make Maya happy. Ever since uncle Rick died Maya has been sad she tries to hide it by smiling but me and aunt Allison can see it's all false. It doesn't help that uncle Rick entrusted her with a lot and her being a heir as a girl carries a lot of pressure. Plus my dad constantly tells her she needs to be a perfect role model for me and Will. It's rare when I get to see Maya actually be happy... the only time Maya is truly happy is when we go to Camp NightWing, and it's because she gets to see you, Ziggy. The way Maya look at you I have never ever seen her look at someone like that. You make Maya happy, I'm going to supportive of the two of you together."

Ziggy remains silent she was speechless she didn't expect that to be Nick response. She thinks back to the conversation her and Maya had in the Science and Nature cabin.

"But being the heir apparent especially as a girl makes it harder.... before my dad died, he loaded me with all this pressure 'you're my legacy" bullshit. He just kinda dropped this huge thing on my lap and it doesn't help that my uncle expects me to be a perfect role model for Nick and Will. My parents have my future all planned out and I don't even get a say. I mean maybe that's not what I wanna do." Maya said telling Ziggy of the responsibility she was given she looked up to see Ziggy staring at her.

"We don't have to be friends but we can at least be civilized for Maya." Nick said and stuck his hand out for Ziggy to shake.

Ziggy stares at Nick hand and sighs, "Fine for Maya." Ziggy agrees Nick smiles and the two shook hands.

I didn't like how I wrote the majority of Ziggy and Nick conversation felt like it was out of character of them. For the next chapters I will be doing time skips and then will be in Part 3 of Fear Street.

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