Chapter 13

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The Old Fashioned Witch was flying in the sky on her broomstick. The peculiar thing about it was that there was smoke coming out of the broomstick. As the witch cackled, she began spelling something out. The toys were scared, but the girls, especially Bluey, were even more scared. Feeling just as scared, the Chow-ardly Lioness asked Bluey,
"Who's that? Who's that??"
Bluey observed closely and then she gasped.
"It's the Old Fashioned Witch!!" She said.
"I think she followed us here!"
Sometime later, the Old Fashioned Witch finished spelling her message which said "Surrender Bluey". The girls couldn't read it, but a toy nearby said,
Of course, Bluey gasped and held on to Bingo's paw again.
A plush toy then asked,
"Bluey? Who's Bluey??"
"The Wizard will know the answer!" said another toy.
Then, all of the toys rushed over to see the wizard. Meanwhile with Bluey, she was stressed out and asked,
"What are we gonna do??"
The ScarePoodle replied with,
"We better hurry if we want to see the wizard!"
The girls then followed all the toys to see the wizard.

Standing outside the gate leading to the Wizard was a unicorn puppet who was named Unicorse. Unicorse saw that many toys were wanting to see the wizard, so he said,
"Alright! Alright! Calm yourselves down! Stop that right now!"
He was a little self cautious himself, but he had a job to do. So he continued with,
"Everything's ok! I swear it is! The great and powerful Aus has everything under control, so you all should run back home and carry on as if nothing has happened! Now get out of here! Go home!"
While the toys went back to their business, this cleared the way for Bluey, Bingo, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness. They ran up to Unicorse. He looked at them with his stern eyes and Bluey asked,
"Excuse me? We would like to see the Wizard right away. All five of us!"
Feeling a little obnoxious, Unicorse replied with,
"Visitors, huh? No one gets to see the wizard! Not nobody, not nohow!"
"Please?? It's really important for us!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness added on with,
"And I got a nice haircut for the occasion!"
"Aaaaaand why should I care?" asked Unicorse in an annoying tone of voice.
The ScarePoodle replied with,
"Because she's Bluey!"
Shocked, Unicorse replied with,
"The witch's Bluey?"
Bluey nodded. Unicorse did some thinking and said,
"That changes everything. Alright then, wait here, girls, and I'll let you know when you can come in!"
Unicorse then went inside the gate leading to the wizard.

The girls all got excited because they were now inches away from achieving their wishes!
"Did you hear that??" asked the ScarePoodle.
"He said he'll let us know when we can come in! That brain is almost mine!"
"I can almost feel my heart beating!" said the Dalma-Tin.
"Bingo and I will soon be home for dinner time!!" said Bluey, with Bingo squealing.
"And soon I'll be queen of the forest!! All hail the queen!" said the Chow-ardly Lioness in a proud tone.
Suddenly, she ran up a mini staircase nearby the gate. She put her paws on her hips and then she began singing,
"If I...were queen...of the forest!!!
Not king...not duchess...not princess...
My regal robes...of the forest...
Would be satin...and not cotton...not chintz"
As she did a curtsey, she continued to sing
"I'd command each thing, be it fish or fowl!
With a ruff! And a ruff!
And a royal growl...ruff!
As I'd click my heel, all the trees would kneel!
As the mountain bow and the bulls kowtow!
And the sparrow, he would wean...
If I...if I were queen!!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness did an elegant twirl and then sang,
"Each bunny would show respect to me,
The chipmunks genuflect to me
Though my tail would lash, I would show compash
For every little bean...
If I...if I were queen!!
The ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, Bluey, and Bingo walked up the staircase and the ScarePoodle found a magnifying glass and gave it to the Chow-ardly Lioness to act like her scepter . She then grabbed a carpet and rolled it onto the floor.
Then they cleared out of the way and the Chow-ardly Lioness, holding the magnifying glass, stepped down the mini staircase, imitating the Queen of England. Bluey and Bingo pretended to be flower girls and they threw pretend flower petals on the floor, celebrating her arrival. And then, the sisters found a rainbow blanket. The ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin walked up to it and they helped tie it around the Chow-ardly Lioness's neck. As she began walking back up the staircase, now wearing the rainbow cape, Bluey and Bingo carried the cape's train and they followed her. When she reached up there again, the Dalma-Tin found a nearby paper crown on a shelf and immediately picked it up. She placed it onto the Chow-ardly Lioness's head. Everyone curtseyed to her. She was now dressed up like a queen, so she sang,
"Monarch...of all...I survey..."
She giggled due to loving her appearance as she finally finished singing,
"Monarch...of all...I...survey!!!"

Bluey curtseyed and asked the Chow-ardly Lioness,
"Your majesty! If you were queen, you wouldn't be afraid of anything?"
As she made her way downstairs, the Chow-ardly Lioness proudly proclaimed,
"Not nobody! Not nohow!"
"Not even a rhinoceros?" asked the Dalma-Tin.
"How about a hippopotamus?" asked Bluey
"Why, I'd trash him from top to bottomamus!"
"Suppose you meet an elephant?" asked Bingo.
"I'd wrap him up in cellophant!"
"What if it were a brontosaurus?" asked the ScarePoodle.
"I'd show her who's the queen of the forest!"
"How?" they all asked.
"How?!" she replied.
Now in front of the gate, she turned around and untied her rainbow cape as well as dropping the magnifying glass. Only wearing her crown, she said,
"Courage. What makes a queen out of a maid? Courage. What makes the flag on the pole wave? Courage. What makes the elephant charge his tusk? In the misty mist or the dusky dusk? What makes the lady wear her busk? Courage! What makes the Sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like Thunder? Courage! What makes the sunny beach so hot? What puts the ape in apricot? What have they got what I ain't got?!"
After hearing that monologue, the girls asked her,
"You can say that again!" replied the Chow-ardly Lioness and she giggled. But then she realized what they said and said,

Unicorse came out of the gate, startling the Chow-ardly Lioness, which caused her crown to fall off. Unicorse said,
"So, the Wizard said to go away, sooooo...go away!!"
He walked right back into the gate and shut it close. The girls were shocked from this and they all sadly said,
"Go away...?"
Bluey began tearing up from this.
"We came a long way for nothing..." said the ScarePoodle, who was feeling down.
Bluey then began crying and she sat down on the floor. Bingo, who was tearing up, sat down too, but she laid her head on Bluey's lap to comfort her.
"And I was so happy too..." said Bluey.
The ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness sat down beside her, doing their best to comfort her. Bluey then said,
"I thought I was gonna go home..."
"Me too, Bluey..." said Bingo.
"Aww, don't worry, Bluey...we'll still find a way to see the wizard..." said the Dalma-Tin.
"We certainly will" added on the ScarePoodle.
As this was going on, a little door from the gate opened and Unicorse got curious. Bluey on the other hand, was crying and she was using one paw to try and wipe her tears away while she rested her other paw on Bingo. Bluey said,
"Mum and dad were so good to me...and I never appreciated it...running away and hurting their feelings..."
The girls whimpered a little and Bingo sadly nodded as she felt bad for her big sister.
"Uncle Rad told me and Bingo that mum was sick...what if she's sick forever...? And this is all my fault..." said Bluey
As Unicorse overheard Bluey, he tried holding back his tears, but it was useless and he cried his eyes out.
"I'll never forgive myself..." said a truly sad Bluey as the girls put their paws on her shoulders.
"Never never never..."
Suddenly, the girls overheard some sobbing coming from Unicorse. As he ugly cried, he said,
"I finally found a reason to care...! Please stop crying, little blue puppy...! I'll find a way to have you see the wizard...! I've never met him either...!"
He continued to cry as he went back inside the little door and then he opened the gate. What was inside was a long dark hallway. The girls got shocked from this and they all got up. Bluey had stopped crying and she wiped her and Bingo's tears. They got nervous, but they knew this was it. They were almost to the wizard. They stepped into the hallway.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now