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Maya POV

Ziggy scream loudly when Gary head and body falls on the floor.

Ziggy grabs my arm pulling me out of the way but Tommy manages to cut me in the shoulder before I was fully out of the way. The axe gets stuck in the wall and we run off as Tommy pulls the axe out of the wall.

We go to the Science and Nature cabin and sit on the floor hiding behind a table. I didn't register the pain on my shoulder till now. Ziggy notices and she quickly unwraps the bandage from her burned arm and wraps it around my shoulder that was bleeding. I winced when she would tightened the bandage.

"Sorry." She repeatedly apologized

"Does it still hurt?" She asked worriedly, "Not that much." I replied she smiled relieved and pecked my lips.

She pulls away when we hear the door open. Ziggy grabs my hand in worry.

"Maya? Ziggy? Are you two here?" Nick asked.

I sighed in relief Ziggy and I both stood up. I let go of Ziggy hand and ran over to Nick when I noticed the blood on his shirt.

"Nick, you're bleeding?" I exclaimed, "No it's not my blood." He assured me, "Maya you're shoulder it's bleeding." He asked concerned noticing the bandage wrapped in my shoulder.

"It's just a cut nothing serious." I replied Nick nodded but still looked concerned for me, "Whose blood is it?" I asked pointing at the blood on his shirt.

"Umm Sean, Jesse, Rod, and Stacy." He replied his hands trembled in fear.

"All Shadysiders, it's the curse." Ziggy said speaking for the first time. Nick shook his head, "No, no it's just some psycho." Nick said.

Ziggy opens her mouth but I interrupt her.

"It's not a psycho it's Tommy... he killed Gary by chopping his head off..." I trailed off thinking back to Tommy killing Gary with no remorse.

"She did this?" Ziggy said.

"Who?" Nick and I asked in unison.

"The witch!" She told us angrily Nick and I looked at each other.

"Zig she's not real." I told her making her scoff at me, "Exactly what a Sunnyvaler would say, I thought you were different." She said making me frown.

Before I could reply we hear the bell ring.

"They're getting on the bus, we have to go!" Nick tells us. I grab Ziggy's hand, "Come on we need to go before the bus leaves."

Ziggy pulled her hand away from me, "No! My sister still out there."

I put my good arm on her shoulder, "Ziggy, I've let a lot of people die-"

"It wasn't you're fault." Ziggy tells me.

"I can't let you die, okay." I said and Ziggy remains  silent and I continue talking, "Because I do like the weird Shadysider girl, and maybe once this is all over we could start a book club or something. I heard Stephen King new book is supposed to be a good one." I finished.

"I'm done with King. I'm sticking to Judy Blume for now." Ziggy tell me with a small smile, "I promise will read Judy Blume once this is all over." I replied smiling back at her.

Ziggy POV

"Maya, you believe me right? About the curse?" I asked hoping that she'll believe me, "I believe you." Maya replied.

"Sorry to interrupt you're moment but we have to go now, we'll call the cops once we leave camp." Nick says and then faces me, "You're sister going to be fine." Nick says trying to assures me.


The three of us hear the door being banged and quickly hid behind the tables knowing it's Tommy trying to break in.

To our dismay Tommy manages to break down the door and come in. My heart beat fast as I hear Tommy footsteps approaching our way. Nick signaled for us to move forward and Maya and I followed him just in time, as I heard Tommy smash something we're we last hid.

I felt relieved but that feeling went away when I saw a snake coming our way. I grabbed Maya's upper leg holding tightly as the snake slithered in my lap.

Once the snake left my lap I realized how quiet it was now. I shared a confused look with Maya and Nick.

Suddenly I'm pulled by my hair.

Maya POV

"Ziggy!" I shouted Nick and I stood up and went to help Ziggy who was being dragged over the desk as she desperately tried to escape from Tommy hold on her hair. Tommy let's go of Ziggy making her fall on the floor he pulled his axe ready to kill Ziggy.

Before I could jump in to protect Ziggy from the attack Nick did resulting in Tommy to slit Nick leg.

Nick screamed in pain I jumped on Tommy back making him drop his axe.

"Run Ziggy!" I yelled but Ziggy hesitated.

"Ziggy go!" Nick and I yelled in unison finally Ziggy ran out of the cabin. Tommy tried to throw me off his back but despite the cut on my shoulder I got from Tommy I managed to hold on tight. Nick tried to get up to help but couldn't. Tommy backed up making me hit the wall till I finally let go of him falling on the floor.

The last thing I see before I close my eyes is Tommy leaving the cabin

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