Chapter 19

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     The girls had made it back to the Land Of Toys and they were seeing Aus himself.  He seemed a bit surprised to see the girls back, so he said,
"My eyes don't deceive me, what brings you girls back here?"
The ScarePoodle was holding the broomstick and then she handed it to Bluey.  Proudly showing off the broomstick to the Wizard, Bluey said,
"Please sir, we did what you wanted us to do!  We brought you the broomstick of the Old Fashioned Witch!  We melted her!"
"Ah, you tossed water at her, didn't you.  Very clever if I do say so myself" replied Aus.
"So...would it be ok if you keep your promise and grant us our wishes please?"
Bluey asked this with sparkles in her eyes, but they quickly disappeared when Aus said,
"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"
Everyone got confused from this and they even got a little nervous.
"I need to give these wishes more thoughts.  Go away and come back tomorrow" said Aus, not feeling it at the moment.
"What?!  Tomorrow?!" shouted Bluey, who was a little angry from this.
She continued with,
"But I want to go home now!"
"This is outrageous!" added on Bingo
Defending Bluey, The Dalma-Tin stepped up and said,
"You've had lots of time to think about it!"
"Yeah!" added in the Chow-ardly Lioness.
"Do not anger the great and powerful Aus!  I said to come back tomorrow!" replied Aus.
As he spoke, Bingo noticed something peculiar nearby: a teal curtain.  She ran off and entered the curtain.  As she did that, Bluey said,
"If you were truly great and powerful, you would keep your promises!"
"Do not criticize the great Aus, you ungrateful little brats!  You're lucky I said tomorrow instead of a few years or even not at all!" replied Aus as Bingo pulled on the curtain.

     Once the curtain was pulled, behind it was a red and blue Heeler dog who was running a contraption of some sort while speaking to a microphone. 
"Look at this!" said Bingo as she pointed to the dog. 
The girls were surprised from this as the Wizard they had heard was so powerful was nothing but a simple dog like them.  Once Aus realized he had been revealed, he gasped and said,
"The great Aus has spoken"
He quickly pulled the curtain back and tried to hide himself.
"Pay no attention to that dog behind the curtain!!  Aus has spoken!" he shouted in the process.
But it was no use.  Bluey walked up to the curtain and pulled it again.  Holding Bingo's paw, she asked Aus,
"Who are you?"
Aus tried to seem powerful again, but then he calmed down as he said,
"I am the great and powerful...!  Wizard of Aus.
"You?!" replied Bluey, who was upset to hear this.
"I don't believe it!"
"It's true...there's no other Wizard than me..." he said as he felt ashamed for putting this act on.
The ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness walked up to where Bluey was and they too were upset.
"You meanie!! said the ScarePoodle.
"Yeah!!" said the Chow-ardly Lioness
"I know...I can be mean..." replied Aus
Still feeling upset, Bluey told Aus,
"Not just mean, you're a very bad dog!"
"No I'm not...I'm a very good dog...I'm just a bad wizard..." replied Aus, reassuring Bluey.
Now having lots of questions, the ScarePoodle asked,
"But what about the heart you promised Dalma-Tin??  And the courage you promised the Chow-ardly Lioness?!"
"And the ScarePoodle's Brain??" asked the Dalma-Tin and the Chow-ardly Lioness at the same time.

     Smiling a bit now, Aus took the ScarePoodle aside and said,
"Ah, my puppy.  Anyone can have a brain.  That's just a silly thought!  Any creature that can walk and talk has a brain!  Where I come from, we have universities, where many great learning can be found.  Many dogs go into universities to become great thinkers.  And when they come out, they have deep thoughts!  With no more brains that you have!"
The ScarePoodle was inspired by this and even had stars in her eyes.  Aus continued with,
"However, they have one thing that you don't: a diploma!"
He then got out a large black bag and pulled out a little diploma for the ScarePoodle and handed it to her.
"Therefore, by the power invested in me and the University of Queensland, I would like to honor you a degree in PHD"
"PHD?!" The ScarePoodle replied with a big smile on her face
"Yes, that's a doctor who thinks really big!"
Trying out her newfound knowledge, the ScarePoodle said,
"Sum of the square roots of any side of a right triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!"
She gasped on what she just said and even giggled.
"Wow...!  I have a brain!  I can't thank you enough!'" she said.

     Aus chuckled from this and then he took the Chow-ardly Lioness aside.  He told her,
"You, my little puppy, are under the impression that just because you run away from danger, it means you don't have courage?  Well, you're confusing courage for wisdom.  Back where I come from, we have dogs who are called heroes, where once a year, they show their honor by marching down the street in a big parade.  And they have no more courage than you do"
The Chow-ardly Lioness was also inspired by this and she too had stars in her eyes.  Aus began reaching in his bag and said,
"But, they have one thing that you don't: a medal!"
He pulled out a shiny sparkly medal that had the word "courage" written on it.  The Chow-ardly Lioness loved how it looked and she was excited.  As he put the medal around her neck, Aus said,
"Therefore, for strong determination, extreme loyalty, and protecting your friends from wicked witches, I would like to honor you with this special medal!  That's a strong achievement for a little puppy like you!"
Aus bent down and shook her paw and gave her a hug as she said,
The Lioness giggled from this and she felt more confident in herself.
"I...I don't know what to say!  Thank you!" she said.

     Then, Aus took the Dalma-Tin aside and told her,
"As for you, my little puppy, you want a heart?  Well, you're actually quite lucky to not have one.  Hearts can easily be broken and that feeling isn't very fun at all"
"But...I still want one..." said the Dalma-Tin, glancing to the side a little.
"Back where I come from, there are dogs who will do nothing but great deeds all day long.  They're deed do-ers.  With no more bigger of hearts than yours!"
Just like the other two, the Dalma-Tin was inspired and her eyes had stars in them.  Aus reached into his bag again and continued with,
"However, they have one thing that you don't: a testimonial!"
He then pulled out a red heart shaped clock and said,
"Therefore, in gratitude of your kindness and affection, I'd like to give to you this small token of our appreciation"
When he handed her the little clock, she gasped and smiled warmly at the clock.  Aus then put his paw on her shoulder and said,
"Remember my sweet puppy, a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others"
The Dalma-Tin held the clock nearby her ear and she heard it tick proudly.  She gasped and showed it off to the girls.
"Listen!  It ticks!  It ticks!" she said as the girls giggled from this.

     The lioness showed off her medal and said,
"Look how shiny my medal is!  And it says courage!  Isn't it true?  Isn't it true?"
"These are all nice gifts!" said Bluey as she was happy for the girls.
The ScarePoodle then realized that Bluey hadn't gotten anything yet, so she said,
"Hey!  What about Bluey?"
"Yeah!  What about Bluey?" added on the Dalma-Tin
"Right!  Do Bluey next!" said the Lioness
Aus did some thinking and said,
Knowing the truth, Bluey said,
"I don't think there's anything in that black bag for me, is there...?

     Aus then snapped his finger and said,
"I never thought I needed to do this, but the time has come.  Bluey, the only way for you and your sister to get back home to Brisbane is if I took you girls there myself!"
Bluey and Bingo gasped from this and even squealed with each other.
"You will?!  For real life?!" said Bluey as she hopped up and down.
"For real life!"
"But...will you be able to do so...?" asked Bingo
"Why, I'm from Brisbane myself!  Born and raised in the capital city of the Australian state of Queensland itself!  I used to be a part of a circus.  I even rode in a hot air balloon!  But one day, while I was performing a stunt never been done by any dog before, a strange windstorm came out of nowhere.  And that caused the balloon to never return to Brisbane again!"
The lioness was shocked by this and asked,
"It didn't?"
"Were you scared?" asked Bluey.
"Hah!  You're asking a dog who has laughed in the face of danger, sneered at the face of doom, and chucked at catastrophe!  I was terrified!" said Aus, trying to seem confident.
The girls giggled from this and then Aus continued with,
"Then, the wind stopped and the balloon floated gently down to this wonderful land of toys, where I was instantly proclaimed as Aus, the first wizard!"
"Wow...!" replied Bluey.
"I didn't have anything else to do, so I accepted the job.  Though I did keep my balloon just in case I wanted to go back home.  And in that balloon, you, your sister, and I will return to the tropical city itself!" said Aus as he began taking the Heeler sisters to the balloon. 
Naturally, they were very excited as they were about to go home very soon.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now