Here's the next chapter, comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. This chapter continues right were the last one ended. Please enjoy.
"I know all the names of the people involved that night thanks to you. Now I also know there was a third person there that night too. All I have to do is go to the police."
The memory of Akari's attack and death continued to play out. Clio heard her threaten Norman with great bravery. He hoped she could feel he was quite proud of her for standing her ground the way she did and getting the information from him she had managed to get while she was in his body showing him all this. He focused back on the memory.
"I was hoping you would come with me willingly."
"Why would I go anywhere with you especially willingly?"
"To avoid any trouble or possible injuries you could receive if you refused."
"What do you want with me?"
"I already told you. Ransom. Theodore wants your parents to pay him for your safe return."
"I won't come willingly."
As Clio watched through the girls eyes she looked around then took off running. She glanced behind her but to her's and Clio's surprise Norman wasn't behind her. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Akari had stopped now much to Clio's dislike. He remembered that this was a memory though and he couldn't change it. She had already done this and paid the price.
Clio watched her lean against a tree to catch her breath when out of nowhere she was forced to the ground when something hit her from behind. Clio growled as he watched Norman pull Akari to her feet forcefully by her arm.
"You should have just come with me willingly."
"No you were the one who killed Mick. You killed the person I loved."
"That guy in the room upstairs? He shouldn't have interfered and gotten in my way. He shouldn't have tried to stop me from taking you."
"He tried to protect me because he loved me."
Clio could feel she was becoming frustrated and quite scared now. He could feel the emotions very strongly. He had to keep telling himself he was simply seeing a memory. It wasn't happening in real time. Akari's spirit reached out mentally asking if he wanted her to stop showing him, he reached back showing he wanted to continue. The memory continued.
"You weren't going to be harmed. We just wanted ransom money. I would've made sure Theodore let you go unharmed."
"Like you can be trusted."
As if a criminal could be trusted Clio thought to himself. Let alone one who'd assisted in killing ten other people even killing some himself. Akari was right to not trust Norman's word.
"I love you. I have for a while since I first saw you. I thought I could use the time you were with us to get you to love me and was even thrilled when Theodore choose you and your house. Then I realized you were with that other guy and after you fled the room I took out my anger and frustration on him and removed him from existence. I hoped I'd find you and make you fall for me. Augh."
Clio inwardly smirked as he saw Akari free herself from his grasp by stomping on his foot and biting his hand hard. He was worried when she only got a short distance away before Norman recovered and recaught her. He pulled out a knife and Clio knew where this memory was going.

Releasing The Trapped
FanfictionJin Aizawa is a spirit medium. He and four others go to a house called the Massacre Murder House on the forth year anniversary of the incident that gave the house it's name. Four years ago ten people were murdered in cold blood in the house during a...