Chapter 18

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The Old Fashioned Witch was standing above the girls alongside a flying monkey. She held the now done hour glass next to her and she said,
"Going so soon? Why, my little party has just begun. You don't want to miss this!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness commented to the rest of the terrified girls,
"We're trapped like little mice!!"
As the Old Fashioned Witch cackled, lots of gnomes came out of nowhere!
"Bluey!! Gnomes!!" shouted Bingo as she hid behind Bluey.
They aimed their shovels at them. But they didn't attack immediately, which the girls slightly questioned. The Old Fashioned Witch then said,
"That's right, my garden gnomes. Don't attack immediately. Let them make a decision first"
The ScarePoodle then noticed something: the gnomes were standing underneath a metal chandelier and it was being held up with a nearby rope. After the Old Fashioned Witch cackled once more, she shouted and then tossed the hour glass onto the floor. The hourglass exploded and the gnomes began charging.

But before they could attack, the ScarePoodle took the Dalma-Tin's axe and cut the rope, causing the chandelier to fall onto the gnomes. As the gnomes struggled to get out, the girls took off running in the castle, with Bluey holding Bingo's paw tightly.
"Seize them! Seize them! Catch them you fools!" said the Old Fashioned Witch.
She was naturally upset about this, so she ran downstairs to where the non-trapped gnomes were and she, alongside the flying monkey, began chasing the girls with the gnomes. She shouted again,
"Stop them! Seize them! Seize them!"
The girls took a different path up a staircase and they began running out of their sight. The Old Fashioned Witch saw this and she stopped everyone.
"There they go! Ahh! Darn it!!" she shouted in anger.
She then gained an idea and she ordered the gnomes,
"Half of you go this way, half of you go that way!"
Some gnomes chased after the girls while the other gnomes went the other way.

As for the girls themselves, they were now on the top of the castle running down a pathway. They didn't know where they were going, all they focused on was getting away to safety. The girls then encountered a small pillar and they stopped, looking around for a good place to go.
"Where do we go now??" asked the Dalma-Tin
"This way!!" replied The ScarePoodle.
When they exited the small pillar, they encountered gnomes! This scared them, so they tried going back.
"Let's go back!!" said the ScarePoodle.
But then when they entered the small pillar again, gnomes to show up there too! Bluey screamed as she and everyone are now surrounded by gnomes aiming their shovels. The girls were backed up to a table containing a bucket of water out of fear. The Old Fashioned Witch showed up inside the pillar alongside the flying monkey and she cackled seeing the girls feel so powerless.

She walked up to Bluey and then said,
"Well, ring around the posie, a pocket full of shovels! Thought you could outsmart me, didn't you?"
She smiled wickedly and continued with,
"Well, the last one to go will see the first three go before her!"
As she cackled, Bluey was shaking out of fear the most, holding onto Bingo's paw tightly. The ScarePoodle, shaking herself, hugged Bluey while the Dalma-Tin and the Chow-ardly Lioness held onto her out of fear.
"And your clever little sister too!" the Old Fashioned Witch added on.
She looked at a nearby torch and slowly lifted her broomstick to it. The ScarePoodle was especially scared from this. When the Old Fashioned Witch brought her now flaming broomstick down, she said,
"How about a little fire, ScarePoodle??"
"No no no no no no!!" replied a terrified ScarePoodle.
She then tapped the broomstick onto the ScarePoodle's arm, which immediately caught on fire! This scared everyone, but this especially scared the ScarePoodle. Seeing her arm on fire, she ran around the pillar and was yiping.
"It's burning!! It's burning!!" she shouted.
Bluey let go of Bingo's paw and started looking for something to put out the fire quickly as the Old Fashioned Witch cackled. Bluey then saw the bucket full of water and grabbed it. The Old Fashioned Witch saw this, got shocked, and said,
"No!! Not the bucket!!"
Bluey immediately tossed the water onto the ScarePoodle, putting out the fire quickly. However, lots of water also landed on the Old Fashioned Witch. After getting splashed, she screamed and began melting into steam. As she melted she shouted to Bluey,
"You cursed brat! Look what you done! I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh what a world, what a world...oh...who would've thought a good little puppy like you could've destroyed my beautiful wickedness? Ahh!! I'm going! I'm going!!"
That was the last thing she said before completely melting into steam. All that remained were her dress and hat.

Everyone, especially Bluey, were shocked with what they just witnessed. Bingo walked up to the hat and dress and lifted up the hat. Sure enough, there was nothing but steam. The flying monkey walked up to the clothing and lifted up the dress. Steam was underneath it too.
"Eee! Eee!" he shouted.
A gnome, who was shocked from this too, said to Bluey,
"She's...she's killed her..."
"Um...I didn't mean to...for real's just that she was on fire..." nervously replied Bluey while also pointing to the ScarePoodle.
The gnome became grateful and said to Bluey,
"Thank you, Bluey! The Old Fashioned Witch is dead!"
"Yeah! Thank you, Bluey! The Old Fashioned Witch is dead!!" joined in the other grateful gnomes as they all got onto their knees and bowed to Bluey.
She smiled and giggled from this, but then she remembered her task.
"The broom!" she said.
She bent down and asked a gnome,
"May we have that broom please?"
He immediately handed her the now burnt broomstick and said,
"Sure thing. Take it with you!"
"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" replied Bluey.
Now holding the broomstick, she got up and said to the girls,
"Now we can go back to the Wizard and tell him the Old Fashioned Witch is dead!!"
The girls got excited from this news and they all squealed.
"The Old Fashioned Witch is dead!!" shouted the gnomes one last time.
The girls were now headed back to the Land Of Toys to share to the Wizard the great news.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now