Recapture, Separation & Escape

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Here's another chapter for you. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Enjoy.

"" living people are talking

'' ghosts talking

Theodore, Kurt and Norman sat in the dark basement in silence as Theodore thought of what to do to get loose. He looked around but found nothing he could knock over into his reach to help get the ropes off. They didn't see anyone watching them and so far no one had come down to check that they were still restrained but Theodore remembered the two names he'd heard from the yellow eyed guy he assumed was the group's leader.

The dark hairedyellow eyed guy had asked Katana to keep an eye on them and had thanked Mickfor helping Katana. Theodore had seen no one stay when everyone else had goneupstairs and he hadn't even heard anyone say they would stay and help keep aneye on them. Was the yellow eyed guy, Theodore was sure was named Jin, secretlywatching them somehow right now? Was that strong force Theodore could no longerdeny still around and helping Jin and his friends? Did it really originate fromthe night of the massacre? Theodore didn't know but he knew he and the othertwo needed to free themselves and fast.

"Obviously there is something in this house and it's possible whatever it is it's helping the targets," Theodore said quietly to himself but the other two heard him.

"That Jin guy mentioned two names. I remember them from that internet search. They were two of the victims from that massacre," Kurt, who had just regained consciousness a little while ago, seethed.

"Is it possible it's down here right now watching?" Norman wondered.

"We can't chance saying anything out loud or the targets might learn about it and they could stop it before we can start it," Theodore thought out loud.

"So what? We use gestures?" Kurt asked.

"Possibly. Until we find a way to get loose and get rid of this group and get out of here," Theodore told him. "By now they've most likely called the cops and they're probably on their way meaning we are running very short on time."

"What do we do?" Kurt calmed down reluctantly in favour of thinking clearer and getting free quickly.

Theodore took one more look around the basement in case he missed something they could use. Still nothing. He still had an idea of how they were going to get loose.

"Kurt you're really good at getting your hands loose when restrained. Why don't you get yourself loose then untie us."

Theodore knew ifthere was anything or one he couldn't see hanging around keeping an eye on themthey're attention would by drawn to what he had just said. He knew thatsomething or someone would probably go upstairs to tell Jin what was said. Healso knew Kurt's shoulder which had been injured earlier was really starting tobug him. Kurt didn't want to move it much and would not enjoy being the one toget them loose as it would require him to move that shoulder.

That's what Theodore was hoping for. His words would get the attention of any possible watchers who would want to alert Jin possibly leaving them alone to escape. Kurt would protest and say he didn't want to do it because of his shoulder and that could make the watcher calm down and possibly think they still couldn't escape but they would still want to report to Jin anyway to be on the safe side. This would make it easy for Norman, who was better at getting out of restraints than Kurt, to get out of his restraints unnoticed. Then he'd untie him and Kurt. Hopefully if there was something supernatural or paranormal or whatever down here with them it wouldn't be able to do anything against them.

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