Here's the next chapter. comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Enjoy.
"" = living people talking, '' = ghosts talking, bold = audio
Warning: There is mentions of the murders in this chapter. There is also a little bit of harm to a captive
Jin picked up an audio recorder turned it on and hid it in his pocket. He approached their hostage Norman Tarver and pulled the tape back from his mouth. Jin put some space between him and Norman and sat down in front of him.
"Speak," he ordered.
"I won't tell you a damn thing," was all Norman said but Jin smirked.
"I didn't tell you to say anything in particular. All I said was speak. It didn't matter what you said."
"I watched you put that device in your pocket. I assumed it was on and that it was probably some kind of recording device. Weren't you trying to get me to tell you what our plans for you are?"
"No and the recorder is on. I wasn't using it to record you saying anything in particular. I just wanted to record your voice," Jin said as he got up and walked back to the table and placed the recorder still turned on, unknown to Norman, down on it. "I plan to play the recording to Bowie to see if he recognizes your voice as the voice of the one that spoke to him the night he was murdered."
"Bowie?" Norman asked. "Who's that?"
"Bowie is the name of one of the many ghosts trapped in this house," Jin told him. "He's one of the victims killed the night you and your two friends broke in and massacred ten people."
"Ghosts," Norman chuckled. "Really."
"They exist and Iplan on taking you down and freeing them from this place. Bowie is the onewho's throat was slit on the stairs," Jin informed Norman who suddenly seemedto know him.
"Oh that one. The one with the hat and black dreadlocks. He was easy to kill. Just as easy as the one on the couch."
"Freddy. You're the one who killed Freddy?" Jin seethed at Norman's unexpected confession.
"Maybe," Norman mocked deciding to stop talking.
Jin calmed his growing anger. He swiftly approached Norman and retaped his mouth so he couldn't yell out to his partners or annoy Jin and his friends. He picked up the audio recorder and showed it to Norman. Norman noticed the red light was on his eyes showed no concern at first then they widened.
"So much for nottalking," Jin chuckled. "The recorder was recording everything you just said.You thought it was turned off when I put it down on the table. I'm going toplay it for Bowie and see if he recognizes your voice though I'm sure you werethe one who killed him. I'll also find a way to record your friends confessing theirinvolvement in the massacre and show the cops it was you three responsible for thosemurders that night."
Jin grabbed the audio recorder, turned it off and grabbed a second recorder before leaving the room. He approached the stairs calmly and confidently. Bowie watched him just as calmly. Jin sat next to the dark haired ghost and placed the recorder down between them on the step.
"Bowie I want you to hear something," Jin said as he played the voice of Norman Tarver.
"I won't tell you a damn thing."
"I didn't tell you to say anything in particular. All I said was speak. It didn't matter what you said."

Releasing The Trapped
FanfictionJin Aizawa is a spirit medium. He and four others go to a house called the Massacre Murder House on the forth year anniversary of the incident that gave the house it's name. Four years ago ten people were murdered in cold blood in the house during a...