Chapter 17

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     Bingo was running down the mountain that the Old Fashioned Witch's castle was standing on.  As she made her way down the mountain carefully, she said to herself,
"I gotta get to Bluey's friends!  They'll help me save my big sister!  Now where was the haunted forest again...?"
Sometime later, she arrived at the haunted forest and she began running.
"ScarePoodle!  Dalma-Tin!  Chow-ardly Lioness!  Where are you??" she shouted.
Not too far from Bingo were the girls helping out the ScarePoodle.  They were almost done putting her straw in her fluffy fur when the Dalma-Tin heard Bingo's shouting.  She turned around and saw the little red puppy and she said,
"Look!  It's Bingo!  How did she get here?"
Bingo, who was scared yet determined, replied with,
"I know where Bluey is!  Follow me!"
The ScarePoodle was surprised from this and said,
"You heard her girls!  She's taking us to Bluey!"
"Let's go!  Quickly!" said Bingo, as she began running.
"We're coming, Bingo!" replied the ScarePoodle as she got up and began following Bingo.  She almost tripped again, but the Dalma-Tin and the Chow-ardly Lioness helped her out.

     Sometime later, the girls and Bingo were climbing up the mountain leading to the Old Fashioned Witch's castle.
"Come on, girls!" said Bingo.
At one point, she stopped for a moment and looked behind her.  Seeing that they were still following her, she said,
"We're almost there!  Just a little bit more!"
As the girls continued to climb, the Dalma-Tin felt her foot slip and she almost fell down!  However, she quickly caught on the Chow-ardly Lioness's tail.
"I hope I'm able to hold on" said the Chow-ardly Lioness.
"I hope your tail will be able to hold on!!" shouted the Dalma-Tin.
The girls then reached the top of the mountain and sure enough, there was the castle.  The Chow-ardly Lioness got scared from seeing it and she said,
"Wh-wh-what's that??"
"That's the castle of the Old Fashioned Witch!" replied the ScarePoodle.
"She's really in that scary place?"
"Oh I hate to think about that...we need to get her out of there..." said the Dalma-Tin, tearing up a little.
"Don't start crying!  You'll rust!  And this is no time for the oil can!"

     The Chow-ardly Lioness then heard some marching and got terrified.
"Wh-who are those?!" she said and pointed.
What she saw were large gnomes marching around the drawbridge to the castle, holding shovels.  They were chanting a song that none of the girls could understand.  They continued to guard the drawbridge as the ScarePoodle said,
"Girls!  I have an idea on how to get in there!"
"An idea?!" replied the Chow-ardly Lioness.
"She has an idea!"
"You're gonna lead us in there!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness nodded but then she realized what that meant and she shouted,
"Wait WHAT?!  Me?!"
"Yes, you!" replied the ScarePoodle.
"I gotta go in there??"
The Chow-ardly Lioness breathed in and did her best to seem confident as this was all for Bluey in the end.
"Alright, I'll do it" she said.
"I'll do it for Bluey!  Old Fashioned Witch or no Old Fashioned Witch!  Gnome guards or no gnome guards!  I'll smash them into tiny pieces!  Ruff!  I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there!"
The ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and Bingo nodded from her little speech.  She then said,
"There's only one thing I'd like you girls to do"
"What is it?" asked the ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin.
"Talk me out of it!!"
She began climbing down the mountain, but the girls quickly grabbed her arms and said,
"Oh no you don't!"
The hourglass inside the castle was about half way done, so the girls needed to hurry.

     Meanwhile with Bingo and the girls, they had approached the drawbridge, still being guarded by lots of gnomes.  Bingo, who was really worried and even tearing up a little, pointed at the drawbridge and said,
"We're there!  We're there!  I hope Bluey's ok!!"
"Shh, quiet Bingo!" said the ScarePoodle.
She hugged Bingo and did her best to comfort her.  But as that was going on, unbeknownst to the girls, some gnomes were sneaking up on them!  They got their shovels ready to whack the girls with.  The Chow-ardly Lioness looked behind her and noticed this.  She got terrified and began sputtering.
"Shh!  Keep it down!" said the ScarePoodle.
But then, a gnome said,
"Get them!"
And they hopped down to attack the girls!
"Aaahh!!" they shouted as they got dragged to the ground.
Suddenly, there were lots of barking from the girls as they fought back against the gnomes.  Hats and shovels flew everywhere during this fight and even some shattering could be heard.   Some time later, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness rose back up, now dressed up as gnomes.  They had large hats, long sleeved shirts, long pants, and they all held shovels.  Bingo on the other hand, was holding just a little shovel.  They spied on the gnome guards, who began lining up to enter the castle.  The ScarePoodle saw this and holding Bingo's paw, she said,
"I have another idea!  Follow my lead!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness asked,
"Is now a good time to suddenly drop by like this?"
"Come on!"
The girls hid behind a tree for a little bit, waiting for the perfect time to follow the gnomes.  And when that time came, the ScarePoodle said,
The girls began following the gnomes as they entered the castle.  They blended in perfectly and no one batted an eye.   As for the Chow-ardly Lioness, her tail was a little hard to hide because it was larger than everyone else's tails, but she was able to do so.  Bingo followed them in as well.  And when the girls entered the castle, the drawbridge lifted up and closed.

     Now inside the castle, the girls and Bingo walked away from the gnomes and hid in a hallway.  Confused, the Dalma-Tin asked,
"Where do we go now?"
"I don't know..." replied the Chow-ardly Lioness.
Bingo recognized a staircase and she said,
"Wait, I know what this is!  Follow me!"
"There!" said the ScarePoodle.
Bingo took the girls up a staircase and they then approached a large door.  Bingo tried her best to dig underneath the door and she said,
"Bluey's in that room!  I know it!!"
"Wait!  We need to make sure!" said the ScarePoodle.
She then shouted,
"Bluey?  Are you in there!  It's us!!"
Inside the room, Bluey overheard the ScarePoodle and ran up to the door.  She said,
"Yes!!  It's me!!  She locked me in here!"
Worried, the ScarePoodle said,
"Come on girls, we need to get her out of there!"
The girls quickly took off their gnome outfits and Bluey said,
"Please hurry!!  The hour glass is almost done!"
And she was right as it was about three quarters done.
"Stand back!!" shouted the Dalma-Tin and she began whacking the door with her axe. 
The door was made of strong wood, so it wasn't easy to whack it open.  But nonetheless, she continued to whack her axe hard.  Bluey was especially worried as the hour glass was so close to being done.  But then, the Dalma-Tin was able to whack the door open and she kicked it open. 

     Bluey immediately rushed out and was happy to see her friends.  But most importantly, she was happy to see Bingo.  She immediately ran to Bingo, gave her a big hug, and shouted,
"Oh!!  Bingo!!  Bingo, you're safe!!"
She hugged everyone else while saying,
"I knew you girls would come!  I just knew it!!"
The ScarePoodle then said,
"No time!  We need to get out of here!"
Holding Bingo's paw tightly, Bluey and everyone else began rushing down the staircase and through the hallway.  But just as they reached the exit, the gate suddenly closed on the girls!  What followed were cackles of the Old Fashioned Witch and this scared everyone, especially Bluey.  The girls were now trapped, not knowing what to do next.

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