Chapter 1

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     In the town of Brisbane, a little blue puppy named Bluey Heeler was running and making sure no one is chasing her.  Alongside Bluey was her little sister, Bingo, who was also making sure no one was chasing after her.  The two girls decided to stop and catch their breath as they were getting tired from all that running.  Bluey decided to check on Bingo and say,
"We've outran her for now.  Nana didn't yell at you too loudly, did she?"
"No, she didn't.  I'm all good, Bluey"
"She won't catch you now!  Come on, let's find Mum and Dad.  I'm sure they'll help us"
After some more running, Bluey and Bingo arrive home and they see Bandit and Chilli doing some busy house chores.  Bluey immediately ran up to Chilli, who was vacuuming and she said,
"Mum!  You aren't gonna believe what happened-!"
"Bluey, I'm sorry, but now's not a good time", replied Chilli.
"But I'm serious!  I needed to help Bingo!"
"Come on, Bluey.  We're pretty busy right now" said Bandit, who was washing dishes.
Bluey and Bingo then grab some toys of theirs, all while Bluey continued with,
"You see, this one involves Nana!  As you know, Bingo really likes bugs and when she saw some nearby Nana's plants, she-"
"Girls, please put your toys away in your room.  And speaking of which, you two need to get started on cleaning up that room or at least get started on the backyard while Dad and I finish cleaning down here" said Chilli, who was trying to focus on vacuuming.
"Ok..." said Bluey, who began walking outside alongside Bingo.

     Meanwhile, in the backyard, Chloe, who's Bluey's best friend, Coco, a pink poodle who's also a friend of Bluey, and Judo, Bluey's neighbor, were raking up leaves.
"Almost done with my pile!" said Chloe
"Let me help!" said Judo, running towards Chloe's leaf pile.
But as she ran, she accidentally stepped on Coco's tail, causing Coco to yelp and say,
"You stepped on my tail!"
"Move your tail out of the way, next time!" replied Judo in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.
Just then, Bluey and Bingo arrived. Bluey went up to Judo and asked her,
"Judo? What should I do about Nana?"
"Can't talk now, Bluey. I'm working on the biggest leaf pile right now! We can talk later!" said Judo, rushing off to her leaf pile.
Coco overheard what Bluey said and said,
"Bluey, use your head. You have a brain, right?"
"Of course I do! Everyone does!" replied Bluey.
"Then use it! I would use mine all the time! If I was at Nana's, I would've kept Bingo from going to those plants and you wouldn't be in trouble!"
Frustrated, Bluey asked her,
"Coco, please listen to me??"
"Of course I will! I don't have straw in my head!" said Coco, who then tripped by accident while getting her rake.

Meanwhile with Judo, she was raking quite a leaf pile nearby a bench around a tree. And on the bench, Bluey and Bingo were trying to balance on the edge of the bench. As Judo continued raking, she told Bluey,
"Don't worry about your Nana! Besides, she's an old lady, you could show her a thing or two! You can be brave!"
"I'm not afraid of her" replied Bluey
"Ok then, next time you see her, you should show her who's the boss! I know I'd do that!"
Suddenly, Bluey lost balance and fell into the huge leaf pile Judo worked on. Bluey struggled to get out, causing leaves to fly everywhere all while she said,
"Help! I'm stuck in these leaves! Get me out!"
Bingo hopped down and grabbed onto her paw, but couldn't pull her big sister out. But then, Judo, who was startled by Bluey's yelling for help and by all those leaves, rushed over and helped Bingo pull Bluey out of the leaf pile. After Bluey got up and brushed the dust and leaves off of her dress, Judo asked her,
"Are you ok, Bluey?"
"I'm ok, Judo" replied Bluey.
Just then, Bluey and Bingo began giggling while Judo trembled a little while getting her rake.
"I think you were more scared than me!"
Coco overheard that and added on with,
"What's wrong, Judo? Scared of little leaves?"
"You should've seen the look on your face!" chimed in Chloe.

The girls all giggled and then Chilli comes out to the backyard with a plate of cookies. She then says,
"Hi girls, what's going on here? We still need to clean up the house. I appreciate you three coming over to help, but you need to actually clean"
"You see, Bluey and Bingo were-" began Chloe
"I saw you and Coco stop raking leaves to see Bluey. Could you please get back to doing so?"
"Yes, Bluey and Bingo's mum"
Chloe then got motivated and said,
"Oh! Bluey and Bingo's mum! I hope they make a statue of me for helping clean up!"
"Don't start posing for it yet!" replied Chilli, who was slightly laughing from that.
She then started giving each girl a cookie while saying,
"You girls look tired and hungry. Why not take a little break and have a cookie?"
Being little kids, Chloe, Coco, and Judo got really excited as they were given their cookies and they said,
"Hooray! Thanks, Bluey and Bingo's mum!"
"It's my 'thank you' to you girls" replied Chilli as Chloe and Coco ran back to their rakes and began raking leaves again.
Judo then said,
"Bluey fell into my pile of leaves by accident-"
"Bluey, Bingo? Let's have you girls do something else. Judo, you can go back to raking your leaf pile" replied Chilli.
After Judo ran to rake the leaves, Bluey then said,
"Mum, what I said about Nana is for real life! She said that she was gonna-"
Chilli interrupted her daughter and in a bit of an annoyed tone, she said,
"Bluey, we're all really busy right now. You and Bingo especially need to clean your room up. Or at least, try to go somewhere where you won't be trouble"

Bluey then takes two cookies and goes to the back deck upstairs, with Bingo following her. She thought about what Chilli said and began wondering.
"A place where I won't be trouble..."
She then gave the second cookie to Bingo, who says, "Ooh, thanks!"
As Bingo eats her cookie, Bluey continued with,
"Do you think a place like that can exist for real life?"
"I don't know" replied Bingo
"Well, I don't think you can get to this place by a car or a train or even a plane..."
Bluey began to walk towards the front of the deck while looking up at the sky. Bingo got curious from this. She then continues with,
"It's really far far away...farther than the moon...and maybe farther than the rain as well..."
And then, Bluey began to sing,
"Somewhere over the rainbow,
Way up high...
There's a land that I heard of,
Once in a lullaby..."
Bingo smiled as she heard her big sister continue to sing,
"Somewhere over the rainbow,
Skies are blue...
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true..."

Bluey then walked around the deck as she continued to sing,
"Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me..."
When she approached a chair, Bingo hopped onto it and Bluey held her paw for a little bit before letting go. As Bingo briefly reached out for Bluey's paw again, Bluey sang,
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me..."
Looking up at the sky as Bingo sat beside her, she sang,
"Somewhere over the rainbow,
Blue birds fly...
Birds fly over the rainbow,
Why then, oh why can't I...?"
Bluey then saw some blue birds fly above her and disappear into the clouds. As she saw the birds fly, she finished singing with,
"If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow,
Why, oh why can't I...?"
Bluey then looked at Bingo, who was happy from Bluey's singing. She smiled and then gave her little sister a hug.

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