Chapter 6

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After making such an appearance in Fairy Village, the Wicked Witch dog, stepped towards the Heeler house to see the Greedy Queen's legs sticking out from underneath. Feeling scared, Bluey asked Frisky,
"I thought she died!"
"That was her best friend, the Greedy Queen. This is the Wicked Old Fashioned Witch. She's worse than the queen" replied Frisky, who kept Bluey close to her.
The Old Fashioned Witch walked up to Bluey and asked her,
"Who killed my dearest friend? Who killed the Greedy Queen?? Was it you??"
"Well, um...I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" nervously replied Bluey, who held an equally nervous Bingo's paw tightly.
"Oh, an accident you say, my little pretty? Well, I can cause accidents too"
Suddenly, Frisky asked the Old Fashioned Witch,
"Are you forgetting the Ruby slippers?"
"The slippers-! Of course!" replied the Old Fashioned Witch.

She walked up to the Greedy Queen's feet, which wore the Ruby slippers, and bent down to grab them. But then, the slippers suddenly disappeared from the Queen's feet and her legs went underneath the house, never to be seen again.
"They're gone!" said the Old Fashioned Witch
She immediately went up to Frisky and said,
"What did you do to them?! Give those slippers back to me or I'll-"
"Too late.  Here are the Ruby slippers and there they will stay" interrupted Frisky as she pointed her wand to Bluey's feet, which were now wearing the Ruby slippers.
Bluey was amazed by these beautiful new shoes and she didn't know what to say as she checked them out.
"Give me back those slippers.  A young girl like you wouldn't know how to use them.  I, however, know how to use them.  You give them back right this instance!" said the Old Fashioned Witch.
Frisky whispered to Bluey's ear,
"Hold on to them tightly.  These slippers must have powerful magic.  Why else would she want them so badly?"

     The Old Fashioned Witch gave a glare to Frisky and said,
"Don't toy around with me, Frisky.  Or you'll get it from me too!"
While Bluey got scared, Frisky laughed at the threat and said,
"I don't think so.  Your powers are useless here.  Be gone or else another house might land on you!"
This got the Old Fashioned Witch to look up in the sky for a bit and get briefly worried.  But then, she said,
"Oh, fine.  I'll bide my time"
She then turned to Bluey, who was pretty scared at this point.
"As for you, my little puppy..." she began with
"You may have gotten lucky this time, but just try to stop me.  Just try"
She then told Bluey and Bingo,
"I'll get you my pretty!  And your little sister too!"
After that, the Old Fashioned Witch let out an evil cackle and ran to where she appeared.  Red smoke appeared again, but then a burst of fire appeared.  When that was gone, so was the witch.

     The fairies slowly came out of hiding, but still worried.  So Frisky announced,
"It's ok, you can come out now.  She's gone.  It's safe now"
When all of the fairies came out, Frisky turned to Bluey with a concerned look on her face.
"Oh looks like you've became an enemy of the Old Fashioned Witch.  The sooner you get out of Aus, the safer you'll be, Bluey..." said Frisky and she gently stroked Bluey
Bluey then replied with,
"Oh, Bingo and I'd do anything to get out of Aus all together.  But where do we go to get back to Brisbane?  We can't go the way we came"
"I agree.  The only person who can help you is the great and powerful Wizard of Aus himself"
When the fairies heard that, they bowed and Bluey and Bingo got very curious.
"The Wizard of Aus?" asked Bluey.
"Is he good or is he bad?" asked Bingo.
"Don't worry, he's good, but also very mysterious" replied Frisky.
She then continued with,
"He lives in the Land of Toys, which is very far away from here.  Did you bring your broomstick with you?"
Bluey shook her head no and said,
"No...I don't even have one..."
"Well then, you'll have to walk there on foot" 
Frisky then guided Bluey and Bingo to the spiral in Fairy Village.  She then said,
"The fairies will guide you safely to the end of Fairy Village.  And remember, Bluey.  Never let those Ruby slippers off your feet, even for a little bit, or else the Old Fashioned Witch will get you easily"
Frisky then gave Bluey a warm hug as a way to protect her.
"But, where should I start to the Land of Toys?" asked Bluey
"The best way to get to the Land of Toys is by starting from the beginning.  And all you do is follow the Yellow Brick Road" replied Frisky as she pointed her wand to the beginning of the spiral. 
Bluey and Bingo ran straight to the spiral, finding where the Yellow Brick Road began.  When they stepped on it, Bluey asked,
"What happens if I-?"
"Just follow the Yellow Brick Road" replied Frisky.
She then disappeared into the pink bubble and began flying away from Fairy Village.  The fairies all waved goodbye to her as she disappeared into the sky. 

     Bluey and Bingo were surprised by this and Bluey even commented,
"Wow...people come by and then they leave so quickly!"
She then focused her attention to the Yellow Brick Road and said,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
She took a few steps.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road...?" she said as she took a few more steps.
The Mayor Fairy flew up to her and said,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!"
When he flew back, she took a few more steps and an assistant Fairy flew up to her and said,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
He flew back too, she took a few more steps and then a flower Fairy flew up to her and said,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!"
Finally, when she flew back as well, Bluey took a few more steps and the lawyer flew up to her and said,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!"
Now excited, Bluey and Bingo began skipping their way on the Yellow Brick Road as the fairies sang,
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road! 
Follow the Yellow Brick Road! 
Follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow the Yellow Brick Road!"
Bluey and Bingo had just finished walking on the spiral and we're approaching the main Yellow Brick Road itself as the fairies continued to sing,
"Follow the Yellow Brick, Follow The Yellow Brick, Follow The Yellow Brick Road!"

     The fairies then followed the sisters as they were skipping along happily together, all while the fairies sang,
"You're off to see the wizard!  The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!
You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was, the Wizard of Aus is one because
Because, because, because, because, because...
Because of the wonderful things he does!!"
Bluey and Bingo reached the end of Fairy Village and they continued skipping on the Yellow Brick Road all while the fairies stopped following them and they finished singing with,
"You're off to see the wizard!  The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!!"
Bluey and Bingo waved goodbye to the fairies and they waved goodbye back to them.  Then, the sisters continued to travel on the Yellow Brick Road.  Their journey had just begun.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now