Here's the next chapter. It's a little late but this week's been busy. Anyway comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Enjoy.
Norman looked around carefully as he cautiously approached the house. He was returning after leaving Kurt at Theodore's car and retrieving a few extra weapons. So far he saw no flashing lights and heard no sirens informing him the cops had not arrived. Good.
"Still not here hu," Norman chuckled rolling his eyes at how slow and unhelpful the cops were being right now.
Good though. That gave him and Theodore time to deal with the targets and get out of the area. Norman stealthily approached the still open front door. Sounds from upstairs told him someone was up there.
"Looks like Theodore got found," he said quietly to himself.
He quietly made his way to the stairs. He didn't want to be noticed by the targets. He was going to get Theodore out of whatever confrontation he was in then they were going to kill everyone and maybe burn the place down like they did with every abandoned hideout. He carefully headed to the second floor to avoid detection. Norman forgot in that moment that the house was haunted. He couldn't see, hear or feel the ghosts in the house so why would he remember it was haunted.
He didn't see Bowie at the top of the stairs waiting for him. He couldn't see Shinki go into the open bedroom to alert Jin who had been the one to find Theodore up there in the room. He didn't know what was to come. What he did know was that the talking stopped.
Norman stopped just at the top step. Something was wrong. The talking had stopped indicating something was wrong. He thought Jin was in the room with Theodore confronting him. Why were they suddenly so silent now though. Norman couldn't hear the voices clearly enough to really tell any apart so he didn't know if any of the voices had been Theodore's or not and now that he was close enough the talking had stopped.
If Theodore was being confronted why was it so quiet now? Theodore wouldn't be so quiet he'd been trying to rile this group up so they made a mistake. He wouldn't be talking to them in any hushed tone. Theodore hadn't been involved in whatever conversation had been going on in that room.
Where was he then? Was he okay? Had he escaped and hidden somewhere else waiting for a chance to get out of the house? Had he been recaptured and bound again? Who was in that room?
Norman didn't see Freddy come out of the room. He felt a brief force barely make contact with him and that's when he remembered the ghosts living in the house. Had one of them just tried to push him down the stairs? Where was it now? Why had it decided to not attack? He couldn't hear Freddy and Bowie conversing right next to him and didn't know Freddy had stopped Bowie from attacking him.
'Jin wants him to go in the room,' Freddy informed Bowie.
'They'll be trapped in there with probably no way out,' Bowie protested.
'I think they have a plan,' Freddy countered. 'Otherwise why would Jin tell me to tell you to let him go in there?'
'I hope Jin knows what he's doing,' Bowie commented.
While the ghosts were conversing with each other Norman was debating whether or not to go into the room and see who was inside and if Theodore was there. He could have simply run and saved himself but Theodore hadn't abandoned him when he'd been captured earlier and even possessed. Norman wasn't leaving him.
Norman made up his mind. He was going to see who was in that room. He was going to help Theodore get away if he was captured again. He wouldn't have escaped unless he knew Norman had gotten away. He was in that room. Norman knew he was. Norman stepped up onto that last step, rounded the corner and entered the room.

Releasing The Trapped
FanfictionJin Aizawa is a spirit medium. He and four others go to a house called the Massacre Murder House on the forth year anniversary of the incident that gave the house it's name. Four years ago ten people were murdered in cold blood in the house during a...