Chapter 15

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     The girls had left the Land Of Toys and had entered a haunted forest.  If they thought the dark woods from earlier was spooky, they were wrong.  The haunted forest had creepy birds and creepy looking trees.  There were dry leaves all over the ground.  Occasionally, the girls would hear some eerie winds.  The entrance of the woods had signs pointing to the Old Fashioned Witch's castle.  One of the signs even said, "I'd turn back if I were you!"  As for the girls themselves, the ScarePoodle held a dart blaster, the Chow-ardly Lioness held a large butterfly net and a large hammer, and the Dalma-Tin held her axe carefully.  Bluey and Bingo didn't have anything, so they held onto each other's paws.  Despite coming prepared, they were all very scared.  The Chow-ardly Lioness looked closely to the sign and doing her absolute best to read it, she said,
Listening to what the sign said, she turned around, but the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin stopped her.  As an attempt to make herself feel more brave, she growled and barked a little.  She continued to do this as she and everyone else slowly crept through the forest.  But then she stopped growling and barking when she heard a screech.  She looked up and saw that an owl was staring at her.  When it turned its head to look at her, she began to run away.  But the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin grabbed her arms and dragged her back to where Bluey and Bingo were, still holding on to their paws tightly.  The Chow-ardly Lioness whimpered, but she knew she couldn't fight back.  But then she saw a vulture and shouted,
"Look!!  Look!!"
Everyone looked and sure enough, there was a vulture.

     The ScarePoodle, holding her dart blaster close, then said,
"I think there may be ghosts here..."
"Ghosts?!  That's ridiculous!  There's no such thing as ghosts!" replied the Dalma-Tin
"But...d-don't you believe in g-g-ghosts...?!" said the Chow-ardly Lioness.
"No, why I-OH!!" said the Dalma-Tin as she suddenly got lifted into the air mysteriously!
Bluey gasped and reached out for her and said,
Of course, the Chow-ardly Lioness was terrified and put her paws on her eyes while the ScarePoodle was really worried.  But then, the Dalma-Tin came crashing down to the ground, confused as to what just happened. 
"Are you alright??"  Asked the ScarePoodle. 
As she, Bluey, and Bingo checked on the Dalma-Tin, the Chow-ardly Lioness dropped her items quickly, she held onto her tail, and then she said nervously,
"I do believe in ghosts!  I do believe in ghosts!  I do!  I do!  I do!  I do!  I do!  I DO believe in ghosts!!  I do!  I do!  I do!  I do!  I DO believe in ghosts!!"

     In her castle, The Old Fashioned Witch watched the whole ordeal from her Crystal ball, alongside a few flying monkeys.  She smiled wickedly and said,
"Ha!  You'll believe in more than that before I'm finished with you!"
She rushed to her window and told one of her flying monkeys,
"Take your army to the forest and bring me that blue puppy and her little sister.  Do whatever you like with the other girls, but I want her alive and well.  They shouldn't put up too much of a fight.  They're all very young girls, around six and seven"
But before the flying monkeys took off, the Old Fashioned Witch ordered one more thing:
"Bring me those Ruby slippers!  Those are what I want the most!"
And then, all of the flying monkeys began flying to the haunted forest all at once.  The Old Fashioned Witch spread her arms wide and shouted,
"Now fly!  Fly!  Fly!"
She was proud to see the monkeys do so and she said again,
"Fly!  Fly!  Fly!"
She cackled evilly as she couldn't wait to see Bluey and Bingo brought to her.

     It didn't take too long for the flying monkeys to arrive in the haunted forest.  When the girls saw them approaching, they gasped and began running.  The monkeys swooped down and began chasing the puppies.  Some of the monkeys surrounded the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness.  The three girls got nervous and didn't know what to do.  Meanwhile, some other monkeys chased Bluey and separated her from Bingo.  Bluey ran as fast as she could while yelling,
"Help!!  Help!!"
The Dalma-Tin tried attacking with her axe, but a monkey took it away from her.
"HEY!!" she yelled as she got attacked.
As for the ScarePoodle, many monkeys were taking straw out of her fluffy fur and they even managed to take off her legs and began throwing them around.
"Help me!!" said the ScarePoodle.
As Bluey ran through the forest, she shouted,
"Bingo!  Help me!  Bingo!  Help me!  BINGO!!"
Two monkeys suddenly grabbed her arms and they began flying with her!  Off the ground and into the air she went with the flying monkeys.
Bingo was running through the forest and when she caught up, she gasped and shouted,
Horrified, she saw Bluey high in the air with the flying monkeys and she was screaming out of fear.  As if Bingo wasn't terrified enough seeing her big sister being carried off, a flying monkey suddenly grabbed her too!  As he flew off with the younger Heeler sister, she tried to use her big girl bark to get out of the monkey's hands, but it was no use.  Once the Heeler sisters were nabbed, the flying monkeys flew away with them to the Old Fashioned Witch's castle. 

     When they were gone, the Dalma-Tin and the Chow-ardly Lioness rushed up to the ScarePoodle, who was a huge mess from being taken apart.  The Dalma-Tin gasped and said,
"What happened to you?!"
"They took my legs out and threw them over there!  Then they took some of my fur out and threw it over there!!" replied the ScarePoodle.
"Well, that's you all over the place!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness added on with,
"They knocked the stuffing out of you!"
Annoyed from that, the ScarePoodle said,
"This is no time for jokes!  Now put me back together!"
As the Dalma-Tin and the Chow-ardly Lioness began helping out the ScarePoodle, she said,
"We have to find Bluey!!"
The girls were worried sick about Bluey and Bingo, who were now being kidnapped and taken to the Old Fashioned Witch herself.

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