Chapter 16

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In the Old Fashioned Witch's castle, Bluey and Bingo had been brought to the room where she had been watching them over her Crystal ball. The Old Fashioned Witch was holding Bingo and stroking her head in a condescending way. Bingo was upset at being stroked like that, so she growled. The Old Fashioned Witch said,
"You have a lovely little sister right here"
Bingo used her big girl bark again, but the Old Fashioned Witch handed her paw to a flying monkey's hand, who grasped the paw tightly. Tearing up from seeing Bingo like that, Bluey tried to reach for her, but the monkey glared at her. The Old Fashioned Witch turned to Bluey and said.
"As for you, my dearie, what an unexpected visit. I don't get visitors here at all"
Bluey ran towards the flying monkey again, but he glared at her once again, all while Bingo looked at Bluey with tears in her eyes. Bluey ran back to the Old Fashioned Witch, feeling scared.
"W-what are you gonna do to my little sister...? Give her back to me!" asked Bluey, as she wiped her tears
"Soon, my little puppy. Soon" replied the Old Fashioned Witch, with an evil smirk on her face.
"Please give me back Bingo!!"
"Certainly. Right after you give me those slippers!"
Bluey looked around nervously and said,
"But the Fairy Godmother Witch told me not to give them to you!"
"Very well" replied the Old Fashioned Witch.
She then walked up to the monkey holding Bingo's paw and ordered,
"Throw Bingo into the dungeon and have her get started on being a maid!"
This shocked Bingo, but this especially shocked Bluey. Not wanting her little sister to be a prisoner all alone, she said,
"No!! Don't!! Ok!! Ok!! You can have these Ruby slippers! Just don't hurt Bingo!!"
"Ah, perfect. Good little puppy. I knew you would come around" said the Old Fashioned Witch.

But when she tried to take the Ruby slippers off of Bluey, her paws got shocked by them instead! This caught both her and Bluey off guard. As the Old Fashioned Witch rubbed her paws, Bluey said,
"Ah!! I'm sorry! I didn't do that on purpose!! Can I still have my sister back??"
"NO!!" replied the Old Fashioned Witch. As she had her realization, she told Bluey,
"I can't believe I completely forgot about this: these slippers can never come off as long as the dog wearing them is alive"
Bluey was shocked from this and was especially tearing up. The Old Fashioned Witch continued with,
"But that's not what I'm concerned about. What I am concerned about is how to do it. These things must be done very delicately. Or else the slippers will be damaged too"

As the Old Fashioned Witch said that, Bingo pulled hard enough to be freed of the flying monkey's grasp and she began running. Bluey noticed this and shouted,
"Run, Bingo, run!!"
"After her, you fool!!" ordered the Old Fashioned Witch.
Bingo escaped the room and ran throughout the castle, with that flying monkey chasing after her. She reached for the drawbridge as it was being raised up. Feeling scared, she held on to the edge of it briefly.
"Uh oh..." she said, looking around.
"Run, Bingo, run!" she heard Bluey say.
But then, she turned around to see large gnomes chasing after her! So she took a deep breath and hopped off the drawbridge, landing safely on the ground.
"Run Bingo! Run!" shouted Bluey from a distance, one last time. When she got up, she began running away from the castle as gnomes tossed their shovels at her, but they missed. Bluey was relived that she saw that Bingo was able to successfully escape the castle and with tears in her eyes, she said,
"Uss!! She got away! She got away!!"

Suddenly, the Old Fashioned Witch appeared and turned Bluey around to have her face her. This terrified the puppy and the Old Fashioned Witch said,
"Which is more than you ever will!!"
As Bluey began to cry again, the Old Fashioned Witch continued with,
"Darn it, you and your little sister! You've caused more trouble to me than you have ever been worth it! But it'll be over very soon!"
She rushed over to an hour glass filled with red sand and turned it over.
"See this? That's how long you have to stay alive" she said as the sand began to fall in the hour glass.
"And it's not very long, my little puppy. Not very long indeed!" she said as Bluey gasped with tears in her eyes.
The Old Fashioned Witch then said,
"I can't wait to get my paws on those shoes!"
Soon after, she left the room, shut the door tight, and locked the door as well, leaving Bluey all alone. The little puppy took a glimpse at the hour glass, which was filling up fast.

Bluey, feeling absolutely terrified and sad, walked around the room slowly and then sat down nearby a chair that was nearby the Crystal ball. Continuing to cry, she said,
"I'm scared..."
She then sobbed into the chair cushion and shouted,
But then, a vision began to appear in the crystal ball. It looked like Chilli, who looked very worried. She said,
"Bluey? Bluey?? Where are you? It's me, mum"
Bluey quickly got up and looked at the Crystal ball as she was shocked to see Chilli. Chilli continued with,
"Your Dad and I are trying to find to find you! Where are you and Bingo??"
Bluey, with tears in her eyes, said,
"Mum! Mum! I'm in Aus! I'm locked up in the witch's castle! Bingo and I are trying to get back home to you and Dad!"
But just as she said that, the vision of Chilli went dark and it disappeared. Bluey was scared from this and said,
"Mum! Don't go away!! I'm scared!! Come back! Come back!!"
Another vision appeared in the crystal ball, but this time, it was the Old Fashioned Witch. This scared Bluey badly and the Old Fashioned Witch mockingly said,
"Mum! Mum! Come back!"
She then taunted Bluey with,
"Oh I'll give you your mum and dad alright!!"
She then laughed evilly as her vision disappeared from the Crystal ball. Bluey was terrified and even whimpering a lot as she saw that more sand was filling up in the hour glass. Time was beginning to run out for little Bluey.

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