Chapter 20

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In the heart and center of the Land Of Toys was where Aus's hot air balloon was located. Aus, Bluey, and Bingo were inside the balloon's basket while the ScarePoodle, Dalma-Tin, and the Lioness stood by the ropes. All the toys were cheering for their beloved wizard as he shouted,
"My friends! My friends! My beloved friends!"
The toys waved at him and then they settled down. Aus then proudly announced,
"This has to be my finest exhibition I have ever shown! it seems. Anyways, I, your beloved wizard, am about to embark on a wild and illogical journey beyond this enchanted land!"
The toys cheered once more and Bluey and Bingo got quite excited.
"This is so I can connect with other likeminded wizards just like me!" said Aus.
And then, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, and the Lioness stepped forth while holding their items when Aus said,
"Henceforth, I decree that until the day if I decide to return, the ScarePoodle, by virtue of her superior brains, will rule in my absence!"
The ScarePoodle held her diploma proudly.
"Assisting her will be the Dalma-Tin, by virtue of her magnificent heart!" continued Aus as the Dalma-Tin showed her heart clock, now attached to her chest. "And also the lioness! By virtue of her amazing courage!" said Aus as the lioness proudly showed off her medal.
And then Aus finished his speech with,
"These three may be only puppies, but you must obey them like you would obey me! Thank you!"

However, as he did so, Bingo noticed a little leaf bug flying around a potted plant a toy was holding. She gasped, excitedly hopped up and down, and said,
"A walking leaf!! A walking leaf!!"
She quickly hopped off the hot air balloon and began chasing after the leaf bug. Bluey gasped from seeing her little sister do this and she said,
"Bingo! Come back here! Bingo! Bingo!!"
She hopped out of the hot air balloon as well and she said,
"Don't go yet, Aus! I'll be right back! Bingo! Bingo!"
"Go get your little sister!" replied Aus.
But when the girls went to help out Bluey, they accidentally let go of the ropes, causing the hot air balloon to float up! Aus noticed this and said,
"This was not supposed to be like this! That's not how it's done!"
The Dalma-Tin tried to grab onto a rope, but it was too high for her.
"My exit had been ruined!" shouted Aus as the balloon began to fly off.
When Bluey grabbed Bingo's paw, she saw that the balloon was flying away without her and she screamed.
"Come back!! Come back!! Please don't go without me! Come back!!" shouted a shocked Bluey.
"I can't come back! I don't know how it works!" replied Aus as he got control of his balloon.
He then waved to the toys as he flew off in the balloon and said,
"Goodbye everyone!"
The toys cheered on Aus as he eventually disappeared into the clouds with his balloon. That was the last time the girls saw him and Bluey was pretty sad about it.
Bluey, now tearing up, said,
"Oh I'll never get back home..."
"I'm sorry..." said Bingo, feeling bad for getting out of the balloon to chase the leaf bug.
The girls put their paws on Bluey's shoulders, doing their best to comfort her.
"Stay with us, Bluey...please...we all love you...we don't want you to go..." said the Lioness, shedding a few tears herself.
"That's really sweet and kind...but this can never beat Brisbane...mum and dad didn't stop worrying for me and Bingo, did they...?"
That thought worried Bluey, so she asked the ScarePoodle.
"Oh...what am I gonna do...?"

As the ScarePoodle comforted her, she saw something magical making its way to the Land Of Toys. She gasped and said,
"Look! Here's someone who may help you!!"
What she saw was a beautiful pink bubble! It slowly descended down to the center of the Land Of Toys. When it landed, there was the Fairy Godmother Witch herself, Frisky. All the toys were enchanted to see her, so they bowed down to her as she made her way to Bluey and Bingo. The sisters were really happy to see Frisky again, especially Bluey. She asked her,
"Frisky!! It's you!! Will you help me? Can you help me??"
Frisky warmly replied with,
"You don't need to be helped any longer, little puppy. You have had the power to go back to Brisbane all along"
Shocked from this, Bluey gasped and said,
"I have?!"
"Then why didn't you tell her earlier?" asked the ScarePoodle.
"It's because she needed to learn a valuable life lesson first. She had to do so herself"
Curious, the Dalma-Tin asked,
"What have you learned, Bluey?"
Bluey did some careful thinking, and then she said,
"Well...I've learned that it wasn't enough to see mum and dad again...and if I ever need to go looking for the one thing I want the most...all I need to look for is my own backyard...because if it isn't there...I never lost it in the first place..."
She then asked Frisky,
"Is that right...?"
"That is correct" replied Frisky as she nodded gently.
Feeling a little confused, the ScarePoodle said,
"But...that seemed so easy! I should've thought of it for you!"
"I should've felt it in my heart!" added on the Dalma-Tin.
"No girls, Bluey had to figure it out for herself" said Frisky as she calmed the girls down.
She then turned to Bluey and happily said,
"Now those Ruby slippers will take you home in two seconds!"
Bluey was happy from this and asked Frisky,
"Bingo too??"
"Bingo too!" she replied
"Whenever you feel like it"
But then, Bluey began feeling sad and said,
"Oh, it can't be true! It's...gonna be so hard to say goodbye...I love you girls too..."

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now