Captured Criminals

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Sorry there wasn't a post last week. A lot has been going on and I didn't have time to work on a chapter to post but here is a chapter for you. Comment and of vote and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.

Jin kind of had a plan of how to get the criminals into the basement but what he really needed was a way to keep them down there and prevent them from somehow escaping. Getting Kurt and Norman down into the basement would be easy. Getting Theodore down there wouldn't be. Keeping them down there was also not going to be easy as far as he knew. How do you keep three hardened criminals from escaping where they're caught while waiting for someone to come deal with them?

To get Norman into the basement Jin would have Freddy in his body go down there then Freddy could leave Norman's body afterwards. To get Kurt down there Freddy could use Norman's body to restrain him and force him down there. Now how was he going to get Theodore down there?

Jin figured he could use Norman to capture Kurt. Norman was a match for Kurt and Freddy was still in possession of Norman's body and he was still blocking Kurt and ready to act if he did anything to try to get past him. those two were both pretty much caught. Now on to Theodore.

Theodore didn't look all that tough now that his gun had been taken from him and broken leaving him weaponless. Looking at him right now Jin wouldn't peg Theodore as a good fighter. He had taken him hostage and did seem to have quite a bit of strength but he struck Jin as more of a manipulator. He was the main threat to Jin and his friends. Kurt looked stronger than Theodore but Theodore had had a gun before and seemed a little calmer and smarter than Kurt. He could easily manipulate him into doing what he wanted him to. The only one Theodore seemed to not be manipulating and seemed to actually care for was Norman. Could Jin use him to get Theodore into the basement? How?

"May I offer a suggestion?" a voice said from the landing below where Jin stood lost in thought.

"Clio?" Jin questioned turning to face his friend. "Why did you come out of hiding? Where is everyone else?"

"In the basement," Clio told him calmly. "I came up to see what was happening and if the danger had passed."

"Almost. What was your idea?"

"If we capture them we won't need that rope keeping the cellar doors into the basement closed. We could put them in the basement and use the rope to tie them together and onto something firm keeping them restrained until help arrives."

"We could. How do we get them down there though?" Jin wondered. "I figured Freddy could make Norman go down there before releasing him from his possession and even restrain Kurt and force him down there but what about Theodore."

"Freddy? The ghost from the living room? He's possessed Norman?" Clio voiced out not too surprised a ghost had possessed someone but a little worried about it.

"Yeah. He did it to save me and Fubuki from Norman's partners," Jin confirmed depleting Clio's worry.

"Could one of the other ghosts possess Theodore and make him go down there? Maybe since Norman is possessed and still in our grasp Theodore might cooperate," Clio suggested.

"He did take Norman in and raise him as his successor so he might not want to lose him to anything or one," Jin voiced out. "Freddy how long can you stay in possession of Norman for?"

"A little longer. I'm getting pretty low on energy though and he's really starting to fight back mentally."

While Freddy was answering Jin's question Kurt seized his chance to escape. He made a run for it while the ghost possessed man in front of him was distracted. Bowie tried to stop his escape by shoving him to the ground but that only delayed him.

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