Chapter 5

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     The horse drawn carriage that Bluey and Bingo were in was now taking the girls around Fairy Village. As that happened, the fairies began to sing proudly,
"Ding dong, the queen is dead!
Which old queen? The Greedy Queen!
Ding dong, the Greedy Queen is dead!
Wake up, you sleepy head!
Rub your eyes, get out of bed!
Ding dong, the Greedy Queen is dead!"
Bluey and Bingo were admiring Fairy Village with stars in their eyes as the fairies continued to sing,
"She's gone where the goblins go below!
Below, below, yo-ho!
Let's open up and sing!
And ring the bells out
Ding dong, the merry O!
Sing it high! Sing it low!
Let them know the Greedy Queen is dead!!"

     Suddenly, the carriage stopped in the front of the largest building in Fairy Village.  A few fairies flew out of the building, played their flutes, and then the fairy government came out to see the sisters.  The Fairy Mayor took Bluey's paw, pulled her out of the carriage, and guided to her the front of the building, with Bingo following as she hopped out of the carriage.  He then decided to welcome Bluey with,
"As mayor of Fairy Village, in the county of the land of Aus,
I welcome you most regally!"
A fairy lawyer then told the mayor,
"But we've got to verify it legally, to see!"
"To see?"
"If she!"
"If she?"
"Is morally, ethically..."
An assistant fairy added with,
"Spiritually, physically..."
And then another assistant fairy said,
"Positively, absolutely..."
Then all of the government fairies said together,
"Undeniably and reliably dead!!"
This startled Bluey a little and she looked at Frisky, who was happily watching from the fountain.  A little while later, a Coroner Fairy flew up to Bluey and the Mayor Fairy and he proudly sang to them,
"As Coroner, I must aver,
I thoroughly examined her!
And she's not only merely dead,
She's really most sincerely dead!"

     The Mayor Fairy then announced to his citizens,
"Then this is a day of independence!  For all the fairies and their descendants!"
The lawyer fairy happily added with,
"If any!"
Repeating what Frisky said earlier, the Mayor Fairy proudly announced,
"Yes, let the joyous news be spread!  The Greedy Ol' Queen at last is dead!"
The fairies celebrated again and they flew around their village, encouraging other fairies to come out of their houses while singing once again,
"Ding dong, The queen is dead!
Which old queen?  The Greedy Queen!
Ding dong, the Greedy Queen is dead!"
The fairies then passed by some baby fairies sleeping in flowers, who woke up shortly and waved excitingly to the other fairies.  They waved back and then continued to sing,
"Wake up, you sleepy head!
Rub your eyes, get out of bed!
Ding dong, the Greedy Queen is dead!
She's gone where the goblins are below!
Below, below, yo-ho!
Let's open up and sing!
And ring the bells out!
Ding dong, the Merry O!
Sing it high!  Sing it low!
Let them know the Greedy Queen is dead!!"
Bluey and Bingo, who was overfilled with excitement at this point, witnessed several fairies go to the center of their village and lining themselves in a group. 

     Shortly after, three fairies in pink tutus then flew towards Bluey and looked really pretty.  After twirling a little bit, they then sang,
"We represent the lullaby league!
The lullaby league!  The lullaby league!
And in the name of, the lullaby league...
We wish to welcome you to Fairy Land!"
When the lullaby fairies flew back to the crowd, three more fairies, one of them holding a big lollipop, flew up to Bluey while doing a funny dance.  They then continued to dance in a funny way, making Bluey and Bingo giggle, as the fairies sang,
"We represent the lollipop guild! 
The lollipop guild!  The lollipop guild!
And in the name of, the lollipop guild..."
The fairy holding the big lollipop then handed it over to Bluey, who looked excited to hold it, as the lollipop fairies finished singing,
"We wish to welcome you to Fairy Land!"
The lollipop fairies then flew back to the crowd and every single fairy sang to Bluey,
"We welcome you to Fairy Land,
Tra la la la la la la, Tra la la, Tra la la...
Tra la la la la la la!"
Then the Mayor Fairy sang,
"From now on you'll be history!"
Then he, along with the Lawyer Fairy and an assistant Fairy sang together,
"You'll be his!
You'll be his!
You'll be History!"
The government fairies then sang together,
"And we will glorify your name!!"
The Mayor, Lawyer, and assistant fairies then sang,
"You will be a bust!
Be a bust!
Be a bust!"
Then the government fairies sang together again with,
"In the hall of fame!!"

    The Mayor fairy then took Bluey's paws, who was delighted with the fairies, to the fountain, with Bingo following her, and pulled her to the fountain, where Frisky was still standing.  The fairies then continued to sing happily,
"Tra la la la la la la, Tra la la, Tra la la,
Tra la la la la la la!
Tra la la la la la la, Tra la la, Tra la la,
Tra la la la la la la!
"Tra la la la la la la, Tra la la, Tra la la..."
But then, just as the fairies sang,
"Tra la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa!"
POOF!  Red smoke appeared, ending the celebration early and sending the fairies into hiding.  This poof also startled Bluey, who grabbed Bingo's paw, and ran towards Frisky.  Frisky proceeded to put her paws on Bluey's shoulders in a protective manner as what appeared from the red smoke was an old witch dog who wore thin framed glasses, a black dress, a long black pointy hat, and had green fur.  Holding a broomstick, she looked around with anger in her eyes and Bluey was beginning to get scared of her.

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