Chapter 9

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The Dalma-Tin began to attempt walking to the Yellow Brick Road. Her first few steps went ok, but she couldn't bend her knee very well, so Bluey oiled that knee up, as the ScarePoodle and Bingo watched on. Once she could fully move it around, the Dalma-Tin continued to walk. But then she realized her other knee still needed oiling. After the ScarePoodle oiled that one too, the Dalma-Tin resumed walking. She briefly stumbled onto the Yellow Brick Road, with Bingo following her, but she didn't trip. Bluey and the ScarePoodle went on the Yellow Brick Road as well to make sure she was safe. Then, the Dalma-Tin began dancing! Bingo giggled while Bluey and the ScarePoodle bopped their heads a little and smiled. At one point while the Dalma-Tin continued to dance, she banged on her legs, her chest, her chest just once, and then steam came out of her hat with a
"Toot, toot!"
Much to Bingo's delight.

As the ScarePoodle and Bluey watched the Dalma-Tin dance, Bluey suddenly had an idea. She lifted the ScarePoodle's ear and whispered her idea. Getting excited from the idea, the she whispered back to Bluey's ear and Bluey nodded excitingly. But then, while the Dalma-Tin danced, she began leaning to the left. Bluey and the ScarePoodle helped her up, but then she began leaning to right right. They helped her up again, but then she leaned to the left again. After helping her up once more, she felt like she was balancing again. Suddenly, she began stumbling backwards and Bluey, Bingo, and the ScarePoodle chased after her until she fell nearby a stump. Bluey gasped and asked her,
"Are you ok?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little rusty" replied the Dalma-Tin.
Bluey oiled her shoulders all while saying,
"That was amazing!"
She handed the oil can to the ScarePoodle, who then hid it inside her fluffy fur-like straw. Bluey sat down next to the Dalma-Tin and said,
"We were just wondering if you'd like to join us on our journey to the Land of Toys to ask the Wizard of Aus for a heart!"
"I'd love to, but what if he doesn't give me one when we get there?" asked the Dalma-Tin, looking a little worried.
"Oh he has to!" replied Bingo.
"We've already come this far!" added on Bluey.

Suddenly, an evil cackle interrupted Bluey's conversation and she got scared easily. She and everyone else turned around to see that the Old Fashioned Witch was on top of a roof of a shed! As Bluey held Bingo's paw tightly, the Old Fashioned Witch said,
"You call that far?! You've only just begun!"
She then noticed the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin.
"Helping this puppy out, aren't you girls?" she asked mockingly.
"Well, stay away from her! Or I'll stuff a mattress with you!" she said to the ScarePoodle, who shook with fear.
She turned to the Dalma-Tin, who was also shaking with fear, and said,
"And you! I'd use you for a beehive!"
She suddenly shouted,
"Here ScarePoodle! Go fetch this ball!"
She magically summoned a fire ball and tossed it to the ScarePoodle! Everyone got out of the way before it landed and they, especially the ScarePoodle got scared. As she ran around for a bit and as the Dalma-Tin put out the fire with her hat, the Old Fashioned Witch cackled. Bluey got pretty scared from that and then the Old Fashioned Witch disappeared in a puff of red smoke quickly as she had appeared. Bluey and Bingo were in slight shock from that, but luckily they calmed down quickly.

Once the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin calmed down as well, the ScarePoodle told Bluey,
"I'm not afraid of her! I'll make sure you get to the Wizard now, whether I get a brain or not!"
She then commented,
"Stuff a mattress with me...hmph!"
"I'll make sure you get to the Wizard too! Heart or no heart!" said the Dalma-Tin to Bluey.
"Hmph! I'd love to see her make a beehive out of me!" she added on as she also snapped her fingers.
But she was impressed that she could do it in the first place. Feeling sentimental, Bluey said,
" two are the bestest friends a puppy like me can have..."
But then Bluey started feeling like she was having déjà vu. So she also said,
"But it's funny...I feel like as if I already know you two. Kind of like classmates in a school. But that can't be the case, can't it?"
The ScarePoodle and Dalma-Tin did some thinking and they agreed with Bluey.
"Well, it can't be. You weren't there when I was stuffed and sewn together" said the ScarePoodle.
"And I rusted over there for forever!" said the Dalma-Tin.
Confused, Bluey said,
"Oh...I wish I could remember...but I guess it doesn't matter..."
Smiling, she then said,
"We know each other now, right?"
"Right!" replied the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin in unison.

The girls then linked arms with each other.
"To Aus?" asked the ScarePoodle.
"To Aus!" replied The Dalma-Tin.
And then, they and Bluey began skipping down the Yellow Brick Road, with Bingo following, while Bluey, the ScarePoodle, and the Dalma-Tin sang,
"Oh, we're off to see the Wizard!  The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was, the Wizard of Aus is one because
Because, because, because, because, because...
Because of the wonderful things he does!!"
The girls then left the Apple Tree forest and continued on their journey as they finished singing,
"We're off to see the Wizard!  The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!!"

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now