Chapter 8

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     Bluey, Bingo, and the ScarePoodle had now approached a forest with lots of apple trees and even a few exotic birds such as parrots and an emu here and there.  However, unbeknownst to the girls, the Old Fashioned Witch was secretly watching them and she hid behind a nearby tree.  Bluey looked around the forest and said,
"Mmm!  Apples!"
She then ran up to a tree that had the reddest, most juicy looking apples she had ever seen.
"Oh, look!" she said.
Standing on her tippy toes, she picked off an apple and was about to eat it.  But then, the tree took that apple and slapped Bluey's paw!
"Ouch!" shouted Bluey.
"And what do you think you're doing?" asked the tree.
Now nervous, Bluey replied with,
"Sorry...we'd been walking forever and I was feeling hungry, so..."
Suddenly, she became shocked and uttered,
"Did you just talk??"
The tree turned to another tree and told him,
"She was hungry!"
"She was hungry??" replied that tree.
The first tree then turned to Bluey and said,
"How would you like it if someone picked off of you?"
Bingo and Coco walked up to see the commotion all while commented,
"I keep forgetting that I'm not in Brisbane anymore..."

     In an attempt to stand up for the Heeler, the ScarePoodle said,
"Let's go, Bluey!  You don't want any of those apples!"
Overhearing what she said, the tree got angrier and said,
"Are you saying my apples aren't good enough?"
"'s just that she doesn't like little green worms in them!" the ScarePoodle replied, looking smug.
"Why you little-!" shouted the tree as he attempted to grab Bluey.
Doing so caused her to scream and when she escaped him, he and the other trees began to throw lots of apples at the girls and they began to run off.
The ScarePoodle then had an idea and whispered to Bluey,
"Here's how I can help you get apples!"
She made a silly face to the tree, which proceeded to toss an apple to her.  She got hit and fell down, but she was fine and got up easily.  A few more apples got tossed her way and she got hit again.  As she got up, the ScarePoodle then told Bluey and Bingo,
"Told you I could help!  Now quick!  You two get apples from over there while I get apples over here!"
"Ok!" replied Bingo.

     Bluey and Bingo proceeded to the opposite end of the trees and Bluey got on the ground to sniff for apples on the ground.  She was able to find two of them easily and grabbed them.  But before she got up, she noticed something peculiar.  Two dog feet made out of grey tin.  When she looked up, she saw that there were attached to tin dog legs.  She knocked on the feet and when she began getting up, she knocked on the knees.  When she fully got up, she saw that these feet and legs belonged to an entire Dalmatian made entirely out of tin!  This Dalmatian was frozen in a position where she was holding an axe in the air like she was chopping down a tree.  She was also quite rusty looking.  Fascinated by this, Bluey said,
"'s a Dalmatian!  A Dalmatian made out of tin!"
"A Dalma-Tin!" added on Bingo, causing her and Bluey to giggle.
Overhearing the sisters giggling, the ScarePoodle rushed over to see what they were giggling about.  She too was fascinated by the Dalma-Tin.
When Bingo knocked on the Dalma-Tin's tin chest, she and Bluey then overheard her muffling,
"Mphm-mphm!  Mphm-mphm!"
Bluey asked her,
"Did you say something?"
Bluey thought a little and then said,
"Oh!  Oil can!"
"What oil can?" asked the ScarePoodle.
"Yeah, what oil can?"
On a nearby stump was the oil can the Dalma-Tin was referring to.  Bluey found it, grabbed it, and said,
"Oh, here it is!"
She walked up to the Dalma-Tin and asked her,
"Where would you like to be oiled first?"
"Mphm!  Mphm!"
The ScarePoodle immediately said,
"How about her mouth?"
"Good idea!" replied Bluey.
Pressing the button pump to release some oil to make sure the can was full and to figure out how to use it, The ScarePoodle then proceeded to pump oil into the left side of the Dalma-Tin's mouth.  She then passed it on to Bluey and told her,
"Get the other side!"
Bluey did so and figured out the oil can easily as well. 

     When there was plenty of oil, the Dalma-Tin was able to move her mouth around freely.  She took some breathes to make sure she can open and close it.
"I...I...I can talk again!" she said.
She then asked Bluey,
"Hey...can you oil my arms please?"
Bluey did so, and then the Dalma-Tin said,
"Oil my elbows please as well"
After oiling one elbow, Bluey passed the oil can to the ScarePoodle, who proceeded to oil the other elbow. Bluey then lowered the arm with the axe in it. Seeing that it happened quickly, Bluey asked the Dalma-Tin,
"That didn't hurt, did it?"
"Actually, no! It's so relaxing...I've been holding that arm up!" replied a relieved Dalma-Tin.
As Bluey helped make her arm feel relaxed, Bingo asked,
"How did you end up like this?"
"Well...almost a whole year ago, I had come here to chop down some trees for wood. But then, in the middle of chopping that tree in particular, it started raining. And I rusted solid!" replied the Dalma-Tin while pointing to the partially chopped tree.

When Bluey was finished helping her other arm feel relaxed, she said,
"Well, you're perfect now!"
"Actually...not really" informed the Dalma-Tin, now feeling down, as the ScarePoodle oiled her neck
"Knock on my chest if you want proof. Go ahead, I don't mind"
Bluey and the ScarePoodle knocked on the chest and they heard the hollowness.
"Wow, this is strong tin!" said the ScarePoodle.
"There's nothing in it..." replied the Dalma-Tin, now looking sad.
She then added on,
"The Tinsdog forgot to give me a heart..."
Shocked to hear that, Bluey and the ScarePoodle said,
"No heart...?"
"No heart...all hollow..."

     The Dalma-Tin tapped her chest and she nearly fell over from the impact, so Bluey and the ScarePoodle helped her out. The Dalma-Tin then began singing,
"When a dog's an empty kettle,
She should be on her mettle,
And yet I'm torn apart...
Just because I imagine
That I could have a reaction
If I only had a heart..."
Bluey put her paw on the Dalma-Tin's shoulder and she continued to sing,
"I'd be tender, I'd be gentle,
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art...
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart..."
Smiling a little, the Dalma-Tin sang,
"Picture me...a balcony...!
Below a voice sings low..."
Suddenly, the girls overheard a lovely voice that said,
"Wherefore art thou...Romeo?"
Getting excited, the Dalma-Tin sang,
"I hear a sweet!
Just to register emotion,
Jealousy, devotion,
And really feel the part...
I could stay young and chipper
And I'd lock it with a zipper!
If I only had a heart..."
She then looked ready to try and walk and Bluey and the ScarePoodle agreed to help her out.

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