Chapter 14

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     The girls had entered the hallway, which was long and dark. They were all getting scared, especially the Chow-ardly Lioness. Bingo hid behind Bluey and she held her paw tight. As they walked through the hallway, the Chow-ardly Lioness stopped said,
"Hang on...on second thought...maybe I don't want to see the Wizard that much..."
Everyone else stopped as she continued to say,
"I think I'll wait outside..."
She then tried turning and leaving, but the ScarePoodle grabbed her arm and asked,
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I think she's scared again" replied the Dalma-Tin.
Bluey put her paw on the Chow-ardly Lioness's shoulder and said,
"Don't know the Wizard is gonna give you lots of courage, right?"
Whimpering a little and now grabbing her tail, she replied,
"But...I'm to scared to ask..."
"We'll ask him for you"
"No no, I think I should wait outside"
She turned to leave, but the ScarePoodle stopped her while Bluey asked,
"But why?"
"I'm too scared!" replied the Chow-ardly Lioness.
When the girls continued to walk, they stopped again when they heard the Chow-ardly Lioness yipe.
"What happened??" asked a worried ScarePoodle.
"Someone pulled my tail!" replied the Chow-ardly Lioness.
"That was you!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness noticed that and she let go sheepishly.
"Come on" said the ScarePoodle.

Linking arms together, the girls walked down the hallway even further. In the distance, they saw a door open as a booming voice said,
"Come forward!!"
Naturally, everyone got startled from this. The Chow-ardly Lioness covered her eyes with her paws and said,
"Tell me when it's over!"
Nodding at her, the girls walked into the door and they entered a big room. Bingo stayed hidden behind Bluey the whole time and was a little nervous. In the center of the room, there was a throne and nearby the throne were two big pipes on each side, which occasionally burst out fire. There were also lots of ominous smoke. Gasping from the pipes, the Chow-ardly Lioness said,
"Look at that!! Look at that!!"
And then, a large green dog head appeared over the throne. As that happened, the Chow-ardly Lioness shouted,
"I want to go home!!"
Looking down at the girls, the green dog head then announced in a powerful voice,
"I am Aus. The great and powerful. Who are you?"
Everyone shook out of fear when they actually saw Aus. He then asked again,
"Who are you??"
Feeling nervous, Bluey slowly stepped up to him, with Bingo hiding behind her.
" name is Bluey...I am a small heeler puppy..." said Bluey nervously.
Trying to be confident, she continued with,
"We've come all this way to ask you..."
"SILENCE!" shouted Aus, interrupting and scaring Bluey in the process.
"Ahh! Bingo, stay with me!" she said
She and Bingo ran back to everyone else and hugged the Dalma-Tin in the process.

Suddenly, Aus said,
"The great Aus knows exactly why you are here. Now, step forward Dalma-Tin!"
The Dalma-Tin walked up to the Wizard, shaking a little.
" dare come to me for a heart? You clinking, clanking, clattering, collection of caliginous junk!!" said Aus.
Feeling nervous, the Dalma-Tin replied with,
"Y-y-yes sir...your honor-! You see...a little while back...we were skipping down the Yellow Brick Road...and-"
The Dalma-Tin got startled from that and she ran back to the group quickly, still shaking.
"And you, ScarePoodle!" announced Aus.
As soon as she heard her name, the ScarePoodle rushed up to Aus, got down on her knees, and bowed before him. All of this happened as he said,
"You have the audacity to ask for a brain, huh? You billowing bale of bovine fodder!!"
"Um...yes your honor! I mean, your excellency! I mean, your wizardry!"
As she bowed again, Aus said,
The ScarePoodle immediately ran back to the group, almost tripping in the process. Aus then said,
"And you, lioness!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness got really scared and slowly stepped up to him. She had no idea what to say and she looked around nervously.
"WELL?!" yelled Aus.
This yelling caused the Chow-ardly Lioness to faint out of fear and fall onto the floor. This startled the girls and they immediately ran to her. As the ScarePoodle fanned her and as the Dalma-Tin lightly tapped her face, Bluey looked at Aus and angrily said,
"Hey! That wasn't nice! Yelling and scaring a poor little chow chow when she came up to you help!"
"Silence! You little grub!" said Aus.

He continued with,
"The magnificent Aus has every intention of granting everyone's wishes!"
This woke up the Chow-ardly Lioness and she asked,
"Wait what? What did he say? That he was gonna grant our wishes?!"
Bluey smiled with excitement as she and everyone else helped her up.
"But first..." added on Aus.
"You girls must prove yourselves worthy by performing a simple task"
The girls leaned in to listen to Aus's order. He then announced,
"Bring me the broomstick of the Old Fashioned Witch!"
Everyone got shocked from this and the Dalma-Tin said,
"But in order to do that, we'd have to kill her!"
"Bring me her broomstick and I'll make your wishes come true. Now go!"
Feeling tense, the Chow-ardly Lioness asked,
"But...what if she gets us first??"
The Chow-ardly Lioness took off running, accidentally knocking the ScarePoodle down in the process. She ran outside the room immediately and ran through the dark hallway. However, what she decided to do next was find the nearest window. Once she did so, she prepped herself quickly and then dove right through it, breaking it in the process. There was now an important task to do and the girls were determined to complete it.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now