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     One afternoon at the Heeler residence, Bandit and Chilli were hosting a family gathering consisting of the guests Radley and Frisky.  Even Nana decided to join.  Knowing that the gathering would be kind of boring for their children, Bandit and Chilli decided to let Bluey invite some of her friends from school to play games with her and Bingo.  These friends consisted of a little pink poodle named Coco and a little dalmatian named Chloe, who was Bluey's best friend.  In the living room, Bluey, Bingo, Coco, and Chloe were thinking of fun games to play at the gathering when all of a sudden, Bluey came up with an idea!

     "Ooh!  Let's play 'The Wizard'!" said Bluey with a big smile on her face.  Bingo squealed at the idea while Chloe and Coco were quite curious about what you do in "The Wizard".  So Chloe asked,
"Hm, what's 'The Wizard' and how do you play it?"  Bluey replied,
"You know about the movie where a farm girl goes to another world and she makes friends and sings songs while avoiding a wicked witch?"
Finally understanding what this game is about, Coco said,
"Oh, I love that movie!  Are you saying we'll pretend to be in the movie and choose which characters we want to be?"
"Yes!" added Bingo.
But then she thought about how there were so many characters in the movie and she asked,
"There's only one problem: there are lots and lots of characters in that movie and only four of us.  What do we do?"

     But just as Bingo finished that sentence, Frisky, who was in the backyard with the other adults, came into the living room and said,
"Did I hear that you four wanted to play 'The Wizard'?"
The girls nodded their heads.
"Well, I think we can help with that since that's a big game for four puppies"
Bluey and Bingo squealed with glee when they realized what that meant.  Suddenly, Bluey, Bingo, Chloe, and Coco ran to the backyard, excited to get ready for the game. 

     Bandit, Chilli, Radley, Frisky, and Nana all helped out each girl decide who they wanted to be.  In the end, they all decided on the following: Bluey will be the farm girl, Bingo will be the farm girl's little sister, Bandit and Chilli will be the farm girls' parents, Frisky will be the Good Witch, Radley will be the titular Wizard, Coco will be the ScarePoodle, and Chloe will be the Dalma-Tin.  At one point, Bluey asked,
"Who will be the Wicked Witch?"
Nana immediately chimed in with,
"I will!"
This caught Bandit by surprise, so he asked,
"Mum, are you sure you want to be the Wicked Witch?  You know that's the bad guy role"
"That's fine by me.  All roles are important, after all", Nana replied.

     Before everyone began playing their game, Bluey suddenly realized one thing.
"Ah!! We forgot the Lion!  Who will be the Lion?", said Bluey in a worried tone. 
Just then, she heard Judo, who lived next door, say,
"Ooh!  Let me!  Let me!"
Judo hopped over her fence and into the Heeler backyard hopping up and down.
"This game sounds fun!  Can I be the Lion?  You said you needed one"
Bluey did some thinking and then said,

     The girls cheered and they, along with the adults, got their game ready.  Once everything was in position, they began playing "The Wizard", imagining themselves in the classic movie.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now