Chapter 2

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     Some time later, an old blue dog, who was Bluey and Bingo's nana, parked her car nearby the Heeler residence and she got out of the car.  She walked up to the front yard, where Bandit was pulling some weeds out.  Surprised to see her, Bandit stopped what he was doing, ran towards Nana, and said,
"Mum?!  What are you doing out here?"
"We need to talk about Bluey and Bingo" replied Nana, in a stern voice.
"Oh biscuits, what did they do?"
"Plants got trampled"
"By Bluey?"
"No, Bingo"
Confused, Bandit asked,
"Bluey trampled Bingo's plants?"
Nana put her paw on her head and she and Bandit walked to the front door.

     A little later in the living room, Nana was talking to Chilli, with Bandit, Bluey, and Bingo watching. She said,
"That's why I want to take Bingo back to my place and have her paint a fence."
Shocked, Bluey interjected with,
"What?!  That's the most boring chore in the world!  Dad, you won't let Nana make Bingo do that, will you??"
"Of course not, Bluey", reassured Bandit as he put his paw on Bluey's shoulder to comfort her.
Bluey then continued with,
"Bingo's only four!  I was the one who spotted those leaf bugs first and then she chased after them!  Why not let me go with her to paint the fence with her?"
"Bluey.  This is Bingo's punishment, so she has to paint the fence by herself" said Nana, who was getting stern.
Chilli then said,
"Like Bluey said, Bingo is only four.  And she's a kind girl.  Can't we just put her on a timeout for trampling your plants?"
Nana, who was now annoyed, said to Chilli,
"Trampling plants is no laughing matter.  She needs to learn her lesson well that way she won't do it again.  And I believe that this is the best way to do so"
Thinking about what Nana said, Chilli told Bluey,
"I don't normally like to say this, but Nana has made a valid point.  I think Bingo should go with her for a little while"
"Thank you for agreeing with me.  Come on, Bingo, it's time to go to Nana's" replied Nana as she offered her paw out to Bingo.
Bluey, who was pretty upset about the whole ordeal, ran up to Nana while shouting,
"NO!  Don't do this to Bingo!  Or I'll trample your plants too!!"
"Bluey!!" shouted Chilli.
"You wicked old witch!  Mum!  Dad!  Don't let Nana take Bingo!  She's gonna be so bored!"
Nana and Bluey then grabbed Bingo's paws and tried pulling her towards one of them, until Bandit calmed everyone down by saying,
"Calm down!"
Chilli then said,
"Bandit, please take Bingo outside"
Bandit then told Bingo,
"Ok Bingo, let's go"
Bluey was crying at this point and she said,
As Bandit held Bingo's paw and the two of them go outside, Bingo looked at Bluey sadly and said,
"Bye Bluey..."
When Bingo went out of the front door, Bluey immediately went upstairs to her room while crying as Chilli and Nana watched.  Chilli turned to Nana and said,
"I have my eye on you.  Make sure Bingo paints the fence and nothing else, ok?  You may be old school, but times have changed.  Please remember that"
Chilli then went upstairs to check on Bluey as Bandit signaled to Nana that Bingo is ready to go.

     Nana began walking to her car as Bingo followed her.  Suddenly, Bingo remembered that Nana has some hearing issues, so she tip toed away from her and once she was far enough, she began running to her home so she can get to Bluey.  In their bedroom, Bluey was crying into her pillow when all of a sudden, she heard Bingo climbing up the tree outside the window.
"Bluey!  Bluey!  I'm here!" said Bingo as she jumped to the window and climbed into the bedroom.
Bluey, who had finished wiping her tears, was ecstatic to see her little sister and gave her a big hug.
"Bingo!  You're back!" said Bluey.
"You aren't bored!  I'm glad you're here again!"
But then the two sisters got worried.  Bluey then said,
"Wait, Nana might come back for you.  We have to run away!  We can't tell Mum and Dad!"
Bluey and Bingo then packed their backpacks and they left their home.  Even though they didn't know where they would go, all that mattered was that they stuck together, so Bingo held Bluey's paw.

     As they continued walking, Bluey then noticed a car parked nearby a tent.  She overheard some singing and got curious.  When she and Bingo got closer to the tent, they peaked behind.  They noticed a red and blue dog, who looked very familiar to them, who had started a campfire and was roasting a marshmallow.  Bluey then asked,
"Uncle Rad?"
Radley stopped singing and noticed Bluey and Bingo.
"Oh, hello girls!" said Radley.
As Bluey and Bingo sat next to him, he asked,
"What brings you out all the way here?"
As Bluey was about to explain, Radley stopped her and said,
"No, don't tell me.  You're...going in disguise?  No, that's not it.  You're...travelling to somewhere?  No, that's not it either.  You're...running away!"
"How did you know, Uncle Rad?" asked Bluey, who was impressed.
"I have my ways, Bluey.  Now as for why you and Bingo are running away, I believe it's because you two feel like Mum and Dad don't understand you.  Especially you, Bluey.  You girls want to explore the world and stick together"
"'re reading my mind!" said Bluey, with wonder in her eyes.
Just then, Bingo took the marshmallow from Radley's stick.
"Ooh!  Marshmallow!" said Bingo as she began eating it.
Bluey noticed this and said,
"Bingo, that's not very nice!  You haven't asked!"
"You two are my nieces, Bingo is more than welcome to have that marshmallow.  Besides, I have more in the tent" replied Radley, who chuckled with what Bingo did.
Just then, Bluey asked,
"Uncle Rad, can Bingo and I come with you?  It would be fun to camp all together!"
"Hmm, I have an idea.  If you wondered how I can read your mind, let me show you something special that will let me decide if you and Bingo can come with me" replied Radley.

     Radley took Bluey and Bingo into his tent where he pulled out a crystal ball.
"Oooh!" said Bluey and Bingo.
"Is this crystal ball for real life?" asked Bluey
"Why yes, yes it is.  Your Uncle Stripe gave it to me as a present and I've been using it to try and develop cool abilities such as reading minds." replied Radley as he got it ready. 
He, Bluey, and Bingo them sat down and the girls set their backpacks down as well.
"Ok girls, you two should close your eyes as the magic of the crystal ball will work best when you two aren't staring into it". said Radley as he looked through Bluey's backpack and pulled out a framed photograph of her, Bingo, Bandit, and Chilli in front of their house.
After looking at it, he then said,
"Ok, you can open your eyes now"
Bluey and Bingo opened their eyes and they saw Radley look into the crystal ball.  Bingo asked,
"What do you see, Uncle Rad?"
"What's this?  I see a cozy house with a red letterbox in the front up upon a hill looking down at the cul de sac." replied Radley.
Bluey gasped and replied with,
"That's our house!"
"I also see four dogs.  Two red and two blue"
"That's me, Bingo, Mum, and Dad!"
"Bandit and Chilli are your parents' names"

     Just then, Radley looked concerned and looked closer at the Crystal ball.  He said to Bluey,
"Huh?  It looks like your mum is crying..."
"Crying...about what...?" asked Bluey, who was beginning to feel sad.
"Your dad is feeling sad too.  They look like they've lost two special things..." said Radley.
Tearing up a little, Bluey asked,
"Me and Bingo...?"
Radley nodded regrettably.
"Well, they're two little girls they care about very much and they would always be there for them..."
Bingo then spoke up with,
"I was sick at the hospital once and while Bluey and dad made a funny video to cheer me up, mum stayed by my side and never left it..."
When Radley decided to look closer, he got shocked and said,
"Uh oh...your mum looks like she isn't feeling well...she may have gotten sick..."
"What?!  How did that happen?!" replied Bluey, who was now worried for Chilli.
"Aand the vision is gone..." said Radley, who looked worried too.

  Now feeling scared for Chilli, Bluey and Bingo quickly got up, put their backpacks on, and ran out of the tent.  Bluey said to Bingo,
"Come on Bingo!  We need to go home and tell Dad about Mum getting sick!"
"Wait, I thought you girls wanted to camp with me" replied Radley, who also ran out of the tent. 
But just as he did so, wind was starting to pick up quickly.
"I wish we could, but we need to get home!" said Bingo, who was holding Bluey's hand. 
Bluey looked back at Radley one last time and then she and Bingo began running back home.  Bluey shouted,
"Goodbye Uncle Rad!  And thank you!"
After the sisters left, Radley began loading up his things into the trunk of his car.
"I hope Bluey and Bingo get back home alright..." he said as the wind started getting even stronger.

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