Here's Chapter 4 for you. This was supposed to be posted last Saturday but I got sick and just recovered in time to post now. Comment and or vote and please enjoy the chapter. If there's any inconsistencies with the timeline please let me know so I can fix it.
It was dark out. Almost midnight. Several groups of youths from ages fourteen to twenty-two were gathered together at Beigoma's only beach around several bonfires that had been set up earlier that day. It was the last night of their month long camping adventure. They were sent here to get to know and work with other people outside their own groups of friends they usually hung out with. Tonight they could spend their time with whoever they wanted since it was the last night before everyone went home.
"It's a shame tonight's the last night of this," Rantaro Kiyama told the group he was with around bonfire four.
"Yeah. This past month was real fun," Rantaro's best friend, Valt Aoi, agreed.
"Well I don't knowabout you guys but I can't wait to be back home in a warm safe house in my own warmking sized bed," Wakiya Murasaki, a spoiled rich brat, voiced out.
"You take that back right now. I'll have you know I came here of my own free will and I think I did really well out here this past month," Wakiya bragged smugly.
"Except for all the complaining you did the whole time. Though at least you did most of the activities we had to do here except for any involving heights," Rantaro admitted.
"I think you did pretty good Wakiya," Xander Shakadera told Wakiya as he stared into the fire. "I think everyone did pretty good out here."
"This was a good experience for everyone involved," Valt agreed. "Hey Xander I've been meaning to ask you something."
"What's on your mind Valt?"
"During one of the previous month long friendship building campouts did someone die on this beach?"
"Hmm. I'm not sure," Xander mused. "I've heard the rumors going around that someone drowned here but I'm not sure if they're just rumors or not."
"It happened a few years ago," Free De La Hoya spoke softly as he came to sit at bonfire four for a bit after over hearing the conversation from the bonfire he'd been at a small distance away. "Some girls were jealous of another girls talents and the fact she had a really popular boyfriend she was going really strong with that one of them wanted."
"What did they do about it?" Rantaro wondered in a small inquisitive voice.
"Well. Theysupposedly took her from her tent one night, beat her up then tied her handsbehind her back and both her feet together and threw her out into the oceanseveral feet from shore."
"Wow. Harsh much?" Rantaro muttered quietly.
"When the missing girl's body washed up on the shore a few days later everyone at the campout was questioned even the girls involved in her murder. Nothing pointed to them and they swore up and down they had nothing to do with what happened to her," Free stated calmly.
"Were they ever found out?" Valt asked.
"Nope," Free admitted solemnly.
"Hey wait a minute," Wakiya interrupted. "How do you know any of this is true if they were never found out? He could be making it up to try and scare us."
"My cousin was part of the group of girls who'd committed the act," Free admitted. "When she came home she started feeling really remorseful and guilty about what she did. She confided in me confessing to the whole thing and told me not to tell anyone else what she told me."

Releasing The Trapped
FanfictionJin Aizawa is a spirit medium. He and four others go to a house called the Massacre Murder House on the forth year anniversary of the incident that gave the house it's name. Four years ago ten people were murdered in cold blood in the house during a...