Chapter 7

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     Now far away from Fairy Village, Bluey and Bingo were now in a large corn field.  As they continued to walk down the Yellow Brick Road, Bluey said,
"Ok, follow The Yellow Brick Road"
But then, she came to a stop as she realized that there are different Yellow Brick Road paths.
"Follow The Yellow Brick..." she said.
Confused as to where she and Bingo need to go next, she asked,
"Which way do we need to go?"
"Excuse me!  That way's a nice way!" said a voice nearby.
When Bluey turned around to see who said that, all she could see was a little pink poodle that resembled a scarecrow that was pointing right.
"Who said that?" asked Bluey.
"Bluey!  Bluey!  It was the ScarePoodle!!" said Bingo, who was hopping up and down, while pointing to the ScarePoodle.
Bluey giggled and said,
"Silly Bingo!  ScarePoodles don't talk!"
"It's pleasant down that way too!" said the ScarePoodle, now pointing left.
A little nervous, Bluey asked herself,
"Um...wasn't she pointing the other way earlier...?"
"Of course, dogs do go both ways!" replied the ScarePoodle, who crossed her arms and pointed in both directions.
Surprised, Bluey said,
" DO talk, don't you?"
The ScarePoodle shook her head no, but then she nodded happily.

     "Well, which one is it?  Can you make up your mind?" asked Bluey, who was confused.
The ScarePoodle sighed and said,
"I can't make up my mind at all.  I don't have a brain!  Only straw..."
She lifted one of her ears up and there was a little bit of straw sticking out.
Bluey walked up to the ScarePoodle, with Bingo following her, and asked
"Wait a can you talk if you don't have a brain?"
"Well...I don't know" shrugged the ScarePoodle.
She then added on,
"But some people with no brains do lots of talking!  Right?"
"Hmm, I guess so" replied Bluey.
She then smiled, hopped over the fence, and then walked up closely to the ScarePoodle.
"I don't think we've properly met!" she said
"Hmm...I don't think so neither!" replied the ScarePoodle.
"G'day to you too!  How are you?"
"Really good, thank you!  And you?"
"Not so good.  I hate being stuck on this pole of mine!"
The ScarePoodle indicated to the pole that was keeping her up and even tried reaching it. 

     Bluey felt bad for her and said,
"That looks uncomfortable.  Can't you get down?"
"I would, but..." replied the ScarePoodle, who tried reaching for her pole.
"Here!  Let me help!" said Bluey as she ran to the pole.
"Thank you!  Thank you!  You're so sweet!"
Bluey took a look at the pole, but she got confused.
" do I do this?" she asked
"Ok, there should be a lever just below my feet!  Just turn it and I'll come off!" instructed the ScarePoodle.
Bluey quickly found the lever and pulled it hard.  This caused the ScarePoodle to fall down and shout
Bluey and Bingo stepped back a little when the ScarePoodle landed in the dirt.  Not to mention that a little bit of straw came out of what resembled the ScarePoodle's fluffy fur.  She got up, giggled, and said,
"Whoops!  There goes some of me again!"
Concerned, Bluey gasped and asked,
"Does it hurt?"
"Nope!  All I gotta do is pick it up and stuff it back in me!" replied the ScarePoodle as she stuffed her straw back in.
Feeling excited, the ScarePoodle said,
"Wow, it feels so good to be free-!"
She then twirled, but she fell over the fence, causing Bluey to scream a little and she and Bingo ran to her to check on her.  Getting up and then sitting down, the ScarePoodle asked,
"Wait, did I scare you?"
"What?  No, I was just worried" replied Bluey, as she sat down beside the ScarePoodle.
"But I didn't scare you?"
"Of course not!"
The ScarePoodle crossed her arms out of disappointment and said
"Of course you weren't..."

     Shortly after, a crow landed on the ScarePoodle.  She tried barking at it to scare it away, but all it did was take a tiny bit of straw from her and then it flew away.  The ScarePoodle then told Bluey,
"See?  I can't even scare a crow!  These birds fly from everywhere just to steal my delicious corn from my field and then laugh at me!  I'm a big joke...all because I have no brain..."
She sulked a little, but then Bluey asked her,
"Well, what would you do with a Brain?"
Perking you a little, the ScarePoodle replied with,
"Why, if I had a brain, I would..."
She then began singing,
"I could while away the hours!
Conferring with the flowers!
Consulting with the rain!
And my head, I'd be scratching
While my thoughts were busy hatching
If I only had a brain!"
She then rolled over, stood up, and sang,
"I'd unravel every riddle!
Or any individual
In trouble or in pain!"
She nearly fell down again, but this time Bluey caught her and helped her up.  Bluey then sang,
"With the thoughts, you'll be thinking!
You could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain!"
The ScarePoodle then sang,
"Oh I...could tell you why...
The ocean's near the shore!"
She twirled and then sang,
"I could think of things I never thought before!
And then I'd sit!  And think some more!"
She twirled again continued to sing,
"I would not be just a nothing!
My head all full of stuffing!
My heart all full of pain..."
She then attempted dancing as she sang,
"I would dance and be merry,
Life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain!"
However, during her dancing, she tripped and a little bit of straw fell out again. 

     Bluey and Bingo rushed up to her and helped her up again.  Bluey even grabbed the straw and stuffed it into her fluffy fur-like body.  She then said,
"Amazing!  If all Scarecrows were like you back in Brisbane, the crows would be absolutely scared!"
"They would?!" replied the ScarePoodle excitingly
"By the way, where's Brisbane?" asked the ScarePoodle, now curious.
Bingo answered with,
"That's where Bluey and I are from!"
Bluey continued with,
"Me and Bingo want to get home to Brisbane so badly, which is why we're travelling to the Land of Toys to have the Wizard of Aus to help us"
Surprised to hear that, the ScarePoodle asked,
"Wait, you're going to see a wizard??"
"Mhm!" replied Bluey
"Do you think if I came with you, the wizard will give me a brain?"
"Hmm, I don't know.  If he didn't, you'd be the same ScarePoodle as you are now"
"Hm, true" said the ScarePoodle as she nodded.
Bluey, in a caring way, then said,
"Maybe you shouldn't come along with me.  There's a mean ol' witch who's mad at me and I don't want you to get in trouble"
"Witch?  I'm not afraid of a simple witch!  I'm not afraid of anything!" said the ScarePoodle, with her hands on her hips.
But then, she got a little scared, looked around briefly, and whispered to Bluey's ear,
"Except for maybe a lighted match"
"Can't blame you for that" replied Bluey
"But...I'd face an entire box of them if it means getting a brain!"

     The ScarePoodle then got down on her knees and began pleading Bluey.  She said,
"I promise I won't be any trouble!  I won't need to think!  And I won't need to manage things because I can't think!  Please let me come with you?"
Bluey did some thinking, then she smiled and told the ScarePoodle,
"Of course you can come with me!"
"Hooray!!" shouted ScarePoodle, who jumped onto her feet.
"We're off to see a wizard!"
The ScarePoodle almost tripled again, but Bluey and Bingo helped her up with Bingo saying,
"Be careful!  Try not to trip!"
"Don't worry, I'll do my best!" replied the ScarePoodle.
She and Bluey then locked arms.
"To Aus?" asked Bluey.
"To Aus!" replied The ScarePoodle.
The two puppies then began skipping along the Yellow Brick Road, with Bingo following them, and Bluey and the ScarePoodle sang,
"We're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was, the Wizard of Aus is one because
Because, because, because, because, because...
Because of the wonderful things he does!!"
They then left the corn fields and continued their journey as they finished singing,
"We're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!!"

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now