Chapter 12

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Standing on the snow covered poppy field, Bluey, Bingo, the ScarePoodle, The Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness all got excited since they were at the end of the field. Bluey said,
"Alright, let's get out of here! Look!"
She pointed ahead and said,
"There's the Land of Toys! And it's even closer and prettier now!"
The girls then linked arms and began skipping out of the poppy field and onto the Yellow Brick Road. Bingo followed them and they were all feeling quite optimistic now that they were a few feet away! They happily skipped along and were admiring the castle to the Land of Toys.

Meanwhile with the Old Fashioned Witch, she suddenly got an idea. She grabbed her broomstick, ran right up to the window where a flying monkey was, and got ready to fly.
"To the Land of Toys as fast as lightning!"
She soon took off flying. She looped around her castle and then she was gone quickly. She cackled as she did this as she had another plan in mind for Bluey.

As for the girls, they were skipping along the Yellow Brick Road and they finally had approached the gate to the Land Of Toys! They stopped and unlinked their arms. They were a bit confused as to what to do at first, Bluey then pulled on the doorbell string that caught her eye. A little door above their heads opened and out popped a toy dog doll that looked a lot like Bluey's Bartlebee toy. He looked around and then said a little sternly,
"Who rang that bell?"
"Oh, we did!" replied the girls
"Can't you read?"
"Read what?" asked the ScarePoodle
"The notice!"
Confused, the girls looked at each other and then Bingo asked,
"What notice?"
Bartlebee said,
"You know, the notice hanging on the door! It's as clear as my glossy reflective eyes! It's-"
Bartlebee quickly realized that the notice was not hanging on its usual spot and he chuckled out of embarrassment. He briefly went back in and then he popped his arm through the little door again to hang the sign. After closing the little door. The girls looked closely. They were all still learning how to read, especially Bingo, but by combining their reading efforts all together, they were able to read out loud,
"Bell out of order. Please knock"

Bluey knocked on the door with her paw a few times. Bartlebee came out of the little door once more, but this time he was happy about it.
"Well, now that's more like it!" he said.
He then asked them,
"Now what brings you girls here?"
"We want to see the Wizard!" the girls said all together.
This caught BartleBee off guard and he put his paw on his chest. He then got himself together and said,
"The wizard??"
The girls nodded.
"But nobody can see the Great Aus!! Nobody's seen the Great Aus, even I've never seen him!!"
"So how do you know he exists if you've never seen him?" asked Bluey.
"You see, I..." replied Bartlebee, who stuttered a bit. He then said,
"You girls are wasting my time, I need to get back to work"
He turned to leave, but then Bluey spoke up with,
"Please, little doll, I've got to see the Wizard!"
She did some thinking and then said,
"The Fairy Godmother Witch sent me!"
"Oh yeah? Prove it" said Bartlebee, looking a little smug.
The ScarePoodle then said,
"She's wearing the Ruby slippers she gave her! Look!"
Bartlebee looked down at Bluey's feet, and there were the Ruby slippers, looking as beautiful as ever. Bluey showed them off a little while giggling softly. Bartlebee suddenly beamed with realization and then happily said,
"Woah, she really is! Look at those! Why didn't you say so in the first place?"
The girls nodded with excitement as Bartlebee continued to say,
"That's a horse of a different color! Come on in, girls!"

He shut the little door and then he opened the entire gate. When the girls entered the Land of Toys, they all couldn't believe what they saw. There were all sorts of different toys walking around the land, going about their day. There were beautiful dog dolls, a dancing chattermax here and there, and especially plush toys that looked exactly like Bluey and Bingo's toys back at home. Only this time, they were all alive. It was a child's paradise! Naturally, everyone was excited from seeing the toys. As they walked in a little further, a carriage drawn by a white toy horse pulled up and a small pink and white dog plush was running the carriage. Bluey thought looked just like Polly Puppy and she squealed. When the carriage stopped, Polly Puppy said,
"Horse carriage ride! Horse carriage ride! We can take you anywhere in our land!"
Bluey ran up to her and said,
"Can you take us to see the Wizard?"
Surprised, Polly asked,
"The wizard? The wizard??"
The girls nodded and after some thinking, Polly replied with,
She then added on with,
"But first, I'm gonna take you girls to our spa where you'll be tidied up and cleaned up, yes?"
The girls gasped from this and they all squealed with each other with joy. Bluey then said,
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
Bluey, Bingo, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Chow-ardly Lioness then hopped into the carriage, with Bingo sitting on Bluey's lap again. As they did so, Bluey said,
"We've come so far and we're so excited to-"
Bluey then noticed that the toy horse had changed from white to purple! Surprised, she asked Polly,
"What kind of horsey is that?? I've never seen a horsey do that before!"
Polly giggled and then she said,
"And you never will again! This horse is very very rare, he's the horse of a different color that you often hear about!"

After laughing a little, the carriage began to travel the Land Of Toys and Polly began singing,
"Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho!
And a couple of tra-la-las...
That's how we laugh the day away in the merry old Land Of Aus!"
A few toys sang alongside Polly as she sang,
"Buzz buzz buzz! Chirp chirp chirp!
And a couple of la-di-das...
That's how the crickets crick all day in the merry old Land Of Aus!"
The girls truly admired this new land they were in and they all got excited. The horse even turned red. The toys and Polly continued to sing,
"We get up at twelve and start to work at one!
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done...
Jolly good fun!"
Bluey and Bingo loved to wave at the toys while the others were just excited to see that many toys all at once. The horse then turned yellow and soon enough, the carriage had arrived at the spa. As this was happening, Polly and the toys sang,
"Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho!
And a couple of tra-la-las...
That's how we laugh the day away in the merry old Land Of Aus!"
When the carriage stopped, the girls hopped off quickly and they all ran into the spa, excited to experience it, as Polly and more toys sang,
"Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
That's how we laugh the day away
With a ho ho ho, ha ha ha,
In the merry old land of Aus!"

Inside the spa, each girl was getting cleaned up and treated to their own specific needs. The ScarePoodle was getting her fluffy fur all brushed out to be extra frizzy and she was also being filled with brand new straw. The toys tending to her sang,
"Pat pat here, pat pat there,
And a couple of brand new straws!
That's how we keep you young and fair in the merry old land of Aus!"
Meanwhile with the Dalma-Tin, she was getting a nice warm bubble bath so she would shine beautifully again. As she shook off some water a little, the toys tending to her sang,
"Rub rub here, rub rub there!
Whether your tin or brass,
That's how we keep you in repair in the merry old land of Aus!"
As for Bluey and Bingo, the sisters were having their fur stylized to look adorable and pretty. Bluey's slightly wavy hair was more visible and she was wearing a blue hairbow. Bingo, on the other hand, had a little tuft of hair due to it being combed out. As the toys stylized Bluey and Bingo's hair, they sang,
"We can make a simple smile out of a frown!"
Bluey then asked,
"Can you even dye my eyes to match my gown?"
"Uh huh!"
"Jolly old town!"
And finally, for the Chow-ardly Lioness, the toys tending her were giving her a small hair cut and they also trimmed her claws. The Chow-ardly Lioness was really enjoying her treatment and the toys sang,
"Snip snip here, clip clip there
We give the roughest claws!"
Feeling really happy with how she looked, the Chow-ardly Lioness sang,
"That certain air of savoir faire in the merry old land of Aus!"

Feeling excited about their treatment at the spa, the girls ran out and really admired each other's looks.
"Ha ha ha!" sang the ScarePoodle
"Ho ho ho!" sang the Dalma-Tin
"Ha ha ha ha!" sang Bluey
"Ha..." sang the Chow-ardly Lioness, who felt slightly bashful from the admiration.
Then, the girls sang together,
"That's how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of Aus!"
And then, all the toys sang with the girls,
"That's how we laugh the day away
With a ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
In the merry old land of Aus!"
As the toys that tended to the girls waved goodbye to them as everyone laughed joyfully, their laughter was soon interrupted by something flying in the sky. It was the Old Fashioned Witch on her broomstick! They all got scared, especially Bluey.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now