Maya vs Will

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Third POV

It has been one month since Cindy has been released from the hospital and is now back home. Maya would drive to Ziggy house and spend time with Ziggy and Cindy. When alone Ziggy and Maya would hang out in Ziggy room talk, watch tv, and make-out. Allison would come over and cook dinner. It made Ziggy and Cindy happy to have Allison in their lives. Both sisters viewed Allison as a mother figure, especially since their mom abandoned them and they only know because she left them a letter saying so. Now it was just Cindy and Ziggy who lived in the house. The money that Maya and Nick gave to Ziggy was enough for them to pay the house bill and Allison would pitch in if they didn't have enough money for the bills. Cindy and Ziggy were grateful for the help they were receiving but still found it hard to accept so Allison made a deal that Cindy and Ziggy would have scheduled days were they'll have to come over to the Goode house and help Allison clean the house in exchange Allison gets to help the two sisters. Ziggy and Cindy agreed to the deal Ziggy would tag along even in her days off so she could spend time with Maya. Nick would even sometimes tag along with Allison and Maya and eat dinner at the Berman's house with them much to Ziggy dismay at first, but now she's grown used to having Nick coming over to her house since he has shown that he cares but she'll never tell him that although Maya does know that Ziggy does care for Nick.

Speaking of the lovebirds, Maya and Ziggy have officially started dating. you would think Maya would be the one to ask Ziggy to be her girlfriend since Maya has been in love with Ziggy since she first laid eyes on Ziggy but nope it was Ziggy who made the first move. Ziggy didn't make it something big when she asked Maya to be her girlfriend.

"Your uncle a jackass how can he do that you." Ziggy exclaimed as she gently places the icepack on Maya's bruised eye, "Well turns out my uncle way of bonding with his only niece means unexpectedly training her how to fight." Maya remarked wincing at the touch of the icepack. 

"Still, he didn't ask Allison for permission if he can teach you how to fight." Ziggy tells her, "Well he thinks Nick and I should learn how to fight now so when we enter the Police Academy, we can be good at fighting and impress are instructors." Maya replied wincing as Ziggy cleans Maya's wounds.

Ziggy remains quiet fuming in anger Maya sensing that Ziggy is angry cups Ziggy face.

"Hey I'm fine, okay. It's just a small bruise and minor wounds that will go away." Maya assures her, "I know but I don't like to seeing my girlfriend hurt." Ziggy says worriedly Ziggy's eyes widened realizing what she called Maya.

"Di-did you just call me your girlfriend?" Maya stuttered trying to contain the large grin on her face and the excitement she felt at hearing Ziggy calling her girlfriend.

"We-well yeah... I mean we like each other, hold hands, sleep together, spend time together, and kiss so that makes us girlfriends, right." Ziggy said in a casual tone, but Maya could hear the nerves in her voice plus Ziggy was fidgeting, a habit that she sometimes does when she's nervous.

Maya removes the ice pack from her eyes and stares at Ziggy with love.

"Yeah, that makes us girlfriends." Maya nodded and pecked Ziggy lip both girls smiling widely.

Maya and Nick were hanging out in his house. The two were thinking of ideas for were Maya can take Ziggy out on a first date without anyone seeing them together.

"Okay, we been here for what feels like an eternity, and we haven't come up with a single idea!" Maya said in a frustrating tone as she laid down on Nick's bed. Nick got up from the chair and collapsed on the bed and laid next to Maya. The two stared at the ceiling. When suddenly Nick sit up, "I got it. Just take Ziggy on a picnic date. But instead of having the date at the park it can be in your special place. That way no one can see you two together." Nick suggested Maya looked at him with excitement.

"That's brilliant, Nick. C'mon you're driving me to Shadyside." Maya tells him and leaves the room before Nick could object.

Nick sighed; he did not feel like driving Maya to Shadyside. Because he felt tired with all the thinking he did and just wanted to sleep but Maya left before he could say no. He gets up from bed and grabs a jacket and walks out of his room to see Maya and Will arguing with each other. Before Nick could step in. In case things escalate like last time. Maya punches Will in the face knocking him to the ground.

"You bitch!" Will exclaimed rubbing his jaw as he glared at Maya.

Nick quickly steps in as Will gets up from the floor.

"Hey let's calm down." Nick says, trying to prevent another fight from happening again between the two.

"Yeah, Will calm down don't want to lead it to me kicking you're ass again." Maya taunted.

Will tried to go around Nick to attack Maya but Nick predicted it and grabbed Will around his waist holding him back from attacking Maya.

"Maya grab my car keys there in the kitchen counter and just go." Nick ordered as he held Will back. Maya listened not wanting to be with Will any longer. She went downstairs, Nick let go of Will once he heard the door close.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Nick yelled, "My problem? She's the one who hit me for no god damn reason!" Will yelled back.

Nick scoffs, "Bullshit! Do you really expect me to believe that Maya punched you for no reason?" Nick said not believing Will, "Of course you'll side with Maya. You always side with her on everything." Will tells Nick a hint of jealousy in his voice.

Will would never say it out loud, but he is jealous of how close Nick and Maya are. The two saw each other as brother and sister instead of cousins. Will remembered when the three were little he would feel left out and as the three got older the feeling grew even more that he resented Maya. Even his own father favored Maya over him, and he still continued favoring her despite him knowing that Maya is friends with Shadysiders. But Will knew that his and Nick dad were okay with Maya being friends with Shadysiders is because his aunt was okay with it and he isn't going to criticize his aunt decision who he is in love with. It was no secret to the family that his and Nick dad has been in love with their aunt since they were teenagers. 

"Because she would never hit you unless you deserved it, like the last beating you had it coming after what you did. Now I don't know what you said that made Maya snap at you again but when you see her you apologize to her." Nick ordered and walked back to his room before Will could argue back.

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